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As not the biggest fan of Apple products I was specifically disappointed when they launched their wristwatch. It's an expensive watch with

  • a small computer
  • that can play music
  • has the ability to receive calls
  • and tell you about the weather

That is a combination of products that you could find in any middle-class household in the 80s. Just smaller and with a lot more "hype".

The only innovative feature is the health sensors, but even that is disappointing, because Star Trek does that better. The iPad was Star Trek to 100%. It was great, but this watch, it's not even TOS...

That got me thinking: How would you design an innovative over-the-top techno watch?

My result would be watch with a broad wristband. About 10cm broad, to be specific and it would have distance sensitive fibres. Because, if you grasp your left wrist with your right hand and then move the fingers of the left hand (or vice versa), you will notice something: Moving bones and strings that move differently for every move you make with your fingers.

You could use that for a very special watch, that would be less a watch, but more of a wristband signal transmitter and battery.

For the first set-up you put on the wristband, switch on a camera that films your fingers and connect both with a computer (or a smart-phone). Then you move your fingers and a program learns how the wristband sensors and fingers move together. At the end, the computer knows what your fingers do based on the information it gets from your wrist.

Then, you need the third product: data glasses. Google tested some, but I think BMW has better ones for the consumer market:

You put on the glasses, connect them with the computer as well and then you are equipped with an unbeatable product combination, because it will embed you in a fully functional virtual (office) world!

  • Completely paperless office -> possible!
  • Writing or handling virtual data as if they were real -> possible!
  • Fast natural body movements directly translating into digital action -> possible!
  • Working without being present at work, but at the beach -> possible!
  • Full control over all work process details -> possible!

As soon as someone with some advanced tech-skills and some start-up capital has the above idea, he (or maybe she) will create the most important multi-tool of this half of the century.

It would be much superior to everything we have at the moment and data-lenses will not be a thing, because when the sun is shining, we put on sun-glasses and not sun-lenses.

Such a product would not even be expensive, at least not after 3-4 years after its initial marketing. You just need two wristbands, a computer/smart-phone and a pair of glasses.

That it is not much and not really high tech. All components are out there, you just have to put them together and it would be such a big thing that - just like cell-phones, laptops and smart-phones - there would be a dozen suppliers trying to save their share on that niche.

In 10 years, we all will work with a product that Apple could have been the innovator of when they created their watch. At least that is my theory.

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Good thinking, ingmar.blessing. I like the wristband idea but not so sure of the data glasses idea especially if it is something I've to wear to start working - if that is the case, I am better off with a virtual reality headset - immersive working :smile: .

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Well I like embedding the virtual possibilities and (visual Information) extensions into reality. A full virtual reality headset on the other hand moves you into a completely different reality.

I guess the degree to which you have to be attached to what is around you depends on the kind of work you do. A driver e.g. cannot do his work productively without it whereas an engineering designer needs as much virtual space as possible.

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Just stumbled over it: They did it!

Myo Gesture Control Armband - Take Control of Presentations and more

It's not even that expensive. Although not sure how powerful it is when it comes to micro controlling the finger movements. And it seems, they haven't built too many applications yet or connected two of them at once.

I guess I'll have to order two and check out the potential myself.. 400$ there you go 😉