All amy_craven's Badges

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All amy_craven's Badges

amy_craven has earned 4 badges!
  • First Kudo Given
    First Kudo Given
    Earned by 139,601 members
    You gave your first kudo, thank you! What a great way to encourage good contributions from other members.
    • requirement one with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement two with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement three
  • I Voted in the 2016 SAP HANA Innovation Award
    I Voted in the 2016 SAP HANA Innovation Award
    Earned by 1,425 members

    Vote for your favorite submission in the 2016 SAP HANA Innovation Award. Click the gear to flip the title and find out how.

  • Aluminum
    Earned by 16,028 members

    You achieved level: Aluminum

  • I Was Here
    I Was Here
    Earned by 122,648 members

    Carve your name on the SCN wall. Log in once.