All awguthrie's Badges

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All awguthrie's Badges

awguthrie has earned 3 badges!
  • First Kudo Given
    First Kudo Given
    Earned by 139,671 members
    You gave your first kudo, thank you! What a great way to encourage good contributions from other members.
    • requirement one with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement two with enough text to wrap to the next line because we need to check alignment
    • requirement three
  • First Kudo Received
    First Kudo Received
    Earned by 71,311 members
    You got your first kudo! Great job, keep contributing good content!
  • Random Day Surprise - April 15, 2021
    Random Day Surprise - April 15, 2021
    Earned by 1,643 members

    Participated in SAP Community on World Art Day (April 15, 2021).
    You performed at least one of the following activities:

    • Post a blog or a comment or a question or an answer
    • Like any blog post or comment
    • Vote any question or answer up or down
    • Follow any person, tag, blog post, question, answer, or Coffee Corner discussion
    • Update your profile picture, 'About me; text, expertise, spoken languages, or Elsewhere links