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C4C ManageserviceRequestIn Webservice mapping fields

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we have the requirement to create service tickets in C4C via the web service interface "ManageServiceRequestIn", operation "MaintainBundle".

My question is how to find the corresponding fields in the web service request message for SENDER, LAST CUSTOMER INTERACTION, DESCRIPTION of a Ticket?

Example: If we want to pass the body of the email to the description field of a service ticket, what is the recommended approach to find the corresponding field in the web service request? Passing the mail body to the field mangeServiceRequest.Text.GetFirst().Content is not working.

Thank you!

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Hi Vishal,

An option you could consider is to download the payload for ManageServiceRequestIn, you could also download an example structure from the WSDL within the Administrator Workcentre. With that, you can simply open it up in a XML editor and identify the tags as needed.

To download a payload for ManageServiceRequestIn, send an email into the system (assuming you have a email channel working) and then download the payload from the Web Service Monitoring tool.



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Hi Vishal,

our A2X webservices are deprecated as per

Please use the ODATA service c4codataapi for your project.

Cheers, Marcus