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COMM_PCAT_EXPORT pricing enhancement

0 Kudos

Hello to all,

I’m working on a CRM project (version 7.00 – component BBPCRM release 7.00 package level 6 and SAP_AP release 7.00 package level 20) and in order to send information concerning some products, I would like to use product catalog and associated standard xml export functionality (transaction COMM_PCAT_EXPORT). The problems I have concerns the way pricing calculation is performed.

We have defined conditions and have extended field catalog with:

  • one specific field (attribute defined by means of COMM_ATTRSET transaction);
  • and a standard field (PRC_GROUP2 - Product Group 2) added in the field catalog.

They’re correctly taken into account in the “classic” sales order calculation (by means of CRM_COND_COM_BADI implementation for specific attribute) but none of these fields are considered during xml export price calculation.

Apparently, some pricing BADIs can be used in xml export (like PCAT_CNDPRICE but this is only valid for list price calculation or PRC_DATA_SOURCES but this is only valid for external price calculation) but I couldn’t find any enhancement possible for what I call “classic” pricing. Current conclusion seems to be there is no way apart from applying a standard modification on function module COM_PCAT_ITEMGETPRICE in order to fill missing attribute values for calculation purposes.

Besides, another “problem” is that calculation is performed on current day and there’s also apparently no standard way to intervene on this.

This really sounds weird to me so I wanted to know if someone else was confronted to the same issue(s) and succeeded in implementing a more standard solution/workaround. 

Best regards,


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You can refer below sap note

1883280 - Missing prices in XML export of product catalog

You can implement "PCAT_XML_ADD_ATTR" BADI (method GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ) to populate value for the new attribute.

Hope this helps.

0 Kudos

Hello Arjun,

Thanks for your answers however regarding your suggestions:

Well, this is actually not my problem, I have a price...

And concerning this:

  • "PCAT_XML_ADD_ATTR" BADI (method GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES ) to populate value for the new attribute.

It's also possible... but means we have to perform a specific calculation of the price and this is actually what I want to avoid (if I can).

Best regards,
