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Influence import of marketing permissions in SAP Marketing Cloud

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Hi Community,

we are trying to influence the import of permissions and subscriptions in SAP Marketing Cloud.

Unfortunately, the BADI “CUAN_MKT_PERMISSION_UPDATE” is deprecated and could not be used for this anymore.

Is there any other BADI that I could use for this?

Kind regards


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Hello Robert,

You are correct that the new API CL_CUAN_MP_PERM_EXEC_READ does not call the deprecated BAdI CUAN_MKT_PERMISSION_UPDATE.

Would you please provide a bit more details on what behavior for importing permissions and subscriptions you are trying to achieve?

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Mira,

the source system always sends permissions and subscriptions with a new timestamp even if the permission was already submitted before.

If the SAP Marketing Cloud already has a permission, the new one should not be added if it is the same (no second opt-in e.g.).

Is there another BADI to do this?

Kind regards
