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Seminar Events: Landing page to choose Venue and Date and capture the Seminar register information


Hi ,

We are hosting multiple seminar events with different venues and dates and would require landing page to singup by the contacts.In the Landing pages, we can only expose the attributes of contact(for updating) not the interactions. Ideally whenever contact singups an event that should create an interaction saying the "Seminar Registered" and should capture the user selected Venue and Dates. We also have a requirement to restrict the signed up users for a given seminar for registration.

Is anybody implemented this kind of events like webinar,seminar etc. In Marketo tool has the ability to manage them easily.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Praveen,

we have conceptualized a similar customer scenario for event registration, but not yet implemented it.

I see two options how to approach your requirement.

Option 1:

You could extend the standard data model with events (including event date) as a CBO and link this to interactions of type event_registration (via a custom field on the interaction).

Then you fill the new Event CBO with your events and their master data.

In the following you can send OData calls with the event_registration interaction including a reference to the individual event.

However, this approach would not be possible in combination with the current Marketing Cloud Landing Page but would required a custom Odata call via the Interaction API. This is due to the fact that landing pages currently do not expose interaction attributes (as you already stated in your question).

The extension of the data model with a new Event CBO and sending the registrations via the interaction API is in my point of view the preferable approach.

Option 2:

In case you would need to build a work-around with the current Landing Page functionality, you might want to consider the following approach:

You could setup a separate landing page per event and name it corresponding to the event (e.g. "Seminar XYZ - Date: 2019/03/15 - Venue: Berlin"). On the landing page, you just insert a interaction capture for event registrations. The received interactions then contain the information via which Landing Page they were captured and you could segment based on this. For this you would also need to bring in the landing page name as new attribute into your segmentation (via segmentation configuration).

The feasibility of this second approach is of course depending on the number of the events you want to maintain and the amount of flexibility you require in segmentation.

Future direction:

I've noticed that you have also raised a SAP Influence request for this topic. This request is currently in "Need more info" Status. Can you please describe your requirement in more detail in the influence request, so that the Product Development team knows what to consider? Just as a hint, please keep an eye on the notifications on the next releases, since this is as far as I know a topic which is on the roadmap.

Best regards,


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Hi Johannes,

I was trying to test the first approach using the landing page url parameters to post the information using the interaction api. Once the form is submitted, then call a Odata api to create interactions in Marketing.

1. Contact is created using the "LANDING_PAGE" origin with an identifier.

2. To post interaction, we would require the origin and identifier

Landing pages forms post to the below APi.


However, once the form is submitted we don't receive the landing page identifier in the response. This would be really helpful to use and post some other information to other Marketing api's.

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Hi johannes.pfalzgraf ,

since some releases from past year it´s possible to use interaction data in forms e.g.. Would that be a practicalbe approach to deal with the landing page in which a form could be included?

Thanks for your answer,


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Thank you Johannes. I have updated the information on the customer influence but this is very hard for business to design these landing pages and maintain them. I agree with Approach 1,we have to design this from the scratch with the web and would be great if this is part of the standard landing pages which Business user can do it by themselves.

Currently, we thought of using the multiple landing pages but wasn't sure how to track which event the user has registered so this only by the landing page header information.

We have tried another option to create a custom field on the contact and utilize them in the landing page to capture the information and use the export file to have them know which user has registered for what venue and date.

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Hi johannes.pfalzgraf , your favorite case 😉 Can you please reply? Thanks, Anton