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Up from September 2015 the Cloud Partner Solution Management offers together with the Shared Service Center a new service available for ByD ISV partners. Partners often complained about no channel inside SAP to request feedback about development issues in relation with the Cloud Application Studio.

With the goal to improve the quality of developed solutions by partners within customer specific projects or multi-customer projects I would like to make you aware of the following services:

- Monitored Blog for development related questions (Cloud Application Studio): Even if partners always have the possibility to post blogs about their issues to the SCN community, there was no commitment to receive an answer by SAP experts. We will now monitor these blogs and try to give answers within a week. In addition partners can now post their topics/issues to a concrete mail-box (servicecenter@sap.com). The experts will then create blogs out of these topics/issues together with tipps and answers.

- Do's and Don'ts Development Guide: Out of the experience SAP collected with partner developments for specific customers we created now a Do's and Don'ts Development Guide which helps partners to avoid common issues/mistakes up from the beginning of their development projects. The guide can be requested by the responsible PSA. It will be updated regularly.

- Quarterly Development Webinars: We'll start now with a serious of quarterly development related webinars. These webinars will focus on interesting development topics related to the Cloud Application Studio. In each webinar one specific topic will be presented in detail. On top we’ll discuss 1-2 concrete partner issues, which must be send 2 weeks upfront via mail to servicecenter@sap.com  If they can’t be discussed during the webinar, we’ll create a blog therefore in SCN.

The next webinar will be on 9th and 11th of September. Links to register are here:

SAP PartnerEdge

SAP PartnerEdge

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The 1st Development Webinar was a great success. In the two sessions around 40 people watched the webinar about the UI-Designer available in the SAP Cloud Applications Studio.

For those who have missed the webinar, the recording is now available:

SAP PartnerEdge

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I would like to make aware for those partners who have missed the already performed webinars, that we offer these webinars now in a packaged version here:
