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In this blog we will discuss about the offline mass update capabilities of fiori app Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Records, you can perform mass create, update, or delete for multiple purchasing info records simultaneously. You can change the purchasing info records general, purchasing organization, and pricing condition data for multiple purchasing info records. Additionally, you can view the change logs to verify the status of the changes made.


This feature is supported from release SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 onwards.

Methods Used for Mass Update

Mass update on purchasing info records can be done using the following two methods:

  • Online: Using the list view of the app

Search and view purchasing info records using filter criteria such as supplier, material, purchasing organization, and info record category. Apply mass changes on the search results as required.


  • Offline: Using Microsoft Excel

Search and filter purchasing info records and download them in Microsoft Excel format. Make relevant changes in the downloaded excel file and save it. Upload the updated excel in the app view. The edits will be saved and updated for the purchasing info records.

           Note:Variable Order unit Info record not supported for offline upload scenarios.

What are the capabilities of offline mass update?

Offline mass update feature helps purchasers to create new purchasing info records via Microsoft Excel or update, or delete the existing purchasing info record by maintaining the required data in Microsoft Excel and later uploading it to the SAP system. User also have an option to download the existing info records to the Microsoft Excel and later users are allowed to do the required update in the excel based on the business need. Configuration, and steps to perform offline upload listed below.

  •     Configuration steps for Microsoft Excel download or upload.

  •     Steps to perform offline download or upload.

Configuration Steps for Microsoft Excel Download or Upload:

In general, all the configurations are delivered with standard content, however user have provision to modify some configurations based on the business need.

Step 1:Login to the S/4 HANA system with user having access to the role SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT,

Step 2:Navigate to the tile Manage Your Solution.


Step 3:Click on “Configure Your Solution” and filter application area sourcing and procurement - General settings


Step 4:Click on configure in the configuration step – Define Setting for Excel-Based Data Exchange.

Step 5:Select the Business object EXL_OPS_PIR for Purchasing Info Record and navigate in the worksheet menu.

Step 6:Select the worksheet ID and navigate into the worksheet description which would contain the list of worksheet language supported and fields exposed for each sheet. Info record facet info would be segregated in three different sheets General Info, Purchase Organization and Pricing Info for download and upload. Each sheet would be mapped to the respective worksheet id and only the relevant fields would be exposed within each sheet.



Step 7: Worksheet Description

View the worksheet description, it contains the supported language info.


Step 8:Worksheet columns

Each worksheet id and relevant fields exposed would be listed in this configuration and user has provision to update the configuration like defining the sequence number, downloading the fields in Microsoft Excel and the editability of the fields with different configuration options.




This helps to download the fields in particular order within each sheet. User has the provision to select the sequence based on business need. 


Business user could decide to download only the relevant fields which is required for business. Only fields which are checked in this configuration would be downloaded to excel. 

Key field:

It is not recommended for the user to modify the configuration for the key fields delivered in standard content. 

Read only:

If a particular field is marked as read only, any updates done to this field in the excel during upload would not be considered for update. 


Mandatory fields value to be passed required for Info Record creation or update.


Info Record Excel Download and Upload via Microsoft Excel:


Business user shall apply filters and select the info records based on the business need, and click on Download to download all the existing info records to the Microsoft Excel.

Steps to download:

Step 1:Login to SAP S/4HANA system with user having the role assigned SAP_BR_PURCHASER.

Step 2: Open the App “Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Record”.

Step 3:Apply filters and select the info records based on the business need and click on Download.

Downloaded excel would have content segregated in three different sheets as per the configuration defined.

Sheet 1:General info for info record

Sheet 2: Pur org data for info records

Sheet 3: Pricing for info record based



 Business user shall upload the excel content via the Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Record app.

Operations supported in Microsoft Excel Upload:

Info record creation

Modify the existing info record

Info record deletion 

Info Record Creation:

In general, business users can create info records by maintaining data in all the sheet in one go or business user could also decide to create only general data first for a particular supplier and material combination, and later extend to purchase organization and plant data.

Note: Creation of general data for supplier and material can be done first and later extending with purchase organization and pricing conditions data should be done with "Is New" flag set in purchase org and pricing condition sheet.

Note: Creation or Extension of Info record to a particular plant is only possible From Sheet 2:Pur org data for info records.

Steps to create Info records using Microsoft Excel upload:

Step 1: In the downloaded excel template, maintain dummy values(for Ex #111 or any value) in the Info record column which would be common in all the sheets that would help to link all the general data, purchasing org and pricing condition info in all the sheet.

Step 2: Enter all the mandatory field values and other fields based on the business requirement. 

Step 3: Set “Is New” Flag to X in all the sheets for all new records.


Step 4: Save the excel locally.

Step 5: Open the App “Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Records”. 

Steps 6: Click on Upload.



Step 7:Browse the file from the local system and upload the excel (Only one excel can be uploaded at a time.


Step 8:Enter the upload job description and schedule upload.

Step 9: After the upload job is scheduled you can navigate to Application jobs to analyse the status log of the offline upload.


Step 10:Click on job log icon to see the details of the jobs executed.

Modify Info records via Microsoft Excel

Download existing info records to the Microsoft Excel and makes updates like quantity, price etc. based on the configuration defined and upload the excel to the SAP system.

Setting deletion flag for Info record via Microsoft excel

Info record can be marked for deletion at General data or Purchase organization data. Set (X-Flag) in the records against  the column. Info Record Flagged for Deletion at on all the sheet or only at general data or purchase organization level based on the business need.

Prepare the excel and upload the excel in the system.


Application Jobs:

Application jobs helps to monitor all the background job triggered for mass upload.



All views expressed in this blogs are my own, it may also subject to change.


0 Kudos
Great blog post on mass update capabilities of Fiori app Mass Change to Purchasing Info Record - very useful 🙂
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Is it also working with xlsx files created with Google Sheets ?
0 Kudos

Only Microsoft Excel supported for now.

0 Kudos
Is it possible to add a new condition type (e.g. Customs tariff) to an existing Info Record via the mass upload?
0 Kudos
Great blog post thank you very much:) Is there any possibility or will there any possibility be in the near future to use the offline mass update via Microsoft Exel (download ans upload) on-premise?
0 Kudos

Hi Sarah Burlefinger,

Tentative timeline: It is expected to be available from S/4HANA OP 2022.

Thanks and Regards,

Karthik D

0 Kudos


Nice blog post.  Do you know if the offline functionality (Excel upload/download) was released in the on premise 2022 version?  I do not see a download button in the app in our installation of 2022 nor do I see any reference to this functionality in the 2022 release notes or Fiori app library for app Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Records (F2667).



Thanks for sharing this infirmation.

Do you know if this app supports the update/creation of scales ?


0 Kudos
I cannot find the App in the Fiori Reference Library. Would anyone have a link or reference? Many thanks!
0 Kudos
Hi Raphael,


Yes, the App Supports the update and create of scales via the offline method.


For a detailed read, please refer: Offline Update of Pricing Scales for Purchasing Info Record via Microsoft Excel | SAP Blogs



Hello Stephanie,


Here's the reference link: SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library (ondemand.com)



0 Kudos
Many thanks, Rohan.

The App is categorised for S/4HANA cloud. I will check if it's also available for S/4HANA on premise.
0 Kudos
Hi Dennis Vollmar,


Yes, this functionality is supported in On Premise 2022 Version, Please contact SAP Support if you have any issue.


Thanks and regards,

Karthik D

0 Kudos
Thank you very much for the explanation. Just one question: is it possible to add new fields in the worksheet respect to the proposed fields? I tried to add one in the pricing worksheet (the 3rd) but when I try to download from the app I obtain the error "Unable to download purchasing Info records".

Can you please let me know?

Thanks again

Paolo S.
0 Kudos
Hi Paolo Fattibene,


For now, we only support the fields delivered in standard.


Thanks, and regards,

Karthik D
0 Kudos
Dear Karthik,

thanks for your valuable Blog, It's very helpful. I have a question; even though I already defined technical setting for download data, do you know why was it pop up an error "unable to download purchasing info records" when I clicked the download button in Mass changes to purchasing info records APP?

0 Kudos
Find and sort transaction records, then save the refined set as an Excel spreadsheet. Modify the downloaded Excel file as needed, then save it. The Excel file should be uploaded to the app view. The new buying data will be stored when the changes are made.



0 Kudos
Dear Karthik,

Thanks for your post, I try to implement the functionality on the version S4HANA ON PREMISE 2022.

We have completed both customizing points :Define Settings for Excel-Based Data Exchange & Define Technical Settings for Downloading Data with the follwing values :

The dowload is correct (Excel file is configured as requested).

The upload is done w/o any message but nothing is updated.

In a second test, I've change the dowload strcuture to include all the fields availables in the PIR an error message is created :«An error occurred. Please create an incident on component MM-PUR-VM-REC. »

Do you confirm the fonctionality is working on premise version?


0 Kudos

Hi Jason,


Without looking into the system its difficult to comment here, better reach out to SAP Support.


Thanks and Regards,

Karthik D

Hi Karthik,


Thanks for your comments.   I had fixed issue. it was caused that we need to do configuration setting of scale price.  after I configurated WS_4, it works as expected.  thanks!