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With the latest release of SAP S/4HANA 2023 edition (2308), customers can directly connect with SAP Integration Suite, advanced event mesh (AEM) and send their business events.   

The massive scaling and distributed mesh capabilities of AEM will allow customers to take their Event-Driven Architectures (EDA) to whole new levels.  

For those who are already familiar with SAP S/4HANA’s event enablement framework, the channel configuration section now comes with an additional option to configure an ‘Advanced’ channel. 

The ‘Advanced’ channel refers to AEM and provides users with options to configure their AEM brokers.

Creating a service key with AEM validation broker service

The connection from SAP S/4HANA to AEM happens with AEM’s validation broker service which ensures that the AEM broker being configured with SAP S/4HANA is compliant with SAP standards.  

To use the validation broker, customers need to create a service instance of ‘aem-validation-service-plan’ and then create a service binding for the same. 


The credentials obtained from AEM validation broker are supplied during the ‘Advanced’ channel creation on S/4. 

The step-by-step procedure for service-key creation is available on SAP’s help-doc portal:
AEM validation service 


Configuring an SM59 destination for channel 

One of the pre-requisites to channel configuration on SAP S/4HANA is an SM59 destination where customers provide the AMQPS hostname and port for their AEM broker.  

The connection type here needs to be ‘HTTP connection to External Server’.


Next, navigate to the ‘Logon & Security’ section, to choose your SSL Client PSE ID.

The SSL Client PSE ID depends on your environment and the one shown here is only for indicative purposes.   

For more extensive documentation related to SM59 destination setup, refer to the guide on SAP help portal: Configuring an SM59 destination for AE

Configuring trust between S/4 and AEM brokers with certificate-based authentication

The event flow between SAP S/4HANA and AEM brokers is protected with certificate-based authentication and these certificates need to be configured on AEM and SAP S/4HANA.

This is the only supported means of authentication as of date. 

Execute the STRUST transaction on SAP S/4HANA to open the Trust Manager. 

You can choose the SSL client configured above in the SM59 destination and export its certificates to AEM.

By double clicking the subject of the certificate, its fields would be populated in the certificate section where you can find the ‘export’ option. 

You might need to export other intermediate and root certificate(s) too, depending on your setup. 

To import these certificates into AEM, log in to your AEM broker and choose ‘Manage’ > ‘Certificate Authorities’ > ‘Add Client Certificate Authority’ and paste the contents of the certificate(s) exported from S/4. 

In the ‘Authentication’ section of AEM, ‘client certificate authentication’ must be enabled. 

In the ‘Access Control’ section, you must not forget to create and enable a client username that matches the common name (CN) of the certificate you imported in AEM. 

For more information on configuring certificates in AEM, refer:
Client certificate authentication


Configuring an ‘Advanced’ channel on SAP S/4HANA 

Now, we are all set to create our channel.  

Provide a channel name, description, and the name of the SM59 destination created above.

If the validation endpoint name and Oauth2 configuration name are left blank, they get auto filled by SAP S/4HANA.

The ‘number of publish connections’ refers to the number of concurrent connections that SAP S/4HANA can establish with the broker.  

This channel is bidirectional in nature, which means you can use the same channel to flow events into SAP S/4HANA.  

The step-by-step procedure for channel configuration is also available on SAP’s help portal:
Configuring a channel for AEM 

Now, you can create outbound bindings for your channel to flow events to your AEM broker. 


Creating outbound binding for Business Partner objects  

To create an outbound binding for Business Partner object, choose ‘Outbound bindings’ in the Channel Configuration section.

Click on ‘create new topic binding’ and choose the relevant topic.

For example, here we have selected the ‘Business Partner’ topic to emit events related to Business Partner objects.

Choose ‘Apply’ followed by ‘Save configuration’. 

With this configuration, SAP S/4HANA would emit events related to Business Partner objects to SAP Integration Suite, Advanced Event Mesh. 

On your AEM broker, create a Queue, followed by a topic subscription to this Queue, you could name the subscription as ‘S/4HANA/>’ to allow publishing of events from SAP S/4HANA.

Unleash the power of AEM and scale your EDA scenarios like never before! 


Visit the SAP Help Portal for AEM to learn more.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Prashant, Thanks for sharing this update.

Good to see that SAP Event Mesh is no longer required in between S/4HANA & AEM.

Is “SAP NetWeaver add-on for event” in S/4HANA included for the use with AEM?
Hi Prasanth,

Great Info! Thanks for sharing.

Now I suppose, we have a standard option to connect with AEM directly from S/4HANA without going for any event enablement add-on like ASAPIO.

Good to see that SAP standardized the event enablement for AEM.
Thanks for sharing
Nice one Prashant.

So one of the most awaited feature has come. It should help our customers move ahead with direct connectivity with S/4.  I assume its only for 2023 as of now.

Hope support for most of the versions are going to be soon including the S/4HANA Cloud one.
0 Kudos
Hi Prashant,
Great blog, I am trying to replicate the steps but I can't find the related AEM validation service  as a service plan. Do you when it becomes available?
Regards Erik
0 Kudos

The AEM validation service is available in all the regions where AEM is available.

If you still face issues, kindly contact SAP support.

0 Kudos
With S4 you no longer need an add-on. It includes a module called Enterprise Event Enablement
0 Kudos
This is a very nice feature!


Is it also planned or under discussion to connect S/4 events with Cloud Integration so we could build topics there before sending them to AEM?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thanks for your response
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Murali,

at this point in time the add-on is not included for use with AEM. Remi is right, you can use RAP-based extensible standard events and RAP-based customer events from S/4HANA 2308. For S/4HANA PCE both the direct integration with AEM and the RAP-based events will come in February.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Pradeep,

S/4HANA Public Cloud support is planned for February 2024. S/4HANA PCE support should come as well.



0 Kudos
This is looking good.  Can this be used to connect to Azure or Kafka, as alternatives to AEM?
0 Kudos
Hi Barry,

No, this is only for AEM.
