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Product and Topic Expert

Hi Folks,


I have some more features to share with you that I have recently learnt from my colleagues from development department. It is about SAPMELEGACY and MII_BUILDT components. In some cases you may realize that these components are not needed in the system anymore and you want to undeploy them... but how? These software components do not have development components

and thus usual undeploy command from telnet console does not work for them:



Looks like it is possible to ‘hide’ these components by deleting corresponding records from Netweaver’s BC_COMPVERS table. For instance:

delete from BC_COMPVERS where scname = 'MII_BUILDT';

delete from BC_COMPVERS where scname = 'SAPMELEGACY';


Then you won’t find these components under nwa/sysinfo page. However, it does not remove them completely and the correct operation for this via telnet console is rather:


undeploy_empty_sca name=SAPMELEGACY vendor=sap.com

undeploy_empty_sca name=MII_BUILDT vendor=sap.com


I hope this blog saves your times if you face the need to undeploy these components some day. Should you know better way to do it, please, comment :wink:




Br, Alex.

1 Comment
Hello Alex
Thank you for this hint.
We have searched a long time to get that solution, because we thought we need SAPMELEGACY on development systems, but we were not able to undeploy that component till now.

and also according 2456452 - SAP MELEGACY and MESCRIPTS must never be deployed on NetWeaver Application server it is not necessary and has to imported only into NWDI development tracks.

many thanks again also from our development team

