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Condition Contract - Transfer of settlement documents to COPA

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Good morning,

I have reviewed SAP Note 2997203 - Transfer of WBRK settlement documents to COPA, and I have also attempted to execute program RWLF2063 to transfer an item to COPA, also tried the RWLF2065. However, the program does not execute. Upon debugging, I observed that the process stops at the function COPA_DOCUMENT_CHECK_START, specifically at the following point:


          WHERE awtyp EQ <row_acchd>-awtyp
            AND awref EQ <row_acchd>-awref
            AND aworg EQ <row_acchd>-aworg
*            AND NOT paobjnr IS INITIAL.
            AND paobjnr <> if_fco_copa_paobjnr=>c_init 
            AND paobjnr <> if_fco_copa_paobjnr=>c_zero.

This occurs because the PAOBJNR field is initial. The error message received is "Document with unauthorized business transaction 'SD00'", KE/AD - 604. In the configuration, it is set to go to COPA in document 0S12, under Settlement Management, Settlement Documents, and Settlement Document Types. I have set Profitability Analysis as "Active apart from.." and also tried with "Active", but encountered the same error. Additionally, in pricing A10005, I have included condition Y005, which is the same as used in billing documents, and set it as statistical, as per KE4I settings, but it still did not work.

Anyone has this scenario using condition contract + COPA? How did you manage to transfer the documents?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I've identified the issue. It was related to a flag on the statistical condition. Setting RES1 in KE4I didn't resolve it, but employing the condition we typically use in COPA (Y005) and marking it as statistical in 0S12 for work and transfer to COPA did the trick.


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