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Converting S/4HANA Employee (HCM) to a Vendor if the MDG system is in place

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Hello Experts,

There is a potential design problem we are having and need a proper solution.

We are in the process of maintaining People domain as custom domain in MDG system and going to use Business Partner (Person) for that. Now we will be using a Custom Role to identify the People in BP. We are not having HCM module and also there is no intention of connecting MDP BP(person) having specific Role to a HCM Employee(BP) if in future we would go for HCM.

We already have BP for Customers and Vendors in the system which are identified by their respective Roles in the BP world.

There are Note available which talks about restriction of BP(Employee) in MDG system

2646823, 2570961


There is a blog available which talks about how you can convert HCM BP(Employee) in S/4HANA to a Vendor or Customer for some internal process like paying expense.

Question is: How to convert the BP(Employee) to a BP(Supplier) when the MDG system as HUB is in place.

Meaning, MDG HUB is responsible for maintaining BP(Supplier) or BP(Customer) and pass it to S/4HANA system. All the BP(Employee) are restricted in MDG system as BUP0001 is not available in MDG system. So we are not going to even see that BP in MDG Hub. How can we convert the BP(Employee) to a Supplier/Customer.


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