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Business partner


Can a business partner have multiple shipping addresses?

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Active Contributor

Simple question, not so simple answer.

I think: No. At least not in sense, that the very short question implies. I understand the question in a way, that one has a business partner and the different addresses (which the BP may indeed have) are available in a sales order as separate Ship-to partners. This does not work, as for a Ship-to party one has typically a customer master record itself in table KNA1. So one would need several KNA1 records for one business partner, which is not supported directly by the business partner.

Nevertheless, you can maintain more than one business partner in a differing "Ship-to" grouping (-> differing customer account group), create them in a "customer role" (creating entries in table KNA1 or even KNVV) and then link these "Ship-to" business partners back to the original business partner by means of business partner relationships.

In the worst case you just maintain the Ship-to partner relationship in the customer role / "Sales and distribution" view of the original business partner.

