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Cash Management FDFD

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Hello All,

I am implementing Cash and liquidity Management and have few query with respect to transaction code: FDFD

When i go to transaction code FDFD, i can see many tab, can anyone be kind and explain the detail of each.

I have done my research and found once we activate CM for company code, Postings made after the point are transfered to CM. Any prior posting will not update cash management unless you run data setpup funciton.

In similar way, what is the use of Data Reconcilation? correct data? Customer and vedor data?

Also, Please share SAP note which address implication.I will be thankful incase you share details keeping S/FIN implementaion in mind.

PS:I am aware of SAP note: 93214 & 156239

Thank you very much !


Jain varghese

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I bookmarked this some time ago