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ECC to HANA Migration CVI basic queries

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Hello Guys, I am studying ECC to HANA S4 Migration and curious about CVI integration, I have read lots of article online and notes as well, but i shill have few queried and for this i am not getting any satisfactory answer.

Q1: Are we going to upload any customer/vendor file in sync tool? Or it will automatically pickup the customer/vendor information from system to conversion process?
Q2: What is email error, and how to resolve it?
Q3: What is the meaning for manual IMG mapping in BP and Auto Mapping in BP? System do that mapping automatically? or always we have to do it?
Q4: How to clean cust/vend inconsistency? and what type of inconsistency comes in BP migration?
Q5: What are migration steps after IMG config activity?
Q6: Which direction has to be trigger first (Cust to BP or BP to Cust) in ECC to HANA Migration? and How system decides the direction? or we instruct system about which direction to initiate first.
Q7: What do you mean by Archive Cust/Vend deletion falg in case od BP? and after Cust to BP is done do we have to mark all the normal customer as deletion indicator? before doing BP to Cust conversation process?

I hope my queries will satisfy here...!!!

Thanks in Advance

Parag Pandya

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Please refer to the CVI Cookbook at the link below to find answers and the necessary guidance to execute CVI.
