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SAP S4HC: Stock Report based on AVC Characteristics - Reg


Hello Folks,

My requirement is to view the stock reports (Ex: Stock Multiple) based on AVC characteristics. I was able to extend the AVC characteristics using Manage Characteristics As Custom Fields app which helped me achieve the same in Manage Production orders, Manage Batches and in capacity scheduling table. However, I would like to see the stocks also the same way. Is there a way for us to achieve the same?

Your swift response in this regards is much appreciated!

Best Regards

SenthilNathan Karunanithi

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Senthil

I'm not aware of any way to get stock information based on AVC characteristic values . usually if its the same combination of characteristic values being selected for a configurable material then a material variant is created instead . On this material variant then you can check the stock information

A material variant is a material that can be kept in stock and that arises from an individual configuration of a configurable product.

The material master record of a material variant is linked to the configurable material and configured using the characteristics of the configurable material. This variant of the configurable material can then be manufactured and kept in stock.

Material Variants are available in S/4HANA CLoud

Best Regards


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Dear Enda,

Thank you for your response!

Due to product complexity, the no of characters are more (Ex: 200+ Chars) and unfortunately we cannot go with creation of material variants option. Our intention is to check the stocks based on one char value (Ex: Color) or combination of chars (Ex: Color, Material) and it should be purely based on user requirements to filter out of all the options that they have. We were able to check the sales order history in which the combination is used through 'find objects in class app.

We were also able to achieve our requirement it in Manage Production orders app (As you can see in the screenshot) and if the same is possible in Stock Multiple or other stock relevant reports our requirement will be fulfilled. That's why seeking for experts help to achieve the same through standard

Best Regards

SenthilNathan Karunanithi

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear senthilnathan.r.

How are you? I have accepted enda.fennelly's answer for this question as there has been more than 7 days from his answer and there is no comment from your side. If you do not agree, you can open again this question.


Juliano Romanato.