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Upgrade B1 2005 -> B1 2007 - SQL Server 2005

0 Kudos


I am in the process of testing the upgrade. Re to the Upgrade guide I installed SQL Server 2005. The guide then tells me to change the Compatibility Level of the company databases to 90. When I look at the properties this value is not in the list (only 70 and 80). Is this an issue?

Do I have to convert the databases in any regard or do they just stay as is?

Thanks Olaf

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Olaf,

Where did you check this Compatibility Level, in 2000 or 2005? Only SQL Server 2005 has the option for 90.



0 Kudos

Hi Olaf,

Gordon is right. MSSQL 2005 definetely provides compatibility level 90 for any registered database incl. SBO-Common.

In order to answer your second question: There are no more changes required.

Kind regards


0 Kudos

I used the SQL Server Management Studio that came with SQl Server 2005. Select database. Right-click. Select Properties. Then the Options tab. and then there is only Server 7.0 (70) or Server 2000 (80).

The "old" Enterprise Manager doesn't even start anymore (snap in failure).

Former Member
0 Kudos

Then you don't need to worry about this anymore because you are on the (90) by default.

0 Kudos

Hi Olaf,

Following your description I did exactly what you did. I want to highlight that on my installation the values 90, 80 and 70 exist.

I guess you might have upgraded Enterprise Manager to SQL Management Studio only, but not the database engine itself.

Using Management Studio and connect to your DB's

Tn the left hand side there should be a structure like:

-Servername (some numbers)


Let us know the exact numbers for "(some numbers)"

Further help how to identify your running MSSQL Server installation you'll find at [|]

Kind regards
