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Asimetric reporting

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello guys,

I am trying to build a report that shows data asimetricatly. for example, I create a report where I have Entity and time in columns and product in rows. Now I want to see for the same product selection (all product e.g) entity member 'France' for Q2.2013 and 'Spain' for Q2.2011. It is something that I want to see on the fly, while I am navegating through the report I want to compare differents combinations from two dimensions.

Have you ever find something similar?



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Yolanda,

The simplest way to have asymmetric report - is to enable member recognition and manually type the required combinations of Entity and Time in column axis. This axis will be static. The row axis will be dynamic for some product scope.

B.R. Vadim