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BPC Script Logic performance under HANA

0 Kudos

I understand that HANA will make everything run faster, but in particular, what type of performance improvements can we expect out of HANA in terms of BPC Script Logic, transformations, conversions and allocations?

BW Process Chains and ABAP will always be quicker, but how much more does HANA make the native tools within the BPC interface a more viable implementation option than before?

Have any optimizations been made or are planed to be made specifically to the native BPC tools so they can better take advantage of HANA, beyond the typical overall improvement.

Thank you.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Glenn,

SAP has just released the latest service packs for BPC on HANA:

  • HANABPC 801: SP 0002  (Released 09.09.2013)
  • CPMBPC 801: SP0004  (Released 09.09.2013)
  • POASBC 100 731: SP 0004  (27.08.2013)

See the following Notes:

  • Note 1903167: Optimize Allocation with HANA
  • Note 1902743: Optimize Write-Back with HANA
  • Note 1903169: Support Break Back (Disaggregation) for Planning and Consolidation 10.0 NW

Up to this point, Allocation logic was processed on the Application layer, but with these service packs the Allocation Logic etc. will be pushed down to the HANA database layer.  We should see significant improvements (busy getting that implemented now...still need to do testing). 



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Peter,

how can i speed up custom BPC BADI on BPC on HANA?


Kind Regards.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your post above of the SAP OSS Notes.

Do you have anything to report back / update on the progress you made?

I am working on a Proof of Concept to leverage BPC 10.1 and HANA, hopefully enabling the management of complex calculations and large volumes of master data better.

If you could share any experience or update I would appreciate it.

Many thanks,


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Glenn,

Currently I believe that BPC on HANA only has HANA-specific code to accelerate certain types of read-queries. While most processes should run faster because BW will be running on HANA, not all processes will necessarily be faster. It would be nice to see some benchmarks of performance changes of BPC scenarios like the ones has shared for BW process chains, but we probably need to wait for a little more implementation experience before that type of information even exists.

I have no inside knowledge, but my impression is that more processes will be pushed down to HANA as time goes on (currency conversion and allocations should be likely candidates). So, getting BPC on HANA now should theoretically deliver some noticeable improvements and it will get you on a platform that should see much larger performance improvements in the future. At least, that's the optimistic view

