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Disclosure Management: Flag 'internal Data Source'

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Can you tell me the exact impact of Flag 'internal Data Source' at the Data Source Definition screen for a Disclosure Management source system?

I hoped that with setting this flag, one could avoid the need to log into Disclosure Management again from within the client when checking out a document from the backend. But this seems not to be the case - one still has to double-login (in Backend and client), even by setting this flag.

Kind regards.
Christoph Federer

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Christoph

This flag has been introduced to increase performance of the content refresh. If you tick it, it means that for this datasource the data-cache will also be in this source (and therefore in the same DB)

Internally, the system can then use some caching mechanisms to speed up the refresh.

It has, indeed, nothing to do with authentication. What you describe can be done with SSO logins.

