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FMCG Reassignment Strategy

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Dear Gurus,

One of my client had assigned a wrong cost center to a fund center and posted many documents since then. Now I have reassigned cost center to correct fund center and there are so many documents to be fixed such as FI, PO ,PR docs. After my researches I figured that I am supposed to use FMCG due to mass documents exists. Since it requires a derivation strategy for reassignment, I have completed the configuration but I am not sure how to create the correct derivation strategy for reassignment. At that point your direction will help a lot.

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If you use FMCG, you have to be sure that your reassignment from wrong fund centre (A) to correct fund centre (B), will affect only the documents, which were wrongly assigned to fund centre A. I.e. you wouldn't want to impact documents which are posted on fund centre A correctly. This means that you have to apply reassignment rule in your strategy only on incorrectly posted documents. If you can make this restriction - fine. If not, you'd rather use FMCB transaction, which allows you to make a reassignment on document level.



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Thanks for quick response,

You are totally right; I mustn't update all data under wrong fund center (A), I should get only some specific wrongly reassigned cost centers but I couldn't find any field regarding cost centers in reassignment derivation strategy table, so how I am supposed to get correct data that I need?

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Several approaches are applicable. You can enhance derivation strategy with user-exits, fetching the relevant information. Or, easier way, to create a worklist just for the documents you want to correct.

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Dear Eli,

Thank you for help, I am expecting your book to be published to get benefit . Will be helpful. Congrats on it.

Active Contributor

It will be published in less than 10 days (it covers also reassignment ;))