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Hello everyone!

To map work permit documents to an onboarding form, it was necessary to create a panel in "Additional Data Collection" step where the candidate had to insert them again, because when we try to do a mapping looking directly to work permit entity, the onboarding form is not generated.

In this blog, you will learn how to map the work permit information to a form without the necessity of creating these custom panels.


In this example, HR is responsible for inserting the candidate’s documentation in work permit, but this solution also works if the candidate is the one responsible for the insertion.

First Step: You need to create a customized MDF to keep all the desired documents. In this scenario, we have three documents that will be inserted: “RG”, “BRA – Driver’s License” and “BRA - CTPS”, so I created three fields in the “cust_ONB2CandidateDetails” object.

PS 1.: externalCode is set as a string. We will create a rule that will populate it in the following steps.

PS 2.: The effective dating of this object is “From Parent”.

Second Step: We must create a composite association in “ONB2Process” object definition and save it.

Third Step: Now we must create an “onSave” rule to populate the desired fields. In this scenario, the IF statement is “Always True”, but you can customize it based on your customer configuration.

Is this rule, we will have a Then statement to populate the externalCode of the customized object (cust_ONB2CandidateDetails) and other lines to populate the fields related to candidate documentation.

Important: You MUST fill the section “The rule selects one entry from the collection "Work Permit Info" Where” because it will determine which document the business rule will look for in candidate work permit.

As you can see in the image above, there are three lines where I determine a different document in each one.

Now you can save your business rule.

Fourth Step: After saving the “ONB2Process” object definition, you can map these fields to your onboarding form.

Going to “maintain onboarding and offboarding document templates” option, we can look for our document. In this case, the document is called “BLOG_SAP”.

On the “Mapping Type” column, you must select “Direct”. On “Base Object Column”, you must select “Process”. On “Target Field” column, you must look for you field. In this scenario, it is located in “toCandidateDetails (association name defined in second step) > desired field”.


 Test Evidences

I have a candidate called “Lucas Elias Demo” and he is in the “New Hire Data Review” step.

Looking for his process in “Manage Data -> Process”, we can see that the fields “Candidate Name” and “Candidate Last Name” are already filled. These fields are used to other purposes. They won’t be approached in this blog, but we can see that the business rule created on the third step already worked once.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the post, HR is responsible for inserting the candidate’s documents. In this case, Tessa Walker will perform this task.

BRA – Driver’s License: CNH_123


RG: RG_789

After completing the “Review New Hire Data” step, let’s check how the candidate process in “Manage Data -> Process” is.

As you can see, the documents were correctly mapped to the object “ONB2Process”.

Now, let’s check how the mapping is on the onboarding form in “Document Flow” step.

The solution worked well! Moreover, we eliminated the necessity of creating panels on “Additional Data Collection” step to the candidate input his/her documents again.

That is all for now!


Thank you for reading,

Lucas Elias
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Nicely summarised Lucas
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Very interesting blog.  So what you have been able to do is map the data from the standard WP portlet in EC that is completed in Personal Data Collection so that it is in a custom data collection object.

Once it is in there you can send the data to a form for it to be signed.  Is this correct? I see you have just mapped the document numbers?  Does this mean you are getting them to 'sign' that these are the correct socument numbers?  I am just trying to see process in Brazil does this solve?


Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello, Nathan!


Q: Once it is in there you can send the data to a form for it to be signed.  Is this correct?

A: Not exactly. There is a limitation about it, as you can see here, for example:

When we try to do a direct mapping or a business rule mapping, it doesn't work and the form is not generated.


Q: I see you have just mapped the document numbers?  Does this mean you are getting them to 'sign' that these are the correct socument numbers? I am just trying to see process in Brazil does this solve?

A: I've just mapped the document number because it is the only required information in my onboarding form, but if it was necessary to map Issue Date for example, I could create a field on MDF and this solution would work as well.
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Thank you, Gopinath! 😄
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thanks - so what process/Issue is this solving.  I am seeing being able to map the document number from WP to the 'ONB2Process' so they can can be populated in a form without using a Custom Data collection object?

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello, Nathan!

Q: I am seeing being able to map the document number from WP to the 'ONB2Process' so they can can be populated in a form without using a Custom Data collection object?

A: Yes, exactly. With this solution, the candidate doesn't need to fill his/her documents again in custom data collection step, because when we do the mapping based on ONB2Process object, the form can read the required documents and populate them.
0 Kudos
Hi Lucas,

SAP support team suggested to refer your blog to be able to fetch secondary bank account details in the ONB 2 forms.

However, your solution works for TODAY dated new hires / past dated hires.

But is does not work for Future Dated hires.

As mentioned in this KBA 3152066  This is a current limitation in the product where it cannot fetch future dated EC entity records through business rules since the rule is always executed with Today as the effective start date.
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello Shankar,

Indeed, this solution doesn't work for future effective dates. As you said, it works only for past/today hire dates or entities that don't use effective date, as Work Permit.

I even tried to do something similar for dependents, but it didn't work because of the effective date.

What are you trying to map to the forms related to account details? I usually do it via business rule and it works good.
0 Kudos
Hi Lucas,

We are looking forward to get the second bank account details such as Account number and Bank Name to onboarding 2.0 form...

The ONB 2.0 Document Field mapping page does not have the option to map the secondary bank account details. 

System can get the first bank account details in ONB 2 form for even future dated hires in ONB 2.0

Please can we connect further on this topic. My Email ID is

Thank you
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Shankar,


Sure. I'll send you a picture of a business rule.
Hi Lucas,

Thanks for sharing the rule based on Document Mapping Result object.

However, can this rule support the data mapping for Future hire onboardees?
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Shankar,


Yes, it does. I'm doing some tests right now for a candidate that will be hired on 04/01/2022 (the date on form has brazilian format) and it is populating on the form.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi lucas.intelligenza whether you tested for picklist fields?
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello gopinathm

It works too, you just need to create a field with the same picklist on the object definition.

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