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Cross-tab table shows duplicates. How to remove duplicates?

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I have a cross-tab table of terminations, and each employee has duplicates even though all fields are the same.

  • I do not have a Time Filter  in the data source to pull all Events (for terminations and hires)

In a Summary table, I am getting the right total (2):


But in a cross-tab table with employee details, I am getting multiple rows for the two employees:


I am using the same measure for both tables:



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I have the same issue on a Terminations Report. The total number is correct however, the detail data contains duplicates. I have added simple filters for Record Status = N as well as Effective Latest Change = Y. The duplicates returned for example have all the same information in all the fields except the Person ID and Name/Surname. So all the info belongs to only one employee but there are 3 rows, with 3 different Person IDs and Name/surnames. I've converted my Story report to Optimized hoping that would help, no luck. I'm also using Cross tab. Job Information is my starting table.  I'm using a Date input control using YTD.

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Please see the attached for the filters and Tables used in my Story Report.