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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Good morning. 👋🍵

This is a little heads-up for those who propose changes to our documentation through GitHub. The UI for the Markdown preview slightly changed. When you chose the Edit button for a page on SAP Help Portal, this comes up:


The most prominent change is the new navigation for folders and files on the left. More background information is given in one of GitHub's public roadmap items. If you need more space for the file preview, you can hide it using the icon next to Code on the top of the navigation.

There are also more options to download a file in RAW format or to open it using another editor. For most content proposals for documentation, choosing the pencil icon in the upper right corner is still the tool of choice:


In the past, you'd do your changes, then you had to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Commit changes button to add this change to your fork. I bet they now moved the button to the upper right corner of the code editor, because asking users to scroll down to find an essential function is not a good design. Since there is no space to provide an additional commit message for your change, a popup comes up instead:


When you're used to the old UI, you may be puzzled in the beginning why things look different, and this is a good example how quickly blogs and videos showing UIs can get outdated. However, I think GitHub addressed some usability issues here that often were criticized in the community, especially when projects use GitHub as source for documentation. Hopefully users contributing to our documentation will see it as an improvement as well. 

Unfortunately, the contributors list seems to be gone. I started a discussion on GitHub to find out more.



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