SAP CodeJam Blog Posts
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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Welcome to the SAP CodeJam Group.  This group contains registration details and relevant links for individual SAP CodeJam events globally.  This is also where you can discuss topics with your fellow CodeJam attendees. SAP CodeJams are hands-on events and you must bring your own machine to participate in the hands-on exercises. Also, please be sure that you complete the prerequisites before attending the actual event.  

What’s a CodeJam?

First, some of you that are new to the SAP Community might ask, “what’s a CodeJam”?

SAP CodeJam is a developer community focused event, where you can check out specific SAP technology, platforms and tools through simple, end-to-end scenarios. The events are supported by SAP and led by SAP experts who will be onsite to guide you through the exercises, answer your questions, and share relevant insights and tips. But these events are ultimately requsted and hosted by SAP Community members.  Without this grass roots support by Community members, these events would not be possible. SAP CodeJam are hands-on events where you need to bring your own machine and plan to spend between 5-6 hours learning, networking, and collaborating.

Virtual and online events have worked for the past few years to fill the gaps created by being unable to meet in person. They have tremendous reach, yet don’t allow for the kinds of deep interactions between attendees that you can get from an in-person event. Plus, there is something about a hands-on workshop in-person that works better. The instructor can walk around the room, look over people’s shoulders, troubleshoot problems without disrupting the whole room. There is a type of experience here that many of us are looking forward to getting back to.

What’s New?

We wanted to keep all the things that people loved about the SAP CodeJam events of the past but also take the opportunity to make a few improvements.  Most of those changes will involve the capabilities of the new SAP Community Groups. The SAP hosted and sponsored events have a new home within the SAP Community Groups. This page lists all events in one place.

You can then drill into a particular category, say SAP CodeJam events, and find all planned event instances for that type of event.

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An additional benefit of the new Community Events functionality is that you can use the Options menu and subscribe to Events overall or at a particular topic level.  Then you will be notified automatically whenever a new event is planned. 

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But it’s not just the event listing and details that are new. The registration to attend an event is now all contained within the SAP Community as well. Simply RSVP that you are attending and all the registration details are pulled from your community profile. No need to re-enter any information. You can also use the Add to Calendar feature to directly import into a calendaring application.

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But the networking and communication opportunities for an event don’t end there. For the SAP CodeJam events we’ve also created a discussion group for each technical topic we offer. That is the group that you find yourself in right now.

This will allow instructors and attendees to communicate directly with one another before and after the in-person event.  Want to arrange an informal meet up the night before a CodeJam with other attendees? This is the place to organize that. Or maybe you get back home and think of a great follow up question for the instructor who led your CodeJam. This is also the place to ask that question.

We already offer SAPUI5, CAP and HANA, BTP fundamentals, and Integration Suite CodeJams. For the complete list of available topics, please see this page: SAP CodeJam Topics - SAP Community Groups.  So, keep a close eye on the new SAP Community Events page (or use that great new subscribe feature) to be notified as we add more dates and topics.

You are always welcome to suggest or discuss topics/locations with us via this group.