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CLD200 Verifying the Build Success failed

0 Kudos

Hi. My Build in the CLD200 Verifying the Build Success exercise failed. Please advise. Here's the full log, as requested:

Build Logs (risk-management-job #2)
Started by direct user action
Resume disabled by user, switching to high-performance, low-durability mode.
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] library
Loading library piper-lib-os@v1.267.0
Attempting to resolve v1.267.0 from remote references...
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.36.4'
 > git ls-remote -- # timeout=10
Found match: refs/tags/v1.267.0 revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7
Resolving tag commit... (remote references may be a lightweight tag or an annotated tag)
Creating git repository in /jenkins_home/caches/git-45f8e847db940b081a749755f5ba88e0
 > git init /jenkins_home/caches/git-45f8e847db940b081a749755f5ba88e0 # timeout=10
Setting origin to
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching origin...
Fetching upstream changes from origin
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.36.4'
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/tags/v1.267.0^{commit} # timeout=10
Resolved tag v1.267.0 revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7
The recommended git tool is: git
No credentials specified
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and with tags
Cloning repository
 > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@libs/7087cd5607ba78f19e3ffbc3d05f0ae2172da46cbb349a206eb84cf95dbb2246 # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.36.4'
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7 (v1.267.0)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7 # timeout=10
Commit message: "feat(codeql): added stashes (#4196)"
First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] library
Loading library cloudci-lib@v3.3.2
Attempting to resolve v3.3.2 from remote references...
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.36.4'
 > git ls-remote -- http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
Found match: refs/tags/v3.3.2 revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902
Resolving tag commit... (remote references may be a lightweight tag or an annotated tag)
Creating git repository in /jenkins_home/caches/git-b339b888659ec5714c76821992280a0e
 > git init /jenkins_home/caches/git-b339b888659ec5714c76821992280a0e # timeout=10
Setting origin to http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git config remote.origin.url http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
Fetching origin...
Fetching upstream changes from origin
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.36.4'
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/tags/v3.3.2^{commit} # timeout=10
Resolved tag v3.3.2 revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902
The recommended git tool is: NONE
No credentials specified
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and with tags
Cloning repository http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@libs/8cfca526664da51d4757004f4dc1ede15cd934d619d40a2da6b7e91b78b164b6 # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.36.4'
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902 (v3.3.2)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902 # timeout=10
Commit message: "[DO_NOT_MERGE] Update node browser SHAs (#147)"
First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] node
Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timestamps
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Init)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] checkout
[2023-02-18T17:17:06.987Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.073Z] No credentials specified
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.109Z] Cloning the remote Git repository
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.142Z] Cloning repository
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.178Z]  > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.219Z] Fetching upstream changes from
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.253Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.292Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.36.4'
[2023-02-18T17:17:07.329Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.167Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.227Z]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.270Z] Avoid second fetch
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.312Z]  > git rev-parse origin/main^{commit} # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.352Z] Checking out Revision be1c60d60f032d6001d4da98e57b7ed62b850173 (origin/main)
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.386Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.456Z]  > git checkout -f be1c60d60f032d6001d4da98e57b7ed62b850173 # timeout=10
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.506Z] Commit message: "Update"
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.541Z] First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:08.958Z] Using configuration setup from the UI.
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] writeYaml
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-18T17:17:09.931Z] Stashed 52 file(s)
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] lock
[2023-02-18T17:17:15.484Z] Trying to acquire lock on [risk-management-job/1]
[2023-02-18T17:17:15.575Z] Resource [risk-management-job/1] did not exist. Created.
[2023-02-18T17:17:15.610Z] Lock acquired on [risk-management-job/1]
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] milestone
[2023-02-18T17:17:15.844Z] Trying to pass milestone 1
[Pipeline] node
[2023-02-18T17:17:16.633Z] Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@2
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:17.289Z] Unstash content: checkoutstash
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:18.714Z] --- Begin library step of: setupCommonPipelineEnvironment ---
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readFile
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:20.570Z] Loading configuration file '.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml'
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:21.387Z] --- Begin library step of: piperLoadGlobalExtensions ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:21.768Z] --- End library step of: piperLoadGlobalExtensions ---
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-18T17:17:22.007Z] Stashed 4 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:22.376Z] [setupCommonPipelineEnvironment] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-18T17:17:22.652Z] --- End library step of: setupCommonPipelineEnvironment ---
[Pipeline] findFiles
[Pipeline] error
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[2023-02-18T17:17:24.069Z] Lock released on resource [risk-management-job/1]
[Pipeline] // lock
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build)
Stage "Build" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Additional Unit Tests)
Stage "Additional Unit Tests" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Acceptance)
Stage "Acceptance" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Compliance)
Stage "Compliance" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Release)
Stage "Release" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: [piperPipelineStageInit] buildTool configuration 'mta' does not fit to your project (buildDescriptorPattern: 'mta.yaml'), please set buildTool as general setting in your .pipeline/config.yml correctly, see also
Finished: FAILURE
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello, as you can see in the very last log lines, the mta.yaml file is missing. Since you have configured a CAP pipeline according to the steps in the exercise, an mta.yaml file is required. If the ci/cd job does not find a file, the job fails.
0 Kudos

Thanks Markus. I retrigged the job with the branch simonpolovina/RiskManagement at solution/5_deploy_manually ( that has the mta.yaml file, but now it fails for a different reason:

Build Logs (risk-management-job #8)
Started by direct user action
Resume disabled by user, switching to high-performance, low-durability mode.
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] library
Loading library piper-lib-os@v1.267.0
Attempting to resolve v1.267.0 from remote references...
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git ls-remote -- # timeout=10
Found match: refs/tags/v1.267.0 revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7
Resolving tag commit... (remote references may be a lightweight tag or an annotated tag)
Creating git repository in /jenkins_home/caches/git-45f8e847db940b081a749755f5ba88e0
 > git init /jenkins_home/caches/git-45f8e847db940b081a749755f5ba88e0 # timeout=10
Setting origin to
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching origin...
Fetching upstream changes from origin
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/tags/v1.267.0^{commit} # timeout=10
Resolved tag v1.267.0 revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7
The recommended git tool is: git
No credentials specified
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and with tags
Cloning repository
 > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@libs/242da7848170a26bdeb225845652a72b1e510b02d714755f53c00ed1b77739ce # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7 (v1.267.0)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7 # timeout=10
Commit message: "feat(codeql): added stashes (#4196)"
First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] library
Loading library cloudci-lib@v3.3.2
Attempting to resolve v3.3.2 from remote references...
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git ls-remote -- http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
Found match: refs/tags/v3.3.2 revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902
Resolving tag commit... (remote references may be a lightweight tag or an annotated tag)
Creating git repository in /jenkins_home/caches/git-b339b888659ec5714c76821992280a0e
 > git init /jenkins_home/caches/git-b339b888659ec5714c76821992280a0e # timeout=10
Setting origin to http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git config remote.origin.url http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
Fetching origin...
Fetching upstream changes from origin
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/tags/v3.3.2^{commit} # timeout=10
Resolved tag v3.3.2 revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902
The recommended git tool is: NONE
No credentials specified
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and with tags
Cloning repository http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@libs/85969764638a5a2aa52c488f0933ff2ade134156e918402de06c166977907474 # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902 (v3.3.2)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902 # timeout=10
Commit message: "[DO_NOT_MERGE] Update node browser SHAs (#147)"
First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] node
Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timestamps
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Init)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] checkout
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.381Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.475Z] No credentials specified
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.512Z] Cloning the remote Git repository
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.552Z] Cloning repository
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.591Z]  > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.636Z] Fetching upstream changes from
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.674Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.716Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
[2023-02-21T00:02:26.755Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.523Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.564Z]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.613Z] Avoid second fetch
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.652Z]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/solution/5_deploy_manually^{commit} # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.693Z]  > git rev-parse solution/5_deploy_manually^{commit} # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.735Z] Checking out Revision 5330a8a160f33038e1d46b63f5be61199f3635d9 (refs/remotes/origin/solution/5_deploy_manually)
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.774Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.813Z]  > git checkout -f 5330a8a160f33038e1d46b63f5be61199f3635d9 # timeout=10
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.873Z] Commit message: "Initial Commit"
[2023-02-21T00:02:27.910Z] First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:28.367Z] Using configuration setup from the UI.
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] writeYaml
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:02:29.342Z] Stashed 71 file(s)
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] lock
[2023-02-21T00:02:34.748Z] Trying to acquire lock on [risk-management-job/1]
[2023-02-21T00:02:34.849Z] Resource [risk-management-job/1] did not exist. Created.
[2023-02-21T00:02:34.888Z] Lock acquired on [risk-management-job/1]
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] milestone
[2023-02-21T00:02:35.121Z] Trying to pass milestone 1
[Pipeline] node
[2023-02-21T00:02:35.419Z] Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@2
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:36.174Z] Unstash content: checkoutstash
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:37.587Z] --- Begin library step of: setupCommonPipelineEnvironment ---
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readFile
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:39.259Z] Loading configuration file '.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml'
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:40.119Z] --- Begin library step of: piperLoadGlobalExtensions ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:40.482Z] --- End library step of: piperLoadGlobalExtensions ---
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:02:40.702Z] Stashed 4 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:41.093Z] [setupCommonPipelineEnvironment] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:41.372Z] --- End library step of: setupCommonPipelineEnvironment ---
[Pipeline] findFiles
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:42.237Z] [piperPipelineStageInit] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:02:44.355Z] + '[' -x ./piper ]
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:44.563Z] Unstash content: piper-bin
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:45.025Z] Unstash failed: piper-bin (No such saved stash ‘piper-bin’)
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:02:45.516Z] + curl --insecure --silent --location --write-out '%{http_code}' --output piper
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:02:49.272Z] + chmod +x piper
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:02:49.735Z] + ./piper version
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:49.953Z] Piper go binary version: piper-version:
[2023-02-21T00:02:50.042Z]     commit: "4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7"
[2023-02-21T00:02:50.079Z]     tag: "<n/a>"
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:50.279Z] Stash content: piper-bin (include: piper, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:02:55.453Z] Stashed 1 file(s)
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:02:55.917Z] + ./piper checkIfStepActive --stageConfig .pipeline/stage_conditions.yaml --useV1 --stageOutputFile .pipeline/stage_out.json --stepOutputFile .pipeline/step_out.json --stage _ --step _ --defaultConfig .pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml --ignoreCustomDefaults
[2023-02-21T00:02:56.039Z] time="2023-02-21T00:02:55Z" level=info msg="Project config: '.pipeline/config.yml'" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-21T00:02:56.076Z] time="2023-02-21T00:02:55Z" level=info msg="Ignoring custom defaults from pipeline config" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-21T00:02:56.118Z] time="2023-02-21T00:02:55Z" level=info msg="Writing stage condition file .pipeline/stage_out.json" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-21T00:02:56.157Z] time="2023-02-21T00:02:55Z" level=info msg="Writing step condition file .pipeline/step_out.json" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:58.465Z] --- Begin library step of: pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:58.887Z] [pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:59.099Z] Stash content: buildDescriptor (include: **/pom.xml, **/.mvn/**, **/assembly.xml, **/.swagger-codegen-ignore, **/package.json, **/requirements.txt, **/, **/mta*.y*ml, **/.npmrc, **/Dockerfile, .hadolint.yaml, **/VERSION, **/version.txt, **/Gopkg.*, **/dub.json, **/dub.sdl, **/build.sbt, **/sbtDescriptor.json, **/project/*, **/ui5.yaml, **/ui5.yml, exclude: **/node_modules/**/package.json, useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:02:59.317Z] Stashed 5 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:02:59.530Z] Stash content: deployDescriptor (include: **/manifest*.y*ml, **/*.mtaext.y*ml, **/*.mtaext, **/xs-app.json, helm/**, **/*.y*ml, **/*.tpl, **/*.tgz, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:02:59.751Z] Stashed 8 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:00.049Z] Stash content: git (include: .git/**, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: false)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:03:00.322Z] Stashed 31 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:00.569Z] Stash content: opensourceConfiguration (include: **/srcclr.yml, **/, **/.nsprc, **/.retireignore, **/.retireignore.json, **/.snyk, **/wss-unified-agent.config, **/vendor/**/*, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:00.922Z] [pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild] no files detected for stash 'opensourceConfiguration': opensourceConfiguration (No files included in stash ‘opensourceConfiguration’)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:01.145Z] Stash content: pipelineConfigAndTests (include: .pipeline/**, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:03:01.399Z] Warning: overwriting stash ‘pipelineConfigAndTests’
[2023-02-21T00:03:01.498Z] Stashed 7 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:01.664Z] Stash content: securityDescriptor (include: **/xs-security.json, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:03:01.903Z] Stashed 1 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:02.130Z] Stash content: tests (include: **/pom.xml, **/*.json, **/*.xml, **/src/**, **/node_modules/**, **/specs/**, **/env/**, **/*.js, **/tests/**, **/*.html, **/*.css, **/*.properties, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:03:02.391Z] Stashed 20 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:02.618Z] --- End library step of: pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:02.859Z] Stash content: source (include: **/*, exclude: .pipeline/**)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:03:09.070Z] Stashed 38 file(s)
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[2023-02-21T00:03:09.618Z] Lock released on resource [risk-management-job/1]
[Pipeline] // lock
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withCredentials
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] lock
[2023-02-21T00:03:11.567Z] Trying to acquire lock on [risk-management-job]
[2023-02-21T00:03:11.656Z] Resource [risk-management-job] did not exist. Created.
[2023-02-21T00:03:11.696Z] Lock acquired on [risk-management-job]
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
[2023-02-21T00:03:11.920Z] Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@2
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:12.312Z] Unstash content: pipelineConfigAndTests
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:12.652Z] Unstash content: source
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:14.462Z] [piperPipelineStageBuild] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:15.651Z] --- Begin library step of: buildExecute ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:16.001Z] [null] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:16.659Z] --- Begin library step of: mtaBuild ---
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:03:17.125Z] + '[' -x ./piper ]
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:17.339Z] Found piper binary in the workspace - skipping unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:17.556Z] Unstash content: pipelineConfigAndTests
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:18.134Z] Step params [:]
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:18.543Z] PIPER_parametersJSON: {}
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:03:19.013Z] + ./piper getConfig --contextConfig --stepMetadata .pipeline/tmp/metadata/mtaBuild.yaml --defaultConfig .pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml --ignoreCustomDefaults
[2023-02-21T00:03:19.105Z] time="2023-02-21T00:03:18Z" level=info msg="Printing stepName " library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-21T00:03:19.143Z] time="2023-02-21T00:03:18Z" level=info msg="Ignoring custom defaults from pipeline config" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:19.424Z] Context Config: [dockerImage:devxci/mbtci-java11-node16@sha256:caba6f24a7abc2be53199ca892de143ad6dd26de36cc7dabbd19230afbfd38d7, dockerPullImage:false]
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:19.639Z] [INFO] executing pipeline step 'mtaBuild' with docker image 'devxci/mbtci-java11-node16@sha256:caba6f24a7abc2be53199ca892de143ad6dd26de36cc7dabbd19230afbfd38d7'
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:20.438Z] --- Begin library step of: dockerExecute ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:20.826Z] [dockerExecute] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:21.605Z] --- Begin library step of: dockerExecuteOnKubernetes ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:21.980Z] [dockerExecuteOnKubernetes] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:03:28.310Z] Stashed 46 file(s)
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
[2023-02-21T00:03:30.502Z] Created Pod: kubernetes steward-run-qa7mr-main-pmhdj/dynamic-agent-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29-nxqsv-0t06r
[2023-02-21T00:03:33.456Z] Agent dynamic-agent-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29-nxqsv-0t06r is provisioned from template dynamic-agent-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29-nxqsv
[2023-02-21T00:03:33.623Z] Running on dynamic-agent-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29-nxqsv-0t06r in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:33.859Z] ContainerConfig: [name:container-exec]
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:35.047Z] Unstash content: workspace-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:36.861Z] invalidate stash workspace-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:03:37.080Z] Warning: overwriting stash ‘workspace-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29’
[2023-02-21T00:03:37.315Z] Stashed 0 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:37.475Z] [INFO][dockerExecute] Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:03:38.705Z] + ./piper writePipelineEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:39.225Z] Unstash content: pipelineStepReports
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:03:39.573Z] Unstash failed: pipelineStepReports (No such saved stash ‘pipelineStepReports’)
[Pipeline] withCredentials
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:03:40.678Z] + ./piper mtaBuild --defaultConfig .pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml --ignoreCustomDefaults
[2023-02-21T00:03:40.772Z] info  mtaBuild - Using stageName 'Build' from env variable
[2023-02-21T00:03:40.811Z] info  mtaBuild - Project config: '.pipeline/config.yml'
[2023-02-21T00:03:40.848Z] info  mtaBuild - Project defaults: '.pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml'
[2023-02-21T00:03:40.888Z] info  mtaBuild - Ignoring custom defaults from pipeline config
[2023-02-21T00:03:40.925Z] info  mtaBuild - Retrieving hook configuration
[2023-02-21T00:03:40.962Z] info  mtaBuild - running command: npm config get registry
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.257Z] info  mtaBuild - Discovered pre-configured npm registry registry with value
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.331Z] info  mtaBuild - "mta.yaml" file found in project sources
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.370Z] info  mtaBuild - No timestamp contained in "mta.yaml". File has not been modified.
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.407Z] info  mtaBuild - Executing mta build call: "mbt build --mtar risk-management.mtar --platform CF --source ./ --target /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job"
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.445Z] info  mtaBuild - running command: mbt build --mtar risk-management.mtar --platform CF --source ./ --target /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.484Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:40]  INFO Cloud MTA Build Tool version 1.2.16
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.523Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:40]  INFO generating the "Makefile_20230221000340.mta" file...
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.559Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:40]  INFO done
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.597Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:40]  INFO executing the "make -f Makefile_20230221000340.mta p=CF mtar=risk-management.mtar strict=true mode= t=\"/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job\"" command...
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.635Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:40]  INFO validating the MTA project
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.671Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:40]  INFO running the "before-all" build...
[2023-02-21T00:03:41.710Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:40]  INFO executing the "npm ci" command...
[2023-02-21T00:03:47.000Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN deprecated @npmcli/move-file@1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.021Z] info  mtaBuild - .......
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.057Z] info  mtaBuild - added 363 packages, and audited 364 packages in 7s
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.091Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.128Z] info  mtaBuild - 68 packages are looking for funding
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.163Z] info  mtaBuild -   run `npm fund` for details
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.200Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.235Z] info  mtaBuild - found 0 vulnerabilities
[2023-02-21T00:03:48.270Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:03:47]  INFO executing the "npx -p @sap/cds-dk cds build --production" command...
[2023-02-21T00:03:49.672Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: @sap/cds-dk
[2023-02-21T00:04:01.880Z] info  mtaBuild - ............[cds] - determining build tasks for project [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job].
[2023-02-21T00:04:01.927Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - the following build tasks will be executed
[2023-02-21T00:04:01.967Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] -    {
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.009Z] info  mtaBuild -      "build": {
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.054Z] info  mtaBuild -        "target": "gen",
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.094Z] info  mtaBuild -        "tasks": [
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.138Z] info  mtaBuild -          {"for":"hana", "src":"db", "options":{"model":["db","srv","app","srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER"]}},
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.214Z] info  mtaBuild -          {"for":"nodejs", "src":"srv", "options":{"model":["db","srv","app","srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER"]}}
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.253Z] info  mtaBuild -        ]
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.293Z] info  mtaBuild -      }
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.333Z] info  mtaBuild -    }
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.379Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.418Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - building project [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job], clean [true]
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.457Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - cds [6.5.0], compiler [3.6.2], home [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job/node_modules/@sap/cds]
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.496Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.534Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - done > wrote output to:
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.573Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/.gitkeep
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.614Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/package.json
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.652Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/.hdiconfig
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.692Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/.hdiconfig
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.734Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/.hdinamespace
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.774Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/DRAFT.DraftAdministrativeData.hdbtable
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.817Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.DraftAdministrativeData.hdbview
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.857Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Mitigations.hdbview
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.905Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Mitigations_drafts.hdbtable
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.958Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Risks.hdbview
[2023-02-21T00:04:02.997Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Risks_drafts.hdbtable
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.036Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Mitigations.csv
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.089Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Mitigations.hdbtabledata
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.138Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Risks.csv
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.179Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Risks.hdbtabledata
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.219Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/riskmanagement.Mitigations.hdbtable
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.258Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/riskmanagement.Risks.hdbtable
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.297Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/undeploy.json
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.337Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/.cdsrc.json
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.381Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/package-lock.json
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.423Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/package.json
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.464Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/.gitkeep
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.502Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/_i18n/i18n.json
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.539Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/csn.json
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.579Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.edmx
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.616Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/risk-service.js
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.653Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.692Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - build completed in 666 ms
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.730Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.767Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:00]  INFO validating the MTA project
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.916Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:00]  INFO building the "risk-management-srv" module...
[2023-02-21T00:04:03.954Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:00]  INFO executing the "npm clean-install --production" command...
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.250Z] info  mtaBuild - ..
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.288Z] info  mtaBuild - added 199 packages, and audited 200 packages in 2s
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.325Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.419Z] info  mtaBuild - 56 packages are looking for funding
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.456Z] info  mtaBuild -   run `npm fund` for details
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.494Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.530Z] info  mtaBuild - found 0 vulnerabilities
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.566Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:03]  INFO the build results of the "risk-management-srv" module will be packaged and saved in the "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job/.risk-management-job_mta_build_tmp/risk-management-srv" folder
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.601Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:04]  INFO finished building the "risk-management-srv" module
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.637Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:04]  INFO building the "risk-management-db-deployer" module...
[2023-02-21T00:04:04.674Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:04]  INFO executing the "npm install --production" command...
[2023-02-21T00:04:07.225Z] info  mtaBuild - ..
[2023-02-21T00:04:07.264Z] info  mtaBuild - added 31 packages, and audited 32 packages in 2s
[2023-02-21T00:04:07.300Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:04:07.335Z] info  mtaBuild - found 0 vulnerabilities
[2023-02-21T00:04:07.371Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:06]  INFO the build results of the "risk-management-db-deployer" module will be packaged and saved in the "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job/.risk-management-job_mta_build_tmp/risk-management-db-deployer" folder
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.646Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:11]  INFO finished building the "risk-management-db-deployer" module
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.684Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:11]  INFO building the "risk-management" module...
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.721Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-21 00:04:11]  INFO executing the "npm install --production" command...
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.759Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.795Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: '@sap/approuter@10.15.4',
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.833Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '^12.0.0 || ^14.0.0' },
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.870Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.15.0', npm: '8.5.5' }
[2023-02-21T00:04:12.907Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE }
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.304Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! code ENOTFOUND
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.402Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! syscall getaddrinfo
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.441Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! errno ENOTFOUND
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.480Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network request to http://nginx-redirector.repo-cache.svc.cluster.local/repository/appstudio-npm-group/@sap/audit-logging/-/audit-logging-5.5.4.tgz failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND nginx-redirector.repo-cache.svc.cluster.local
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.518Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network This is a problem related to network connectivity.
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.569Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.608Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network 
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.659Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.698Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network 'proxy' config is set properly.  See: 'npm help config'
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.736Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.774Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.839Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR!     /home/mta/.npm/_logs/2023-02-21T00_04_12_001Z-debug-0.log
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.878Z] error mtaBuild - ......................................................................[2023-02-21 00:05:22] ERROR could not build the "risk-management" module: could not execute the "npm install --production" command: exit status 1
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.916Z] info  mtaBuild - make: *** [Makefile_20230221000340.mta:37: risk-management] Error 1
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.953Z] info  mtaBuild - Error: could not build the MTA project: could not execute the "make -f Makefile_20230221000340.mta p=CF mtar=risk-management.mtar strict=true mode= t=\"/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job\"" command: exit status 2
[2023-02-21T00:05:34.991Z] info  mtaBuild - fatal error: errorDetails{"category":"build","correlationId":"n/a","error":"running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1","library":"SAP/jenkins-library","message":"failed to execute mta build","result":"failure","stepName":"mtaBuild","time":"2023-02-21T00:05:22.477715578Z"}
[2023-02-21T00:05:35.031Z] fatal mtaBuild - failed to execute mta build - running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-21T00:05:35.069Z] info  mtaBuild - persisting reports to GCS is disabled, because gcsBucketId is empty
[2023-02-21T00:05:35.108Z] info  mtaBuild - Step telemetry data:{"StepStartTime":"2023-02-21 00:03:40.507913807 +0000 UTC","PipelineURLHash":"50f013532a9770a2c2cfdc38b7581dd01df69b70","BuildURLHash":"50f013532a9770a2c2cfdc38b7581dd01df69b70","StageName":"Build","StepName":"mtaBuild","ErrorCode":"1","StepDuration":"101970","ErrorCategory":"build","CorrelationID":"n/a","PiperCommitHash":"4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7","ErrorDetail":{"category":"build","correlationId":"n/a","error":"running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1","library":"SAP/jenkins-library","message":"failed to execute mta build","result":"failure","stepName":"mtaBuild","time":"2023-02-21T00:05:22.477715578Z"}}
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-21T00:05:36.993Z] + ./piper readPipelineEnv
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:05:37.351Z] Transfer Influx data
[Pipeline] findFiles
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:05:37.690Z] Stashed 0 file(s)
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] error
[Pipeline] sh
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:05:49.171Z] Stashed 83 file(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:05:52.224Z] invalidate stash container-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-21T00:05:52.443Z] Warning: overwriting stash ‘container-32e7500c-a87b-477f-a204-01f63e4c8d29’
[2023-02-21T00:05:52.549Z] Stashed 0 file(s)
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:05:52.876Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:52.963Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: dockerExecuteOnKubernetes
[2023-02-21T00:05:52.998Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.068Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.103Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.137Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.176Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.231Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.301Z] The error was:
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.335Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.369Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.404Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.476Z] Further information:
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.514Z] * Documentation of library step dockerExecuteOnKubernetes:
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.548Z] * Source code of library step dockerExecuteOnKubernetes:
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.583Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.616Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.685Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:53.720Z] --- End library step of: dockerExecuteOnKubernetes ---
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.008Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.094Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: dockerExecute
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.138Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.209Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.244Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.279Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.313Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.347Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.415Z] The error was:
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.451Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.486Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.520Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.591Z] Further information:
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.625Z] * Documentation of library step dockerExecute:
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.660Z] * Source code of library step dockerExecute:
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.694Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.729Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.845Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:54.894Z] --- End library step of: dockerExecute ---
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.348Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.438Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: mtaBuild
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.475Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.547Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.585Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.627Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.665Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.702Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.776Z] The error was:
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.820Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.855Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.893Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.964Z] Further information:
[2023-02-21T00:05:55.999Z] * Documentation of library step mtaBuild:
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.036Z] * Source code of library step mtaBuild:
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.073Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.108Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.182Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.221Z] --- End library step of: mtaBuild ---
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.519Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.602Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: buildExecute
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.635Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.712Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.745Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.780Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.817Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.850Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.922Z] The error was:
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.957Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:56.993Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.029Z] ***
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.100Z] Further information:
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.134Z] * Documentation of library step buildExecute:
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.169Z] * Source code of library step buildExecute:
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.206Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.240Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.307Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.341Z] --- End library step of: buildExecute ---
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-21T00:05:57.857Z] [null] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[2023-02-21T00:05:58.192Z] Lock released on resource [risk-management-job]
[Pipeline] // lock
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Additional Unit Tests)
Stage "Additional Unit Tests" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Acceptance)
Stage "Acceptance" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Compliance)
Stage "Compliance" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Release)
Stage "Release" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
Finished: FAILURE

  Please advise, thanks.

0 Kudos

Thanks, Marcus. I retrigged it with the mta.yaml file, but I'm now getting another error:

Build Logs (risk-management-job #7)
Started by direct user action
Resume disabled by user, switching to high-performance, low-durability mode.
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] library
Loading library piper-lib-os@v1.267.0
Attempting to resolve v1.267.0 from remote references...
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git ls-remote -- # timeout=10
Found match: refs/tags/v1.267.0 revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7
Resolving tag commit... (remote references may be a lightweight tag or an annotated tag)
Creating git repository in /jenkins_home/caches/git-45f8e847db940b081a749755f5ba88e0
 > git init /jenkins_home/caches/git-45f8e847db940b081a749755f5ba88e0 # timeout=10
Setting origin to
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching origin...
Fetching upstream changes from origin
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/tags/v1.267.0^{commit} # timeout=10
Resolved tag v1.267.0 revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7
The recommended git tool is: git
No credentials specified
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and with tags
Cloning repository
 > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@libs/445fedd00642d36b0befba0d1e5e60db457a9a4a87fb87c07d4aca83894f4a24 # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7 (v1.267.0)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7 # timeout=10
Commit message: "feat(codeql): added stashes (#4196)"
First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] library
Loading library cloudci-lib@v3.3.2
Attempting to resolve v3.3.2 from remote references...
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git ls-remote -- http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
Found match: refs/tags/v3.3.2 revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902
Resolving tag commit... (remote references may be a lightweight tag or an annotated tag)
Creating git repository in /jenkins_home/caches/git-b339b888659ec5714c76821992280a0e
 > git init /jenkins_home/caches/git-b339b888659ec5714c76821992280a0e # timeout=10
Setting origin to http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git config remote.origin.url http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
Fetching origin...
Fetching upstream changes from origin
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git config --get remote.origin.url # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- origin +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse refs/tags/v3.3.2^{commit} # timeout=10
Resolved tag v3.3.2 revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902
The recommended git tool is: NONE
No credentials specified
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning with configured refspecs honoured and with tags
Cloning repository http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@libs/ff1fa8fda8a455c0753deddeabcf95501e78a2556b56bfda2ea4eee1f6013321 # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git config remote.origin.url http://cloudci-git-mirror.cloudci-git-mirror.svc.cluster.local/git/cloudci/pipeline-lib.git # timeout=10
 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Avoid second fetch
Checking out Revision 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902 (v3.3.2)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 4523af1fa1129225d0090d109bc6859d3e56b902 # timeout=10
Commit message: "[DO_NOT_MERGE] Update node browser SHAs (#147)"
First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] node
Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timestamps
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Init)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] checkout
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.349Z] The recommended git tool is: NONE
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.436Z] No credentials specified
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.472Z] Cloning the remote Git repository
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.507Z] Cloning repository
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.542Z]  > git init /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.601Z] Fetching upstream changes from
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.640Z]  > git --version # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.678Z]  > git --version # 'git version 2.38.3'
[2023-02-20T23:45:37.714Z]  > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:38.630Z]  > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:38.761Z]  > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:38.840Z] Avoid second fetch
[2023-02-20T23:45:38.876Z]  > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/solution/5_deploy_manually^{commit} # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:38.915Z]  > git rev-parse solution/5_deploy_manually^{commit} # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:38.959Z] Checking out Revision 5330a8a160f33038e1d46b63f5be61199f3635d9 (refs/remotes/origin/solution/5_deploy_manually)
[2023-02-20T23:45:38.998Z]  > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:39.041Z]  > git checkout -f 5330a8a160f33038e1d46b63f5be61199f3635d9 # timeout=10
[2023-02-20T23:45:39.102Z] Commit message: "Initial Commit"
[2023-02-20T23:45:39.141Z] First time build. Skipping changelog.
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:45:39.817Z] Using configuration setup from the UI.
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] writeYaml
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:45:41.115Z] Stashed 71 file(s)
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] lock
[2023-02-20T23:45:48.657Z] Trying to acquire lock on [risk-management-job/1]
[2023-02-20T23:45:48.827Z] Resource [risk-management-job/1] did not exist. Created.
[2023-02-20T23:45:48.866Z] Lock acquired on [risk-management-job/1]
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] milestone
[2023-02-20T23:45:49.865Z] Trying to pass milestone 1
[Pipeline] node
[2023-02-20T23:45:50.957Z] Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@2
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:45:53.635Z] Unstash content: checkoutstash
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:45:55.458Z] --- Begin library step of: setupCommonPipelineEnvironment ---
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readFile
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:45:58.336Z] Loading configuration file '.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml'
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:45:59.600Z] --- Begin library step of: piperLoadGlobalExtensions ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:00.305Z] --- End library step of: piperLoadGlobalExtensions ---
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:00.871Z] Stashed 4 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:01.878Z] [setupCommonPipelineEnvironment] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:02.482Z] --- End library step of: setupCommonPipelineEnvironment ---
[Pipeline] findFiles
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:03.775Z] [piperPipelineStageInit] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] readYaml
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:46:06.878Z] + '[' -x ./piper ]
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:07.309Z] Unstash content: piper-bin
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:08.482Z] Unstash failed: piper-bin (No such saved stash ‘piper-bin’)
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:46:09.465Z] + curl --insecure --silent --location --write-out '%{http_code}' --output piper
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:46:22.227Z] + chmod +x piper
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:46:22.784Z] + ./piper version
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:23.031Z] Piper go binary version: piper-version:
[2023-02-20T23:46:23.120Z]     commit: "4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7"
[2023-02-20T23:46:23.154Z]     tag: "<n/a>"
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:23.479Z] Stash content: piper-bin (include: piper, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:31.807Z] Stashed 1 file(s)
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:46:32.711Z] + ./piper checkIfStepActive --stageConfig .pipeline/stage_conditions.yaml --useV1 --stageOutputFile .pipeline/stage_out.json --stepOutputFile .pipeline/step_out.json --stage _ --step _ --defaultConfig .pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml --ignoreCustomDefaults
[2023-02-20T23:46:32.802Z] time="2023-02-20T23:46:32Z" level=info msg="Project config: '.pipeline/config.yml'" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-20T23:46:32.839Z] time="2023-02-20T23:46:32Z" level=info msg="Ignoring custom defaults from pipeline config" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-20T23:46:32.876Z] time="2023-02-20T23:46:32Z" level=info msg="Writing stage condition file .pipeline/stage_out.json" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-20T23:46:32.912Z] time="2023-02-20T23:46:32Z" level=info msg="Writing step condition file .pipeline/step_out.json" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:35.503Z] --- Begin library step of: pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:36.357Z] [pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:36.997Z] Stash content: buildDescriptor (include: **/pom.xml, **/.mvn/**, **/assembly.xml, **/.swagger-codegen-ignore, **/package.json, **/requirements.txt, **/, **/mta*.y*ml, **/.npmrc, **/Dockerfile, .hadolint.yaml, **/VERSION, **/version.txt, **/Gopkg.*, **/dub.json, **/dub.sdl, **/build.sbt, **/sbtDescriptor.json, **/project/*, **/ui5.yaml, **/ui5.yml, exclude: **/node_modules/**/package.json, useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:37.557Z] Stashed 5 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:37.790Z] Stash content: deployDescriptor (include: **/manifest*.y*ml, **/*.mtaext.y*ml, **/*.mtaext, **/xs-app.json, helm/**, **/*.y*ml, **/*.tpl, **/*.tgz, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:38.284Z] Stashed 8 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:38.564Z] Stash content: git (include: .git/**, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: false)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:39.010Z] Stashed 31 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:39.428Z] Stash content: opensourceConfiguration (include: **/srcclr.yml, **/, **/.nsprc, **/.retireignore, **/.retireignore.json, **/.snyk, **/wss-unified-agent.config, **/vendor/**/*, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:40.264Z] [pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild] no files detected for stash 'opensourceConfiguration': opensourceConfiguration (No files included in stash ‘opensourceConfiguration’)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:40.649Z] Stash content: pipelineConfigAndTests (include: .pipeline/**, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:41.071Z] Warning: overwriting stash ‘pipelineConfigAndTests’
[2023-02-20T23:46:41.160Z] Stashed 7 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:41.432Z] Stash content: securityDescriptor (include: **/xs-security.json, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:41.868Z] Stashed 1 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:42.237Z] Stash content: tests (include: **/pom.xml, **/*.json, **/*.xml, **/src/**, **/node_modules/**, **/specs/**, **/env/**, **/*.js, **/tests/**, **/*.html, **/*.css, **/*.properties, exclude: , useDefaultExcludes: true)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:42.846Z] Stashed 20 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:43.706Z] --- End library step of: pipelineStashFilesBeforeBuild ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:46:44.227Z] Stash content: source (include: **/*, exclude: .pipeline/**)
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:46:53.739Z] Stashed 38 file(s)
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[2023-02-20T23:46:55.230Z] Lock released on resource [risk-management-job/1]
[Pipeline] // lock
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // script
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Build)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withCredentials
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] lock
[2023-02-20T23:47:00.828Z] Trying to acquire lock on [risk-management-job]
[2023-02-20T23:47:00.992Z] Resource [risk-management-job] did not exist. Created.
[2023-02-20T23:47:01.028Z] Lock acquired on [risk-management-job]
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
[2023-02-20T23:47:01.969Z] Running on Jenkins in /jenkins_home/workspace/risk-management-job@2
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:03.124Z] Unstash content: pipelineConfigAndTests
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:04.064Z] Unstash content: source
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:11.386Z] [piperPipelineStageBuild] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:12.448Z] --- Begin library step of: buildExecute ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:12.910Z] [null] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:13.859Z] --- Begin library step of: mtaBuild ---
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:47:14.429Z] + '[' -x ./piper ]
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:14.786Z] Found piper binary in the workspace - skipping unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:15.080Z] Unstash content: pipelineConfigAndTests
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] writeFile
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:16.111Z] Step params [:]
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:16.819Z] PIPER_parametersJSON: {}
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:47:17.400Z] + ./piper getConfig --contextConfig --stepMetadata .pipeline/tmp/metadata/mtaBuild.yaml --defaultConfig .pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml --ignoreCustomDefaults
[2023-02-20T23:47:17.493Z] time="2023-02-20T23:47:17Z" level=info msg="Printing stepName " library=SAP/jenkins-library
[2023-02-20T23:47:17.528Z] time="2023-02-20T23:47:17Z" level=info msg="Ignoring custom defaults from pipeline config" library=SAP/jenkins-library
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:17.897Z] Context Config: [dockerImage:devxci/mbtci-java11-node16@sha256:caba6f24a7abc2be53199ca892de143ad6dd26de36cc7dabbd19230afbfd38d7, dockerPullImage:false]
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:18.332Z] [INFO] executing pipeline step 'mtaBuild' with docker image 'devxci/mbtci-java11-node16@sha256:caba6f24a7abc2be53199ca892de143ad6dd26de36cc7dabbd19230afbfd38d7'
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:19.298Z] --- Begin library step of: dockerExecute ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:19.947Z] [dockerExecute] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:20.887Z] --- Begin library step of: dockerExecuteOnKubernetes ---
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:47:21.581Z] [dockerExecuteOnKubernetes] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:47:30.948Z] Stashed 46 file(s)
[Pipeline] podTemplate
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
[2023-02-20T23:47:32.627Z] Created Pod: kubernetes steward-run-5st5o-main-k247z/dynamic-agent-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859-2vrlb-scwnz
[2023-02-20T23:47:47.029Z] Still waiting to schedule task
[2023-02-20T23:47:47.127Z] ‘dynamic-agent-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859-2vrlb-scwnz’ is offline
[2023-02-20T23:49:13.714Z] Agent dynamic-agent-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859-2vrlb-scwnz is provisioned from template dynamic-agent-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859-2vrlb
[2023-02-20T23:49:14.025Z] Running on dynamic-agent-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859-2vrlb-scwnz in /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:49:14.924Z] ContainerConfig: [name:container-exec]
[Pipeline] container
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:49:16.286Z] Unstash content: workspace-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:49:19.264Z] invalidate stash workspace-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:49:19.643Z] Warning: overwriting stash ‘workspace-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859’
[2023-02-20T23:49:20.039Z] Stashed 0 file(s)
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:49:20.320Z] [INFO][dockerExecute] Executing inside a Kubernetes Pod
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:49:21.573Z] + ./piper writePipelineEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:49:22.232Z] Unstash content: pipelineStepReports
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:49:22.731Z] Unstash failed: pipelineStepReports (No such saved stash ‘pipelineStepReports’)
[Pipeline] withCredentials
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:49:23.956Z] + ./piper mtaBuild --defaultConfig .pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml --ignoreCustomDefaults
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.047Z] info  mtaBuild - Using stageName 'Build' from env variable
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.084Z] info  mtaBuild - Project config: '.pipeline/config.yml'
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.135Z] info  mtaBuild - Project defaults: '.pipeline/.pipeline/cicdCustomDefaults.yml'
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.171Z] info  mtaBuild - Ignoring custom defaults from pipeline config
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.205Z] info  mtaBuild - Retrieving hook configuration
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.244Z] info  mtaBuild - running command: npm config get registry
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.563Z] info  mtaBuild - Discovered pre-configured npm registry registry with value
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.640Z] info  mtaBuild - "mta.yaml" file found in project sources
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.679Z] info  mtaBuild - No timestamp contained in "mta.yaml". File has not been modified.
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.719Z] info  mtaBuild - Executing mta build call: "mbt build --mtar risk-management.mtar --platform CF --source ./ --target /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job"
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.755Z] info  mtaBuild - running command: mbt build --mtar risk-management.mtar --platform CF --source ./ --target /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.791Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:24]  INFO Cloud MTA Build Tool version 1.2.16
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.833Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:24]  INFO generating the "Makefile_20230220234924.mta" file...
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.874Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:24]  INFO done
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.924Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:24]  INFO executing the "make -f Makefile_20230220234924.mta p=CF mtar=risk-management.mtar strict=true mode= t=\"/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job\"" command...
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.962Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:24]  INFO validating the MTA project
[2023-02-20T23:49:24.999Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:24]  INFO running the "before-all" build...
[2023-02-20T23:49:25.036Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:24]  INFO executing the "npm ci" command...
[2023-02-20T23:49:30.323Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN deprecated @npmcli/move-file@1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs
[2023-02-20T23:49:33.753Z] info  mtaBuild - .........
[2023-02-20T23:49:33.792Z] info  mtaBuild - added 363 packages, and audited 364 packages in 9s
[2023-02-20T23:49:33.829Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:33.865Z] info  mtaBuild - 68 packages are looking for funding
[2023-02-20T23:49:33.901Z] info  mtaBuild -   run `npm fund` for details
[2023-02-20T23:49:33.938Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:33.974Z] info  mtaBuild - found 0 vulnerabilities
[2023-02-20T23:49:34.010Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:33]  INFO executing the "npx -p @sap/cds-dk cds build --production" command...
[2023-02-20T23:49:34.373Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: @sap/cds-dk
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.453Z] info  mtaBuild - ................[cds] - determining build tasks for project [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job].
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.547Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - the following build tasks will be executed
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.587Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] -    {
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.625Z] info  mtaBuild -      "build": {
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.662Z] info  mtaBuild -        "target": "gen",
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.699Z] info  mtaBuild -        "tasks": [
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.753Z] info  mtaBuild -          {"for":"hana", "src":"db", "options":{"model":["db","srv","app","srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER"]}},
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.791Z] info  mtaBuild -          {"for":"nodejs", "src":"srv", "options":{"model":["db","srv","app","srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER"]}}
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.835Z] info  mtaBuild -        ]
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.875Z] info  mtaBuild -      }
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.918Z] info  mtaBuild -    }
[2023-02-20T23:49:52.981Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.019Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - building project [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job], clean [true]
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.055Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - cds [6.5.0], compiler [3.6.2], home [/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job/node_modules/@sap/cds]
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.093Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.130Z] info  mtaBuild - .[cds] - done > wrote output to:
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.166Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/.gitkeep
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.203Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/package.json
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.239Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/.hdiconfig
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.276Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/.hdiconfig
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.313Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/.hdinamespace
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.350Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/DRAFT.DraftAdministrativeData.hdbtable
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.392Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.DraftAdministrativeData.hdbview
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.430Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Mitigations.hdbview
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.466Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Mitigations_drafts.hdbtable
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.503Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Risks.hdbview
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.540Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/RiskService.Risks_drafts.hdbtable
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.577Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Mitigations.csv
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.614Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Mitigations.hdbtabledata
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.651Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Risks.csv
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.687Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/data/riskmanagement-Risks.hdbtabledata
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.724Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/riskmanagement.Mitigations.hdbtable
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.761Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/src/gen/riskmanagement.Risks.hdbtable
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.818Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/db/undeploy.json
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.855Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/.cdsrc.json
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.894Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/package-lock.json
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.931Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/package.json
[2023-02-20T23:49:53.970Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/.gitkeep
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.052Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/_i18n/i18n.json
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.091Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/csn.json
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.135Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.edmx
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.179Z] info  mtaBuild -    gen/srv/srv/risk-service.js
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.214Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.278Z] info  mtaBuild - [cds] - build completed in 746 ms
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.315Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.351Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:50]  INFO validating the MTA project
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.388Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:50]  INFO building the "risk-management-srv" module...
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.426Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:50]  INFO executing the "npm clean-install --production" command...
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.719Z] info  mtaBuild - ..
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.757Z] info  mtaBuild - added 199 packages, and audited 200 packages in 3s
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.793Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.835Z] info  mtaBuild - 56 packages are looking for funding
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.876Z] info  mtaBuild -   run `npm fund` for details
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.913Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.950Z] info  mtaBuild - found 0 vulnerabilities
[2023-02-20T23:49:54.988Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:53]  INFO the build results of the "risk-management-srv" module will be packaged and saved in the "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job/.risk-management-job_mta_build_tmp/risk-management-srv" folder
[2023-02-20T23:49:55.027Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:54]  INFO finished building the "risk-management-srv" module
[2023-02-20T23:49:55.124Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:54]  INFO building the "risk-management-db-deployer" module...
[2023-02-20T23:49:55.161Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:49:54]  INFO executing the "npm install --production" command...
[2023-02-20T23:50:00.441Z] info  mtaBuild - .....
[2023-02-20T23:50:00.481Z] info  mtaBuild - added 31 packages, and audited 32 packages in 5s
[2023-02-20T23:50:00.522Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:50:00.563Z] info  mtaBuild - found 0 vulnerabilities
[2023-02-20T23:50:00.602Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:50:00]  INFO the build results of the "risk-management-db-deployer" module will be packaged and saved in the "/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job/.risk-management-job_mta_build_tmp/risk-management-db-deployer" folder
[2023-02-20T23:50:05.910Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:50:05]  INFO finished building the "risk-management-db-deployer" module
[2023-02-20T23:50:05.960Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:50:05]  INFO building the "risk-management" module...
[2023-02-20T23:50:06.006Z] info  mtaBuild - [2023-02-20 23:50:05]  INFO executing the "npm install --production" command...
[2023-02-20T23:50:06.304Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
[2023-02-20T23:50:06.346Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: '@sap/approuter@10.15.4',
[2023-02-20T23:50:06.390Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '^12.0.0 || ^14.0.0' },
[2023-02-20T23:50:06.495Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v16.15.0', npm: '8.5.5' }
[2023-02-20T23:50:06.544Z] warn  mtaBuild - npm WARN EBADENGINE }
[2023-02-20T23:51:27.941Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! code ENOTFOUND
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.033Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! syscall getaddrinfo
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.069Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! errno ENOTFOUND
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.106Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network request to http://nginx-redirector.repo-cache.svc.cluster.local/repository/appstudio-npm-group/@sap/audit-logging/-/audit-logging-5.5.4.tgz failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND nginx-redirector.repo-cache.svc.cluster.local
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.140Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network This is a problem related to network connectivity.
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.175Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.212Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network 
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.248Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.285Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! network 'proxy' config is set properly.  See: 'npm help config'
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.322Z] info  mtaBuild - 
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.358Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.394Z] error mtaBuild - npm ERR!     /home/mta/.npm/_logs/2023-02-20T23_50_05_678Z-debug-0.log
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.430Z] error mtaBuild - ......................................................................[2023-02-20 23:51:16] ERROR could not build the "risk-management" module: could not execute the "npm install --production" command: exit status 1
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.466Z] info  mtaBuild - make: *** [Makefile_20230220234924.mta:37: risk-management] Error 1
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.501Z] info  mtaBuild - Error: could not build the MTA project: could not execute the "make -f Makefile_20230220234924.mta p=CF mtar=risk-management.mtar strict=true mode= t=\"/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/risk-management-job\"" command: exit status 2
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.538Z] info  mtaBuild - fatal error: errorDetails{"category":"build","correlationId":"n/a","error":"running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1","library":"SAP/jenkins-library","message":"failed to execute mta build","result":"failure","stepName":"mtaBuild","time":"2023-02-20T23:51:16.228529674Z"}
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.572Z] fatal mtaBuild - failed to execute mta build - running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.606Z] info  mtaBuild - persisting reports to GCS is disabled, because gcsBucketId is empty
[2023-02-20T23:51:28.642Z] info  mtaBuild - Step telemetry data:{"StepStartTime":"2023-02-20 23:49:23.789700081 +0000 UTC","PipelineURLHash":"50f013532a9770a2c2cfdc38b7581dd01df69b70","BuildURLHash":"50f013532a9770a2c2cfdc38b7581dd01df69b70","StageName":"Build","StepName":"mtaBuild","ErrorCode":"1","StepDuration":"112439","ErrorCategory":"build","CorrelationID":"n/a","PiperCommitHash":"4a1cf4fd45dd75fe79f19e6d37ca03fa5883a4a7","ErrorDetail":{"category":"build","correlationId":"n/a","error":"running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1","library":"SAP/jenkins-library","message":"failed to execute mta build","result":"failure","stepName":"mtaBuild","time":"2023-02-20T23:51:16.228529674Z"}}
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] sh
[2023-02-20T23:51:30.708Z] + ./piper readPipelineEnv
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:51:31.440Z] Transfer Influx data
[Pipeline] findFiles
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:51:32.382Z] Stashed 0 file(s)
[Pipeline] fileExists
[Pipeline] readJSON
[Pipeline] error
[Pipeline] sh
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:51:46.237Z] Stashed 83 file(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // container
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // podTemplate
[Pipeline] unstash
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:51:54.831Z] invalidate stash container-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859
[Pipeline] stash
[2023-02-20T23:51:55.471Z] Warning: overwriting stash ‘container-ccba6788-fc69-4ad5-bbce-568f8d7f5859’
[2023-02-20T23:51:55.596Z] Stashed 0 file(s)
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:51:56.663Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:51:56.751Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: dockerExecuteOnKubernetes
[2023-02-20T23:51:56.788Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:51:56.875Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-20T23:51:56.912Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:56.947Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-20T23:51:56.983Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.019Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.090Z] The error was:
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.128Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.171Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.209Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.279Z] Further information:
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.314Z] * Documentation of library step dockerExecuteOnKubernetes:
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.349Z] * Source code of library step dockerExecuteOnKubernetes:
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.384Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.422Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.494Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:51:57.531Z] --- End library step of: dockerExecuteOnKubernetes ---
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.510Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.599Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: dockerExecute
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.636Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.706Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.742Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.778Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.813Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.848Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.916Z] The error was:
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.951Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:58.986Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.021Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.092Z] Further information:
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.129Z] * Documentation of library step dockerExecute:
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.162Z] * Source code of library step dockerExecute:
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.200Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.235Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.305Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:51:59.341Z] --- End library step of: dockerExecute ---
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.341Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.450Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: mtaBuild
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.491Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.569Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.627Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.664Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.702Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.740Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.814Z] The error was:
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.853Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.889Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-20T23:52:00.926Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:01.000Z] Further information:
[2023-02-20T23:52:01.037Z] * Documentation of library step mtaBuild:
[2023-02-20T23:52:01.073Z] * Source code of library step mtaBuild:
[2023-02-20T23:52:01.111Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-20T23:52:01.154Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-20T23:52:01.226Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:52:01.263Z] --- End library step of: mtaBuild ---
[Pipeline] libraryResource
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.388Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.494Z] --- An error occurred in the library step: buildExecute
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.546Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.653Z] The following parameters were available to the step:
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.697Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.740Z] *** to show step parameters, set verbose:true in general pipeline configuration
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.783Z] *** WARNING: this may reveal sensitive information. ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.838Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.925Z] The error was:
[2023-02-20T23:52:02.964Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.008Z] hudson.AbortException: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.048Z] ***
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.132Z] Further information:
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.169Z] * Documentation of library step buildExecute:
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.207Z] * Source code of library step buildExecute:
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.257Z] * Library documentation:
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.295Z] * Library repository:
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.375Z] ----------------------------------------------------------
[2023-02-20T23:52:03.414Z] --- End library step of: buildExecute ---
[Pipeline] deleteDir
[Pipeline] echo
[2023-02-20T23:52:04.340Z] [null] Sending telemetry data is disabled.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[2023-02-20T23:52:05.124Z] Lock released on resource [risk-management-job]
[Pipeline] // lock
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Additional Unit Tests)
Stage "Additional Unit Tests" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Acceptance)
Stage "Acceptance" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Compliance)
Stage "Compliance" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Release)
Stage "Release" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: [mtaBuild] Step execution failed (category: build). Error: running command 'mbt' failed: cmd.Run() failed: exit status 1
Finished: FAILURE

 Please advise, thanks,

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Simon,

can you add a ".npmrc" file in your project root directory? And add the following line there:


Like in the starter template:


"npm ERR! network request to http://nginx-redirector.repo-cache.svc.cluster.local/repository/appstudio-npm-group/@sap/audit-loggi... failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND nginx-redirector.repo-cache.svc.cluster.local"

As you can see, npm is not finding the package. If the explicit definition of the registry won't help, I also suggest removing the node_modules folder and the package-lock.json file and run "npm i" again to get a fresh package-lock-json in your project.


Hi Markus. In the event, I reworked the exercises in the Automated Deployment unit, and it worked. Nonetheless, your above answers gave me insight into the structure and potential issues. Most valuable - thanks! Simon

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Okay great. You're welcome!