SAP TechEd Blog Posts
Share your experiences about SAP TechEd: Write about your favorite sessions and other conference highlights.
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
With hundred sessions and thousands of people exploring the show floor across all three events in Las Vegas, Barcelona and Bangalore, how can anyone see it all? The truth is, unless you have a time machine or clone yourself, no one can.  And this is why SAP TechEd records as much as the event as possible to provide a keepsake for attendees and give anyone who didn’t attend access to some of what they missed.

Here's a taste:

Keynotes, Live Interviews, Highlights, Strategy Talks

Several teams are on site in each location to capture the keynotes, strategy talks, select lectures and interviews with SAP technology experts. In 2018, there are over 300 videos available for replay—with about a third produced by yours truly.

There’s tons of exciting stuff and exciting people to see.  Whether you are a developer, customers, partner, an employee or just into technology in general, there’s something for you. You can even filter the replays by location and/or content type, and search by keyword such as ABAP or even a name such as Sven.

Here are some of my picks from this year:

For me, it’s a real privilege to meet so many people across SAP and its partners and customers so I hope you have a look at some of the titles on offer.

Find all 2018 replays at:

What's your favorite replay?

...and See you in 2019!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Jason, you've written a post I've contemplated writing myself. 🙂  Thank you for pointing out the treasure trove of recorded sessions and interviews from SAP TechEd. It's truly the long tail of this series of events, and a great way to "be there" when you can't "be there", or even re-watch a session you may have attended if you were fortunate enough to attend the event.
Active Contributor
I've also recommended the LT144 replay a few times to colleagues and customers, so I have to agree with you there.