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Object or set with GUID 00000000000000000000000000000000 does not exist- when creating central contract in SRM

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Gurus,

One of the buyers with our client is encountering this error while clicking on "Create Central Contract".

This is not a system wide issue since the other buyers are successfully able to initiate contract creation.

System details:

Installation: SRM 7.0 EHP 2

Technical Scenario: Classic

Screen shot of the error:

I checked the following parameters:

  1. Strategic purchaser role not defined: This role has already been assigned to the buyer.
  2. User specific System configuration/ attributes not correctly set: All the parameters are correctly set. I even compared
    the settings with those of buyers who were successful in creating contracts, and all seems fine. Some of the parameters checked:
    • Default company code/ plant assignment
    • Default currency
  3. Number ranges: SRM number range is internal and in ECC it is set as external.

Can any of you throw some light on what could be triggering this error and what other parameters need to be checked?

Thank you!

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Please also check if the following roles are added:






Former Member
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Thank you Ivy for your reply.

I have checked for those roles too, and they are already added.

Thank you!

Active Contributor
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I had the issue recently.

it could be a BP inconsistency issue of the BUYER

you resolve this BP inconsistency issue and it will work fine.

Former Member
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Fixed inconsistency and it worked.

Thank you!

Former Member
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Hi Jit

I have the similar issue now.

How did you fixed your BP inconsistency?

Many thanks.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have the similar issue too

but i have this issue in create po locally

How did you fixed it?

Former Member
0 Kudos

BP inconsistency fixed but still the same issue.

0 Kudos


take the report as provided in note 1034607, he will fix the BP inconsistency. The valit from and valit to date will be changed to recommended value.

Best regards
