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Business Roles Access Rights Persisting Despite Removal

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I have an instance where in my Production server, I have a set of users that originally had some administrative rights. No, as we are preparing for cutover, I have limited their access rights substantially so that they only have basic planning tasks. However, those users are still able to access everything defined in their previous role. To test it, I removed all business catalogs from that role, saved it, and had a user test it. They were still able to access the excel add-in and all the applications in Fiori despite having NO catalogs assigned.

I tried to replicate the same behavior in the Development tenant but it was functioning as expected (i.e. removing all catalogs prevented any access other than logging into Fiori and seeing no tiles available)

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Hi Matt,

We have discussed about this issue via Expert Chat Session and confirmed that everything is working correctly after the recreation of the Business Roles.

In case you start facing it again, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Lucas Bozio