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The idea of doing these 10 projects has its roots in the journey which I took to ramp up in area of SAPUI5. I thought if we can have some kind of beginner projects it will help the learner in taking this journey. It will help in building the confidence after learning the basics through our amazing SAPUI5 walkthrough tutorial. So these 10 projects is an effort in the same direction, I hope you learn something out of it!. Thank you to the community for the great support and encouraging feedback because of which we were able to complete this project.

Projects details

All project related code can be found here

Project Number What we build? What we learn? Link to the Video
1  CountDown timer  We learn about different concepts such as Shell,Navigation and Routing, Horizontal Layout, Vertical Layout, Tiles, CSS Grids, Images, Concept of Binding, JSON models etc
2  Covid19 app  We learn about new controls such as Panel, Viz Charts, List, Pie Chart and consuming data via api from
3 Vaccination Tracker We learn about new controls such as Tables, Planning calendar, Radio buttons, binding, Formatters and Object number and state
4 Pollution Tracker We learn about new controls such as Flexible column layout, routing, Tables and dynamic pages
5 Portfolio Page We learn about new controls such as Object Page, Tree table and flex box
6 Sales Order search app with OData We learn about new controls such as Fragments, Value Help, Multi-input and Token
7 Barcode Scanning in SAPUI5 We learn about how we can use third party library in our project to enable barcode scanning. In this case we use ScandIT
8 Create a custom control Captcha We learn about how to integrate third party library such as loadash apart from understanding basic concepts of control such as properties, aggregations and events
9 Integrating Google Maps We learn about using custom google maps library. We also learn about how to us chrome location api also along with how to add markers etc.
10 Weather App We will learn about different type of integration cards object, table, list and analytical.

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Thank You Nabheet Madan for wonderful collection.
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Thanks a lot
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