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Active Contributor
Earlier today, we hosted an SAP CodeJam at the KMD offices for the seventh time. I was even more excited than usual about this one, because the topic was one I am particularly keen on: The SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (or just CAP for short). The CodeJam was run by the always great Max Streifeneder of the SAP Developer Relations team.

Here's Max, introducing the CodeJam format.

I was really happy to see a great turnout at the event. In my book, CAP is one of the most important topics at the moment for SAP developers, technologists and architects, and today’s CodeJam was an excellent opportunity to take the tech for a spin. The participants made a smart decision to spend a day learning about CAP!

CodeJams in three words.

During the CodeJam, Max took us through ten exercises, starting with getting a minimal project set up on our laptops, and ending with deploying a finished solution to SAP Cloud Platform’s Cloud Foundry environment.

CodeJam participants hacking away.

As you can probably tell, I’m a big fan of SAP CodeJams; they’re great learning opportunities and a lot of fun, and today was definitely no exception. If you have yet to participate in one, I highly recommend it. And if you haven’t gotten your feet wet with CAP yet, I urge you to do so.

A huge thank you to Max, Ian and Helena at SAP for a great CodeJam, to all the participants who came out, and to KMD for hosting.

P.S. The title’s alliteration is dedicated to wordsmith and CAP luminary DJ Adams.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
pleasure was all mine! thanks for an awesome day, was a blast! hopefully not the last one 🙂
Active Participant

Hi Max! Thank you for a great Session, you helped us understand the business values and technical functionalities, in a down to earth and calm manner. I think you’re a great teacher!

For anyone wanting to learn anything SAP related, I wholeheartedly recommend the SAP CodeJams! The CodeJams are a great way to meet your ‘colleauges’ of the local SAP marked, as well as get your hands dirty in some specific hands-on sessions.

Even if you’re completely business oriented, or just dabbling in the dark arts of coding, you will still be able to learn a lot. Having perspective on the technical side of the SAP Business has a ton of value in itself.

So a shout-out to Max for making it a pleasant experience, and i recommend anyone to either participate in a CodeJam near you, or start one up yourself if you have a feeling a lot of people might be interested!

Either way – have a look at the SAP Community and Developers Event base to stay updated on what migh...

Active Participant
One of the best CodeJams I have attended, it was awesome!! ?
Active Contributor
As gregorw points out, this is, in fact, a CAP recap 😄
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
annejohnson thank you for these kind and warm words! You made my day 🙂

You and yojibee are absolute role models, feel honoured that you two have been part of this day!
Awesome event!

That highlights the strength of CAP as an important development model. By using CAP you really have a strong foundation with rich functionality and tooling, enabling quick build of full stack Fiori Apps 🙂

A fantastic event and one of the best CodeJams I've attened! 🙂

Cool combination of business value and technical content and a strategic positioning of CAP as a programming model!

Absolutely recommend everyone to check out iinside's work and check out your local CodeJam calender for similar events!
Best CodeJam I've been to. Also the only one. Max is a very knowledgable Mac fanboi.
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