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Updated on 9 November 2022

The openSAP course Building Applications with SAP Cloud Application Programming Model has just concluded. Overall, the course is a good overview of what the CAP Model has to offer. It has some hands-on demo that are beginner-friendly. However, to be able to get a deeper understanding of the moving parts and configuration aspect of the CDS framework, one has to work on their own use case and do their own development.

So that's what I did, and I decided to focus on consuming external OData Service using the Cloud Foundry Destination Service. Apparently, there's quite a number of pitfalls I stumbled into, hence, I'm sharing my solution on this blog.

Special thanks to david.kunz2 for helping in troubleshooting and guiding me on my issue!




  • SAP Business Application Studio / Visual Studio Code

  • SAP BTP Account - Cloud Foundry Environment


Blog Post Series


Create the Node.js Application

If you have been working with OData Services, then you are probably already familiar with the NorthWind OData Service. This is a good starting point for learning how to use/consume a public OData service, and in this scenario, I will be using the OData V4 NorthWind service.

We will start to create a Node.js application from scratch using Cloud Application Programming Model. I'm using Visual Studio Code as my local development IDE, but you can use SAP Business Application Studio and still achieve the same results.

  • 1. Initialize your project using the CDS CLI tool

> cds init

The project was generated with the skeleton of the project. As with any Node.js modules, the package.json file is that starting point of your Node.js application, the rest of the folders are empty, and in our case, we will only need to use the srv folder.


  • 2. Get the service document or EDMX file of our OData Service by using the $metadata tag. And then save the xml data as NorthWind.edmx.$metadata

  • 3. Use the cds import command to import the .edmx file into your project

> cds import NorthWind.edmx

There are a few things that happened during the import.

  • The NorthWind.edmx file was imported to folder srv/external

  • The NorthWind.csn file was generated based on the edmx file and was also inside the folder srv/external. CSN stands for Core Schema Notation, and this is the Schema Definition that is understood and used by the CDS framework.

  • The package.json file was updated with the cds.requires configuration for the imported external service called NorthWind.


  • 4. Create a catalog-service.cds file to define our Catalog Service

using {NorthWind as external} from './external/NorthWind.csn';

service CatalogService {

entity Products as projection on external.Products {
key ID, Name, Description, ReleaseDate, DiscontinuedDate, Rating, Price


Here, we need to import the NorthWind.csn definition to be used as a projection for our Products entity.


  • 5. Create a custom handler for our Catalog Service and implement the READ event of Products entity. Name the file catalog-service.js.

const cds = require('@sap/cds');

module.exports = cds.service.impl(async function() {
const { Products } = this.entities;
const service = await'NorthWind');
this.on('READ', Products, request => {
return service.tx(request).run(request.query);

It is important to name the handler file the same as the .cds counterpart as the CDS framework expects this.


Test the application using Mock Data

  • 1. Mock the data for our catalog service to be able to test our application locally and in isolation. Create a folder data under the external folder. And in this data folder, create a new file called NorthWind-Products.csv with contents below:

0;Bread;Whole grain bread;1992-01-01T00:00:00Z;;4;2.5
1;Milk;Low fat milk;1995-10-01T00:00:00Z;;3;3.5

It is important that the file follows the proper naming convention i.e. <name of the service>-<name of the entity>.csv as this is expected by the framework.


  • 2. We are now ready to test our application. So start it up using the cds command:

> cds watch

If you encounter an error log after executing the above command, then that's just about right. It seems that when the framework generated the CSN file, there were some violations in the entity dependency and this is being highlighted in the terminal as an error.

I'm not quite sure why the framework would generate an erroneous .csn file, but it's not the end of the world, the errors are quite easy to fix if you are familiar with OData definitions. Just follow along the error description as it describes which file has an error (NorthWind.csn) and which line (162), what artifact (NorthWind.Person) and what is the missing entity (NorthWind.Customer).

I've already gone through the pain of fixing it one-by-one and here is the fixed file: NorthWind.csn

Once you have fixed and saved the NorthWind.csn file, the node application is automatically restarted by the nodemon process, this is because we have started the application using cds watch command.

The application would start normally, as you can see in the screenshot below:

  • 3. Open your application in your browser using below URL:


And click on the Products entity for the catalog service:

Here you will see the data that we mock for our Products entity. You can go back to the main page of the service and browse the external service entities, but there won't be any data available because we only created mock data for Products entity.


Test the application using Real Data

  • 1. Modify the configuration in your package.json file to add the credentials.url property. Don't forget to save the changes.

	"cds": {
"requires": {
"NorthWind": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/NorthWind",
"[backend]": {
"credentials": {
"url": ""

  • 2. The connection to external services requires the SAP Cloud SDK node module, so you need to install that dependency first using below command:

> npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client

  • 3. Run the app using cds watch --profile backend, then head back to your browser to test the application.

As you can see, the starting page of the node service is only showing catalog path. This is an expected behaviour since you are no longer running on mock data. The addition of the credentials.url property makes the application use the real external service's data and the north-wind path is now gone. This is the exact situation once you deploy the node application to cloud foundry environment.

Now let's click on the Products entity to view the data.

This time the Products entity is displaying the actual list of products as if you run the original NorthWind OData Service.

You can verify this by using the below URL in a separate browser:



Now you know how to consume an external OData Service using the CAP Model. We are able to test our Node.js application using Mock data and also test it with real data just by doing a simple configuration change.

On my next blog, I will show the deployment to cloud foundry and setting up the destination using the destination service.


Here's the part 2 --> Consume External Service - Part 2



Appreciate it if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. Cheers!~
Hi Jhodel,

Great job on this beautiful blog post, well done!

Best regards,
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks David! 😄
Thanks Jhodel for this detailed blog post. I'm eagerly waiting for the next part. 🙂
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks for feedback Pierre! The Part 2 is now available!
0 Kudos

is there something similar for java? How can I access destinations in Java.

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0 Kudos
Hi Giovanni,

I'm not into Java SDK of CAP but doing a quick look at the documentation, it looks like you can!

Have a go with the example, and if that doesn't work for you, then you might want to look at the sample implementation in Java on how to manually consume the Destination Service configuration:

Hope that helps!
0 Kudos
Hi Jhodel,


I still see local data in the browser even after following the steps.



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0 Kudos

Hi lalitgoyal1987 ,

Are you sure you have set up successfully the “url” in the credentials section? Can you share your current cap project?

0 Kudos
Hi Jhodel,


I am cleaning the project. meanwhile, I am sending you package.json file.

"name": "HelloWorld",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A simple CAP project.",
"repository": "<Add your repository here>",
"license": "UNLICENSED",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@sap/cds": "^3",
"@sap/hana-client": "^2.5.86",
"@sap/hdi-deploy": "^3.11.5",
"express": "^4"
"scripts": {
"start": "npx cds run"
"devDependencies": {
"sqlite3": "^5.0.0"
"cds": {
"requires": {
"NorthWind": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/NorthWind",
"credentials": {
"url": ""
"build": {
"target": "gen",
"tasks": [
"src": "srv",
"for": "node-cf",
"options": {
"model": [
"src": "db",
"for": "hana",
"options": {
"model": [


0 Kudos
Hi Jhodel,

I am attaching the github link.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi lalitgoyal1987 ,

I must say that your issue got me puzzled for quite a while. The issue is due to missing “s” in exports:

const cds = require('@sap/cds');

module.exports = cds.service.impl(async function() { // <--- right here
const { Products } = this.entities;

const service = await'NorthWind');
this.on('READ', Products, request => {
return service.tx(request).run(request.query);

The hint was that, when entering in debug mode, it will never execute any lines of code in this file because the function was never exported. And apparently, cds framework won’t complain and assume that you are running using mock data.

Ah. That's my bad. Thanks a lot for your help Jhodel. It works now.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Happy to know it works now! Cheers!~

Hi Jhodel,

first of all thank you very much for this wonderful tutorial.

I have just a short question: Does the Fiori Preview work for you, if

you want to display the northwind products in the table? I get data when clicking the service

url, but not within the fiori preview - although I annotated correctly.

Only, when using CSV it works...




Hi jhodel18,
thank’s very much, this is wonderful tutorial!

But now, I wonder if this is a way to implement microservice in CF environment, ODATA in old version is suitable for micro services. Micro-services, however, are not suitable for odata. I mean there’s really nothing stopping you from exposing the OData in a microservice, but then we have CDS, CDS can fix this and make the service’s data smaller or custom flexible, so do you think it is idealy solution for micro service in CF?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks gadirov for your comment!

I believe I already answered your question somewhere else.
Active Contributor
Thanks for your comment hieu.ngoxuan !

I'm not sure if I understand your question, but I will try to answer.

I have a feeling that you are taking the literal sense of micro-services in the context of OData. Microservices is a design architecture as opposed to the traditional monolith architecture. Here's a good reference for microservice architecture.

If you work with SAP CF environment, whether you like it or not, you are bound to adopt the microservice architecture. You got SAP Portal, App Router, Destinations, Connectivity, and so much more that is already considered microservices. As matter of fact, the way the CAP CDS database objects are persisted in the HANA DB is aligned with the microservices architecture -- through the means of containerization, which is called HDI Container.
0 Kudos
Thank you very much for your answer! It gave me a better picture of micro service in SAP CF environment.

Best Regards!

0 Kudos
Yes, thank you, this question is now obsolete. 🙂 I had to change the annotations and now fiori preview also works fine.

Hi jhodel18 :I am trying on VS code, and while using ” CDS import” it is saying ” No such file: NorthWind.edmx’. I have saved edmx file in /srv folder. Can you let me know what needs to be done or i am missing anything ? Also i observed @sap/cds-dk is missing, but I am unable to install it



0 Kudos
I got the same issue. Could you tell me where the answer is?
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0 Kudos
Hi jyothiraditya.k

Execute command below and let me know what you get:
> cds --version
0 Kudos
Which annotation did you change? I got the same issue as well. Thanks
Hi jyothiraditya.k

Please try saving your file in root folder instead of saving in srv folder.

Hello jhodel18 thanks for the useful blog.

I'm, however, having some problems when trying to set the real data from the OData service. There is the thing: if I set the mock data everything works fine and I can access my exposed paths:

But when I set the credentials in the package.json I see the following:

I'm using Business Application Studio in SCP CF.

Do you have some idea of what could be generating this behavior?

Best regards.
Active Contributor
Hi andres.chacon, thanks for your comment!

What you are getting is the standard behavior. When you don't provide credentials, this is interpreted by CAP that you want to run using mock data, hence, the external service will be mocked by default. As a result of this behaviour, you will the external service on the root page of the service (your first screenshot). But if you run the cap service in a connected scenario (not mocked), the external service will be hidden (as it should be). Technically, the service you want to expose is the cap service you created (in your case, it doesn't looked like you created any), and not the external service you are supposed to consume from within CAP.
0 Kudos
Hello Jhodel, thanks for your reply. I already notice my error, and yes, was related in some way to the inexistence of a service definition.

The problem was that I created the catalog-service.cds and catalog-service.js files outside of srv folder, so when I tried to test the app with the real service it does not appear anything. As soon as I put my catalog files inside of serv folder it worked fine.

Thanks Jhodel, great blog posts.

Best regards.
Hi jhodel18

thanks for your blog. However when I try to play it through I already got the first error while importing EDMX file. I'm using the SAP Business Application Studio to play around.

With the command: cds import NorthWind.edmx I receive this error:
[INTERNAL ERROR] TypeError: copy_or_move is not a function
at _copy_to_srv_external (/local/npm/lib/node_modules/@sap/cds-dk/bin/import.js:148:9)

With the initialization of the project with "cds init" these version of @sap/cds are used:
@sap/cds: 5.1.5
@sap/cds-compiler: 2.2.8
@sap/cds-dk: 4.0.7
@sap/cds-foss: 2.3.1
@sap/cds-runtime: 3.1.2
Node.js: v10.23.0

Any ideas how to solve the import error I receive?

Best regards, Andreas
There's a solution to make it work again. The "out of the box" version of the cds-dk obviously doesn't work properly in this scenario.

An update to the latest version did the trick:
npm i -g @sap/cds-dk

Thanks, gregorw for this hint.

Regards, Andreas
0 Kudos

hi jhodel18 or maybe gregorw is it also possible in the setup like here above to do create or update requests against the external service? Running on cloudfoundry with a destination.

I have defined an action and in that action I would like to do a create in the external service

If so is there some example code for that somewhere?

Or do I need to use the Cloud SDK for that

tnx in advanced


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0 Kudos
If your create action isn't to complex it should work directly with CAP. For more complex stuff use the SAP Cloud SDK.
0 Kudos
On CDS IMPORT Northwind.edmx, I am getting

""Edm.GeographyPoint" is not supported (in element:"Location")"

Can anyone suggest what went wrong?


0 Kudos
Nice blog Jhodel....
0 Kudos
Is there a way to use an external odata service from the abap system in stead of a csv file?
It worked perfectly fine with mock data. But when I entered the URL in package.json, i get below error. Any suggestion to fix this please?


<message>Error during request to remote service: Cannot find module '@sap-cloud-sdk/http-client' Require stack: - /home/user/projects/Proj1/node_modules/@sap/cds/libx/_runtime/remote/utils/client.js - /home/user/projects/Proj1/node_modules/@sap/cds/libx/_runtime/remote/Service.js - /home/user/projects/Proj1/node_modules/@sap/cds/lib/index.js - /home/user/projects/Proj1/node_modules/@sap/cds/bin/cds.js - /home/user/.node_modules_global/lib/node_modules/@sap/cds-dk/bin/cds.js - /home/user/.node_modules_global/lib/node_modules/@sap/cds-dk/bin/watch.js</message>


In the meantime i got it resolved by below command:

npm install @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client @sap-cloud-sdk/util

During this I also faced another error  regarding registry,  for which i used below commands:

npm cache clear --force

npm config set registry

0 Kudos
Hi jhodel18 ,

Could you please share steps to generate edmx for Integration Flow Content specific to a tenant. For our use case we need to consume data from Integration Flows as an external service. Is there any documentation that can help here?
0 Kudos
Kindly provide any link for consume external rest api sap cap using java. Thanks
0 Kudos
Hi jhodel18

Do you know if it's possible to use @odata.draft.enabled while consuming the external APIs/Services?

Kind regards,

Active Contributor
Hi ugurdogus

It's not supported by CAP, however, I have built a node module that bridges this gap -- see @rizing/cds-extension
Hi Jhodel,


I am still wondering what will happen to this CAP Application if there are new entities ot fields added to the service, since you're using a static .edmx file you application will not be able to cover the dynamic chages in the service,

Can you suggest some solution for this kind of case?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi khanaliahmed2989

Technically you are supposed to regenerate the metadata then update the cap application. But if that is not possible, then you could introduce an entity with a field/property that holds an unstructured json data. But for this to work, you need to be able to update the original OData API and the app that consume the cap service will have to do the read/processing of the unstructured json data.
0 Kudos
Hi jhodel18 ,

Thanks for replying, So we don't have any dynamic solution for this we have to import .edmx file again, Is there any other way to consume the external API using node js modules like axios etc. in srv.js file?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks pretty much it, either use cap nodejs api or do it your own way using node modules like axios.
0 Kudos


I always get the error message when I switch to the real data and if I use the

credentials.url ""

I had to change it because the error message came backend profile not found

With this configuration I can switch between backend and mock. Mock works Backend does not work

My package.json look like this

"cds": {
"requires": {
"[backend]": {
"NorthWind": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/NorthWind",
"credentials": {
"url": ""
"[mock]": {
"NorthWind": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/NorthWind"
0 Kudos


Thanks for the nice tutorial. I am using Mac and VS code. For me the generation of the csn file resulted in the sam bug as for Ahmed Ali Khan and the VS code terminal aborted. However the zsh shell did continue and generated the files as expected.

Also the usage of the real data failed in the VS Code terminal and zsh did use the mock data. However removing the [backend] tag worked out for zsh shell and the result is as in the tutorial. If anyone knows the reason of this behaviour please let me know.

0 Kudos
Hi jhodel18 ,


Thanks for the useful blog post. I tried to reproduce  the steps described in the Blog post  using a custom OData service from S/4 HANA On premise system  of the client that I’m trying to consume from  CAP Application.

I have get the  EDMX file of OData Service by using the $metadata tag. And then save the xml data as imageUpdate.edmx

Then I used the command cds import to import the service definition and I faced the following error.

The imageUpdate.csn file was not  generated based on the edmx file  as expected only the edmx file location changed to the folder srv/external.

Do you have any idea how to overcome this issue please ?

Thanks and best regards,

0 Kudos
In step 2 you have not mentioned where the edmx file should be saved??
0 Kudos
Before placing the file in srv folder run the cds watch command.

I agree he was missing some information in the step 2 which generated some files as he said
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