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Active Contributor

Updated on 9 November 2022

In my previous blog post Consume External Service - Part 1, I have tested the application using mock and real data. Just by configuring the NorthWind OData service URL in the credentials.url property, I was able to connect to the external service. This approach is only applicable for local development testing. If you try to deploy this into SAP BTP, you will encounter an error stating that this approach is not valid for production use.

The reason behind this is that external service consumption in this CDS framework is meant to use the Destination Service in Cloud Foundry. And this is the topic of this blog -- deploying the Node.js project into SAP BTP Cloud Foundry using Destination Service.





Blog Post Series


Setup Destination Configuration

First of all, why do we need to set up a destination? A simple explanation is that it is best practice to avoid hard coding the external services that you use in your application inside your code. It is better for it to be configured separately from your application because as you deploy your application into different environments like DEV, QA, or PROD, you can have a different setup of the destination per environment. Also, it keeps sensitive information like credentials outside of your code.

See Step 8 of Deploy the application to BTP Cloud Foundry



Deploy the application to BTP Cloud Foundry

Now let's go back to our Node.js project -- if you were able to follow through my previous blog post, then your project will look exactly like the one I have below:

The next step is to prepare the application for deployment to BTP Cloud Foundry.

  • 1. Generate the mta.yaml file using the command below:

> cds add mta

  • 2. Generate the security descriptor file xs-security.json using the command below:

> cds add xsuaa


  • 3. Update mta.yaml file with declaration of xsuaa and destination resources and then binding it to our node module cap-samples-srv.

_schema-version: "3.1"
ID: com.jcailan.cap-samples
version: 1.0.0
description: "A simple CAP project."
enable-parallel-deployments: true
- builder: custom
- npx -p @sap/cds-dk cds build --production

- name: cap-samples-srv
type: nodejs
path: gen/srv
buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
builder: npm-ci
- name: srv-api # required by consumers of CAP services (e.g. approuter)
srv-url: ${default-url}
- name: cap-samples-uaa
- name: cap-samples-destination

- name: cap-samples-uaa
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
service: xsuaa
service-plan: application
path: ./xs-security.json
xsappname: cap-samples-${org}-${space}
tenant-mode: dedicated

- name: cap-samples-destination
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
service: destination
service-plan: lite

Note that in order for the destination service consumption to work, an xsuaa service is required to be bound to our application.

  • 4. Update the package.json cds configurations to use the NorthWind destination (we will create the actual destination configuration later after deployment):

	"cds": {
"requires": {
"NorthWind": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/NorthWind",
"[backend]": {
"credentials": {
"url": ""
"[production]": {
"credentials": {
"destination": "NorthWind"
"[production]": {
"auth": {
"kind": "xsuaa",
"restrict_all_services": false

NOTE: The restrict_all_services = false removes authentication to all the provided service endpoints and we are using this for this example just for the sake of simplicity and because the original service endpoint doesn't have authentication in place. However, in normal cases, you would want to keep the authentication on especially when the app is used productively.

  • 5. Build the MTA Project by using the command:

> mbt build

Make sure you have saved all the file changes we did before doing the build.

An MTA archive file will be generated in the mta_archives folder.

  • 6. Deploy the MTA archive file into BTP Cloud Foundry using the command:

> cf deploy mta_archives/com.jcailan.cap-samples_1.0.0.mtar

  • 7. Once the deployment has been completed, look out for the terminal logs which state the URL of your cap-samples-srv module. In my case, here's the generated URL:

  • 8. But before proceeding to test the application, make sure to add the configuration for the NorthWind destination. Go to BTP Cockpit and look for the destination service instance cap-samples-destination -- then add below configuration:


Test the deployed Node.js app service

  • 1. Open the URL we got from the previous step using your favorite browser, the initial page will show, and now click on the Products entity. You should see the result below:

As you can see, it is very easy to deploy the app and use the destination service. We don't really need to do any additional JavaScript coding, all that we did is just do a little bit of configuration.


Testing the Node.js app locally

Now that we have deployed our application into BTP Cloud Foundry, we can test the app locally while still using the destination service in BTP Cloud Foundry. In order to be able to test locally, we need to capture the environment variable assigned to our Node.js module in BTP.

  • 1. Execute the command below to fetch the environment variables bounded to your deployed node module app:

> cf default-env cap-samples-srv
Environment variables for cap-samples-srv written to default-env.json

NOTE: You need to have the CF Plugin called DefaultEnv installed in your machine -- see installation instructions here:


  • 3. Next thing to do is start the app locally using the command:

> cds watch --profile production

  • 4. Test the app on a browser by using the URL below:


As you can see we now can test the app locally using real data while also using the destination service of BTP Cloud Foundry.

If by any chance you still want to revert to testing the app using our mock data, you can still do so by executing the command:
> cds watch




Now you know how easy it is to consume an external service using CAP Model and use Destination Service to manage the connection configuration. We also tested our application in three different ways:

  • Test the service directly in BTP Cloud Foundry

  • Test the service locally while still using BTP CF Destination Service

  • Test the service locally using mock data

Take note that mocking the data for your service is essential for automated unit testing, but this is another topic better dealt with over another blog.


Taking this project further into -- Unit Testing using Mocha and Chai



Appreciate it if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions. Cheers!~

0 Kudos
Hi Jhodel, Im having troubles making the call to the destination it always prints a 500 erro with a 400 status code in the message. Also it says about not finding a proccess env called HTTPS_PROXY and then it fails the service run.

Don't know whats happening, and I followed your blog perfectly.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi rocag

It looks like the issue is in your configuration of default-env.json, make sure it has the right structure. Also, you need to make sure that the destination service and xsuaa services are setup properly.

Thanks and regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Roc,

I has the same problem, have you found the way to resolve this?
Hi Jhodel,

Very useful post, I followed your steps and works fine, but now I want to replay this for a S/4HANA  service, but I always get this error:
{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from environment variable.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.076Z","msg":"Attempting to retrieve destination from environment variable.","written_ts":1591723502076,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.076Z"}
{"message":"Could not retrieve destination from environment variable.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.078Z","msg":"Could not retrieve destination from environment variable.","written_ts":1591723502078,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.078Z"}
{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from service binding.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.078Z","msg":"Attempting to retrieve destination from service binding.","written_ts":1591723502078,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.078Z"}
{"message":"Unable to find a service binding for given name \"SCP-TO-DEVVIRTUALNEO\"! Found the following bindings: s4cap-s4cap-uaa-S0019246072-workspKL8pDH6LAjq+PI9x, s4cap-conns4cap-S0019246072-workspOeKcqQC3TvHCyLFe, s4cap-s4cap-db-hdi-container-S0019dJBJdRo5DnLNI72P, s4cap-dests4cap-S0019246072-worksp6fvZ7pO3i0qk1mEo.\n ","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.079Z","msg":"Unable to find a service binding for given name \"SCP-TO-DEVVIRTUALNEO\"! Found the following bindings: s4cap-s4cap-uaa-S0019246072-workspKL8pDH6LAjq+PI9x, s4cap-conns4cap-S0019246072-workspOeKcqQC3TvHCyLFe, s4cap-s4cap-db-hdi-container-S0019dJBJdRo5DnLNI72P, s4cap-dests4cap-S0019246072-worksp6fvZ7pO3i0qk1mEo.\n ","written_ts":1591723502079,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.079Z"}
{"message":"Could not retrieve destination from service binding.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.079Z","msg":"Could not retrieve destination from service binding.","written_ts":1591723502079,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.079Z"}
{"message":"If you are not using SAP Extension Factory, this information probably does not concern you.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.079Z","msg":"If you are not using SAP Extension Factory, this information probably does not concern you.","written_ts":1591723502079,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.079Z"}
{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from destination service.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.080Z","msg":"Attempting to retrieve destination from destination service.","written_ts":1591723502080,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.080Z"}
{"message":"Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. The following XSUAA instances are bound: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. The following one will be selected: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. This might produce errors in other parts of the system!","level":"warn","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"environment-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.081Z","msg":"Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. The following XSUAA instances are bound: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. The following one will be selected: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. This might produce errors in other parts of the system!","written_ts":1591723502081,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.081Z"}
{"message":"Sucessfully retrieved destination from destination service.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.365Z","msg":"Sucessfully retrieved destination from destination service.","written_ts":1591723502365,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.365Z"}
{"message":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.365Z","msg":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","written_ts":1591723502365,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.365Z"}
{"message":"Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. The following XSUAA instances are bound: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. The following one will be selected: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. This might produce errors in other parts of the system!","level":"warn","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"environment-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.366Z","msg":"Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. The following XSUAA instances are bound: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. The following one will be selected: s4cap-SCPCFQAS91f91a19-69fd-4fcc-95de-a14f3e41a809!t4787. This might produce errors in other parts of the system!","written_ts":1591723502366,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.366Z"}
{"message":"Unable to create \"SAP-Connectivity-Authentication\" header: no JWT found on the current request.\n Continuing without header. Connecting to on-premise systems may not be possible.","level":"warn","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"connectivity-service"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.538Z","msg":"Unable to create \"SAP-Connectivity-Authentication\" header: no JWT found on the current request.\n Continuing without header. Connecting to on-premise systems may not be possible.","written_ts":1591723502538,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.538Z"}
{"message":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.539Z","msg":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","written_ts":1591723502539,"written_at":"2020-06-09T17:25:02.539Z"}
[2020-06-09T17:25:02.681Z | ERROR | 1003549]: Request failed with status code 403
[2020-06-09T17:25:02.681Z | ERROR | 1003549]: Error stacktrace: Error: Request failed with status code 403 at createError (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15) at settle (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12) at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:236:11) at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:323:22) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1204:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21)

This is my mta.yaml
ID: s4cap
_schema-version: '2.1'
deploy_mode: html5-repo
version: 0.0.1
- name: s4cap-approuter
type: approuter.nodejs
path: s4cap-approuter
disk-quota: 256M
memory: 256M
- name: s4cap_html5_repo_runtime
- name: dest_s4cap
- name: conn_s4cap
- name: s4cap-uaa
- name: srv_api
group: destinations
forwardAuthToken: true
name: srv_api
url: '~{url}'
- name: s4cap_ui_deployer
path: s4cap_ui_deployer
- name: s4cap_html5_repo_host
- name: s4capui
- './*'
target-path: resources/s4capui
- name: s4cap-db
type: hdb
path: db
memory: 256M
disk-quota: 512M
- name: s4cap-db-hdi-container
- name: s4cap-srv
type: nodejs
path: srv
memory: 512M
disk-quota: 512M
- name: srv_api
url: '${default-url}'
- name: s4cap-db-hdi-container
- name: s4cap-uaa
- name: dest_s4cap
- name: conn_s4cap
- name: s4capui
type: html5
path: s4capui
builder: custom
- npm install
- npm run build
supported-platforms: []
build-result: dist
- name: s4cap_html5_repo_runtime
service-plan: app-runtime
service: html5-apps-repo
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
- name: s4cap_html5_repo_host
service-plan: app-host
service: html5-apps-repo
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
- name: s4cap-db-hdi-container
hdi-container-name: '${service-name}'
- name: s4cap-uaa
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
service-plan: application
service: xsuaa
xsappname: 's4cap-${space}'
tenant-mode: dedicated
path: xs-security.json
- name: dest_s4cap
service-plan: lite
service: destination
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
- name: conn_s4cap
service-plan: lite
service: connectivity
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service

and my package.json
"name": "s4cap-srv",
"description": "Generated from ../package.json, do not change!",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"@sap/cloud-sdk-core": "^1.17.2",
"@sap/hana-client": "^2.4.196",
"@sap/xsenv": "^2.2.0",
"@sap/xssec": "^2.2.5",
"@sap/cds": "^3.34.2",
"passport": "^0.4.1",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"axios": "^0.19.2",
"moment": "^2.24.0",
"moment-timezone": "^0.5.28",
"execution-time": "^1.4.1",
"hdb": "^0.17.1",
"uuid": "^3.4.0"

"engines": {
"node": "^10 || ^12"
"devDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "npm dedupe && node .build.js",
"start": "node ./node_modules/@sap/cds/bin/cds.js serve gen/csn.json",
"watch": "nodemon -w . -i node_modules/**,.git/** -e cds -x npm run build",
"start:express": "node --inspect express.js"
"private": true,
"cds": {
"requires": {
"db": {
"kind": "hana",
"model": "gen/csn.json"
"uaa": {
"kind": "xsuaa"
"Z_OD_SCP_CORE_0001_SRV": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/Z_OD_SCP_CORE_0001_SRV",
"credentials": {
"destination": "SCP-TO-DEVVIRTUALNEO",
"requestTimeout": 30000
"pool": {
"min": 1,
"max": 10
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/Z_OD_SCP_VEHI_SRV",
"credentials": {
"destination": "SCP-TO-DEVVIRTUALNEO",
"requestTimeout": 30000
"pool": {
"min": 1,
"max": 10
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/ZCDS_VW_TEST_CDS",
"credentials": {
"destination": "SCP-TO-DEVVIRTUALNEO",
"requestTimeout": 30000
"pool": {
"min": 1,
"max": 10
"NorthWind": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/NorthWind",
"credentials": {
"destination": "NorthWind",
"requestTimeout": 30000
"pool": {
"min": 1,
"max": 10
"auth": {
"passport": {
"strategy": "JWT"
"odata": {
"version": "v4"

The destination is been using without problems by other apps, but with this method using external services in CDS is not working.

Thanks in advance
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
This is a great pair of posts, nice work Jhodel!
Active Contributor
Hi luisgleon

I saw your post in the questions section, and it is true that you didn't configure the destination with the full URL of the external service. This is currently a limitation in the CDS framework.


Active Contributor
Thanks ! It's an honor to be noticed by you! 😄
0 Kudos
Thank´s Jhodel,


Now it works with the full URL.

Best regards
Hi again Jhodel,

I noticed that you cannot do expands with a remote service like this although you can do filters.

It's just me or its the same on all people ?

Thanks for the great post 😉
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks Jose! Yes, it’s the framework issue ?. It is a limitation at the moment. If you really need this feature then you have to code it yourself — without the use of CDS fluent API.

Cheers! Jhodel
0 Kudos
Thanks Jhodel! Very clear step-by-step instructions, super helpful!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Happy to know that my post has helped you Chunyang!
0 Kudos
Thanks, Excellent Blog, worked perfectly.

I want to expose few more entities .  I did below changes and it is not working. What should I code more ?

using {NorthWind as external} from './external/NorthWind.csn';

service CatalogService {


    entity Products as projection on external.Products {

        key ID, Name, Description, ReleaseDate, DiscontinuedDate, Rating, Price



    entity Productdetails as projection on external.ProductDetails;



const cds = require('@sap/cds');

module.exports = cds.service.impl(async function() {

    const { Products,Productdetails } = this.entities;

    const service = await'NorthWind');

    this.on('READ', Products, request => {

        return service.tx(request).run(request.query);


    this.on('READ', Productdetails, request => {

        return service.tx(request).run(request.query);



Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks karthiheyan.murugesan1 !!

Is it not working because you got an error? or because it doesn't show any data? I checked your code and it looks fine. You should just create a file called NorthWind-ProductDetails.csv which has a similar data like below:


1;Details of product 1

2;Details of product 2

0 Kudos

It is working locally. But after deploy to CF , it is giving below error,

Request failed with status code 400  - error after clicking on Entityset in CF link.


0 Kudos

Hi ,

It worked after specifying field names like ID,Name

    entity Suppliers as projection on external.Suppliers{
        key ID,Name
Hi jhodel18

Thanks for the well-written article.

I tried the steps. It worked fine in local but when deployed it gave me 500 (internal server error).

Can you please suggest how can I troubleshoot?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi lalitgoyal1987

I assume that you were able to deploy it but when you are testing the service it gave you an error 500 Internal Server Error? If this is a yes, then go back to your terminal and execute below command
> cf logs <name of the cap service>

This will connect you to your deployed service and will see logs in real-time. Trigger again the service that is causing errors. Then analyze the logs from your terminal and see if you can find any clue.
0 Kudos
I am attaching the error here.

2020-07-09T16:34:50.49+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR [2020-07-09T11:04:50.497Z | ERROR | 1884455]: Failed to build
HTTP request for destination: failed to load destination!
2020-07-09T16:34:50.49+0530 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] ERR [2020-07-09T11:04:50.497Z | ERROR | 1884455]: Error stacktrace: Error: Failed to build HTTP request for destination: failed to load destination! at Object.errorWithCause (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/util/dist/error.js:6:20) at /home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/http-client/http-client.js:143:38 at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7) Caused by: Error: Unable to get access token for "destination" service! No service instance of type "destination" found. at Object.resolveService (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/environment-accessor.js:190:19) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:73:54) at step (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:45:23)
at (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:26:53) at /home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:20:71 at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at __awaiter (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:16:12) at Object.serviceToken (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/token-accessor.js:70:12) at /home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/destination-accessor.js:197:59 at step (/home/vcap/app/node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/scp-cf/destination-accessor.js:45:23)
0 Kudos
I was missing the Connectivity Service on the Cap Instance
0 Kudos
Also, I want to add that I am using a trial account.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi lalitgoyal1987

I just got to know you have responded. Is your destination configuration correct? can you share your destination configuration?
0 Kudos

Hi Jhodel,

I am attaching the destination configuration screen shot.






Destination Configuration

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi lalitgoyal1987

It looks correct to me, except that the name of your destination is NorthWind_CLONING. If you named your destination like this, then you need to make sure you use this exact name on your configuration when you want to consume this destination from your CAP Model project.
Hi jhodel18,

I found out the issue. Well, I didn't restart the application after binding to the destination.

After restarting the application, it worked. Maybe you can add that step too 😄

Thanks a lot for your help!



Active Contributor
Hi lalitgoyal1987

Glad to know that it is working fine now. There must be some steps that you did in between which requires a restart for your case. For my steps above, the destination was configured first, then build and deploy of MTA. The MTA will be the one who will bind to the service (auto-binding) and the app should be restarted afterward, hence, manual restart is not necessary.

Well, that's how we learn, which is by doing it! 🙂
0 Kudos


I also have a problem getting this setup. Im using business application studio.

The error I get looks like this:

{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from environment variable.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.991Z","msg":"Attempting to retrieve destination from environment variable.","written_ts":1594907027991,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.991Z"}
{"message":"Could not retrieve destination from environment variable.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.992Z","msg":"Could not retrieve destination from environment variable.","written_ts":1594907027992,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.992Z"}
{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from service binding.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.992Z","msg":"Attempting to retrieve destination from service binding.","written_ts":1594907027992,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.992Z"}
{"message":"Service of type destination is not supported! Consider providing your own transformation function when calling destinationForServiceBinding, like this:\n destinationServiceForBinding(yourServiceName, { serviceBindingToDestination: yourTransformationFunction });","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z","msg":"Service of type destination is not supported! Consider providing your own transformation function when calling destinationForServiceBinding, like this:\n destinationServiceForBinding(yourServiceName, { serviceBindingToDestination: yourTransformationFunction });","written_ts":1594907027993,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z"}
{"message":"Could not retrieve destination from service binding.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z","msg":"Could not retrieve destination from service binding.","written_ts":1594907027993,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z"}
{"message":"If you are not using SAP Extension Factory, this information probably does not concern you.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z","msg":"If you are not using SAP Extension Factory, this information probably does not concern you.","written_ts":1594907027993,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z"}
{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from destination service.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z","msg":"Attempting to retrieve destination from destination service.","written_ts":1594907027993,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.993Z"}
{"message":"Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. The following XSUAA instances are bound: na-9e477645-d9fa-4701-94d2-055247d3f219!t19402. The following one will be selected: na-9e477645-d9fa-4701-94d2-055247d3f219!t19402. This might produce errors in other parts of the system!","level":"warn","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"environment-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.994Z","msg":"Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. The following XSUAA instances are bound: na-9e477645-d9fa-4701-94d2-055247d3f219!t19402. The following one will be selected: na-9e477645-d9fa-4701-94d2-055247d3f219!t19402. This might produce errors in other parts of the system!","written_ts":1594907027994,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:47.994Z"}
{"message":"Sucessfully retrieved destination from destination service.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"destination-accessor"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.296Z","msg":"Sucessfully retrieved destination from destination service.","written_ts":1594907028296,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.296Z"}
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z","msg":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","written_ts":1594907028297,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z"}
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z","msg":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","written_ts":1594907028297,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z"}
{"message":"Proxy settings for https are found in environment variables.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z","msg":"Proxy settings for https are found in environment variables.","written_ts":1594907028297,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z"}
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z","msg":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","written_ts":1594907028297,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z"}
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z","msg":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","written_ts":1594907028297,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z"}
{"message":"Proxy settings for https are found in environment variables.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z","msg":"Proxy settings for https are found in environment variables.","written_ts":1594907028297,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z"}
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z","msg":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found value is","written_ts":1594907028297,"written_at":"2020-07-16T13:43:48.297Z"}


Thats my MTA.yaml:

_schema-version: '3.1'
ID: cmanagement
description: "Contract Management Application"
enable-parallel-deployments: true
version: 0.0.1


- name: cmanagement-db
type: hdb
path: db
memory: 256M
disk-quota: 256M
- name: cmanagement-db-hdi-container

- name: cmanagement-srv
type: nodejs
path: srv
memory: 512M
disk-quota: 256M
- name: cmanagement-db-hdi-container
- name: my_destination_service_instance
- name: cm_uaa

- name: cmanagement-db-hdi-container
hdi-container-name: ${service-name}

- name: cm_uaa
type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service
path: ./xs-security.json
service-plan: application
service: xsuaa

- name: my_destination_service_instance
type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service
service-name: my_destination_service_instance
service-pan: lite
service: destination


My Apps rootfolders package.json:

"name": "cmanagement",
"description": "Contract Management Application",
"version": "1.4.0",
"engines": {
"node": "^12.16.1"
"dependencies": {
"@sap/node-jwt": "latest",
"@sap/cds": "^3.21.x",
"@sap/cds-dk": "^1.8.5",
"@sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy": "^1.4.30",
"@sap/hana-client": "^2.4.167",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"hdb": "^0.17.1",
"mbt": "^1.0.4",
"sqlite3": "^4.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"axios": "^0.19.0",
"eslint": "^6.7.2",
"mocha": "^6.2.2",
"nodemon": "^2.0.1"
"scripts": {
"build": "cds build/all --clean",
"start": "cds watch",
"dev": "node --inspect=localhost:4014 node_modules/.bin/cds run --in-memory",
"test": "mocha",
"lint": "eslint .",
"deploy:cds": "cds deploy",
"build:mta": "cds build/all && cds deploy && mbt build -p=cf --mtar=cm.mtar",
"deploy:cf": "npm run build:mta && cf deploy mta_archives/${npm_package_name}_${npm_package_version}.mtar"
"cds": {
"requires": {
"db": {
"kind": "sqlite",
"credentials": {
"database": "cm.db"
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER",
"credentials": {
"destination": "Q_BP",
"requestTimeout": 30000
"auth": {
"passport": {
"strategy": "JWT"
"files": [


And the default-env.json:

"destination": [
"label": "destination",
"provider": null,
"plan": "lite",
"name": "Q_BP",
"url": "",
"username": ...,
"password": ...,

"tags": [
"instance_name": "my_destination_service_instance",
"binding_name": null,
"credentials": {
"uaadomain": "",
"tenantmode": "dedicated",
"clientid": ...,
"instanceid": ...,
"verificationkey": ...,
"xsappname": clone...,
"identityzone": ...,
"clientsecret": ...,
"tenantid": ...,
"uri": "",
"url": ""
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"volume_mounts": []
"xsuaa": [
"label": "xsuaa",
"provider": null,
"plan": "application",
"name": "cm_uaa",
"tags": [
"instance_name": "cm_uaa",
"binding_name": null,
"credentials": {
"tenantmode": "shared",
"sburl": "",
"clientid": ...,
"xsappname": ...,
"clientsecret": ...,
"url": "",
"uaadomain": "",
"verificationkey": ...,
"apiurl": "",
"identityzone": "placeholder",
"identityzoneid": ...,
"tenantid": ...
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"volume_mounts": []
"hana": [
"label": "hana",
"provider": null,
"plan": "hdi-shared",
"name": "cmanagement-db-hdi-container",
"tags": [
"instance_name": "cmanagement-db-hdi-container",
"binding_name": null,
"credentials": {
"host": "z",
"port": "",
"driver": "",
"url": "...",
"schema": "...",
"hdi_user": "...",
"hdi_password": "...",
"user": "...",
"password": "...",
"certificate": "..."
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"volume_mounts": []


The destination configuration:


When accessing the entity I get this error:

<error xmlns="" ml-update="aware" ml-stage="preload" ml-view="top">
<message>Request failed with status code 404</message>
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Are you testing the service locally? For local testing you should use the "url" as credentials. The configuration you have in package.json is good for SCP deployment testing.
0 Kudos

Hello Jhodel

Yes, I want to test locally using "cds watch". I tried doing that, the code looks like this:

"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER",
"url": ""


However now upon calling the entity I get this error:

<error xmlns="" ml-update="aware" ml-stage="preload" ml-view="top">
<message>The entity "API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.A_BusinessPartner" is annotated with "@sap.persistence.skip", please implement a custom handler for it.</message>
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Maybe the error was right? You don’t have a custom handler implemented? Did you read the first part of this blog post? In part 1, I have step there to implement the custom handler .js file.
0 Kudos
I actually had, my cat-service-cds looks like this:

using { my.contractmanagement, sap.common } from '../db/data-model';
using { API_BUSINESS_PARTNER as ext } from './external/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.csn';

service CatalogService {

entity TreeItems as projection on contractmanagement.TreeItems;
entity BusinessPartner @readonly as projection on ext.A_BusinessPartner;



The cat-service.js like this:
        const { BusinessPartner } = this.entities;
const service = await'API_BUSINESS_PARTNER');
this.on('READ', BusinessPartner, request => {
return service.tx(request).run(request.query);


What I did, I just changed:

this.on ('READ', BusinessPartner, async (req) => {

this.on('READ', BusinessPartner, request => {

Now this error pops up:

<error xmlns="" ml-update="aware" ml-stage="preload" ml-view="top">
<message>An error occurred during serialization of the entity collection. An error occurred during serialization of the entity at index #0 in the entity collection. Value of a structured property must be an object.</message>

0 Kudos
If I console.log the query, I get a HTML structure returned, having this paragraph:
        <p><strong>Note:</strong> Since your browser does notsupport JavaScript, you must press the Continuebutton once to</p>
Active Contributor
Hi Jhodel,

Thanks for such wonderful posts! I was able to follow and perform all the steps. Only part i am not able to make work was correct deploy to CF.

Though deploy is successful and when i open the link after deploy, i even see metadata. But when i click on 'Products', i get 500 internal server error. What could be the issue?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks gaurav.karkara3 !

500 internal server errors are usually brought by some problems with the implementation of the service. It's likely that you got some issues with your code, but I can't tell what is it based on the information provided.

What you can do is go to SCP Cockpit, navigate to the applications section and open the cap service details and extract logs there to view the logs information and try to make sense of what does the error logs tell you. Usually, it will become obvious where is the error from the logs, but if that's not the case, you can share it here so that we can analyze. Cheers!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
It's still tough to see where the issue is. If you can share the actual project you have right now through GitHub (or any other Git versioning tools), that would be great.
Active Contributor
Thanks Jhodel for replying.

I have looked at the logs and find the error:

'Unable to get access token for 'destination' service! No service instance of type 'destination' found.'

I have followed the exact steps as you have followed and my destination instance and corresponding entries in mta.yaml seems fine.

It doesn't look like it's because of code. It's something to do with destination instance access. Still trying to find..

Thanks for your support.

Active Contributor
Worked. had to bind instances to applications. Thanks
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi gaurav.karkara3

Good to know that you found the issue and it is now working! 😄
Hi ,

Any lead on how to use  service.tx(request).run(request.query)  for a post call to S/4 odata. 

Exact question

  1. How to set header parameter for getting CSRF token in  [ service.tx(request).run(request.query) ] .  I want to set [X-CSRF-TOKEN : Fetch] in a GET request header so i can set back CSRF token in post call.


Active Contributor
I'm afraid that you are going to code the logic for that on your own. According to the documentation below:

the fluent API can cater to do create (POST) request, however, from my experience, it didn't work when it starts to use the service via connectivity proxy. So what I did, is I have coded the solution my self using the axios node module -- it is the same node module that cap for node.js use.
0 Kudos
Hi Antonio,


I am also getting exact same error even after using full URL. How did you fixed that issue ?

I am getting this issue even for northwind odata.



0 Kudos
Hi chris.hanusch

I am also getting exact same issue after deploying the app to CF. Were you able to fix ?

I am getting this issue even for northwind odata.



0 Kudos
Thanks Jhodel 🙂
Hi guys,


is this working on webide or I should deploy to make it work? because I'm trying to access oData service but I receive


{"message":"Unable to create \"SAP-Connectivity-Authentication\" header: no JWT found on the current request.\n Continuing without header. Connecting to on-premise systems may not be possible.","level":"warn","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"connectivity-service"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.260Z","msg":"Unable to create \"SAP-Connectivity-Authentication\" header: no JWT found on the current request.\n Continuing without header. Connecting to on-premise systems may not be possible.","written_ts":1596653378260,"written_at":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.260Z"}
{"message":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","level":"info","custom_fields":{"package":"core","messageContext":"proxy-util"},"logger":"sap-cloud-sdk-logger","timestamp":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.261Z","msg":"OnPrem destination proxy settings from connectivity service will be used.","written_ts":1596653378261,"written_at":"2020-08-05T18:49:38.261Z"}
Error: Failed to build HTTP request for destination: failed to build headers!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
The steps outlined in this blog post is not meant to be executed in SAP WebIDE. Read the prerequisites section for more information.
0 Kudos
Hi Luis,


If I use the URL instead of destination it works fine, but when I use destination it don't work anymore, need to use destination because using URL is not a suitable solution for my.

Can you share how to solve using destination please?


{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from environment variable.","level
{"message":"Could not retrieve destination from environment variable.","level":"i
{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from service binding.","level":"in
{"message":"Unable to find a service binding for given name \"HorasHana\"! Found
{"message":"Could not retrieve destination from service binding.","level":"info",
{"message":"If you are not using SAP Extension Factory, this information probably
{"message":"Attempting to retrieve destination from destination service.","level"
{"message":"Unable to match a specific XSUAA service instance to the given JWT. T
{"message":"Successfully retrieved destination from destination service.","level"
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found v
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found v
{"message":"Proxy settings for https are found in environment variables.","level"
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found v
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found v
{"message":"Proxy settings for https are found in environment variables.","level"
{"message":"Try to fetch https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY from the process env. Found v
[2020-08-18T17:05:02.129Z | ERROR | 1885843]: Request failed with status code 404
[2020-08-18T17:05:02.129Z | ERROR | 1885843]: Error stacktrace: Error: Request fa
0 Kudos

Hi jhodel18,

thanks a lot for this very well article, I’m tring with it since a few days ago. I'm trying to use an external Hana Odata service.

I achieved to make it work locally both with URL and destination, but in the latter case, for it to work I had to delete the node_modules directory, another case if this directory exists I can't reach the Odata and got an 404 or 500 error. I don’t understand why that happens, I suspect that there is some incompatibility between the npm packages that are in that directory and the components in the CF, or not?

Is there an option so that when deploying it does not take the npm packages that exist in the node_modules directory and instead uses the ones that exist in the CF?

0 Kudos

I'm not sure why this should be the root cause of your issue, but you can avoid deploying the node_modules folder to CF in two ways:

  • if you use 'cf push', just delete the node_modules folder before pushing. The node.js buildpack on CF will then install all dependencies during staging.

  • if you use the MTA build tool 'mbt', then you can configure the module build within mta.yaml by using an 'ignore' directive for the node_modules folder. Just go to and check the section "Configuring module build artifacts to package into MTA archive".

0 Kudos
Hi Klaus,

thanks for your answer, you are right the command "cf push" does not generate the directory "node_modules", instead it installs the dependencies in the process, however the process fails due to the following errors:
ERR npx: installed 4 in 1.686s
ERR command not found: cds
ERR npm ERR! errno 1
ERR npm ERR! aprhorasextras@0.0.1 start: `npx cds run`
ERR npm ERR! Exit status 1
ERR npm ERR!
ERR npm ERR! Failed at the aprhorasextras@0.0.1 start script.
ERR npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
ERR npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
ERR npm ERR! /home/vcap/app/.npm/_logs/2020-08-20T15_52_36_426Z-debug.log

My package.json file is:
"name": "aprhorasextras",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"@sap/cds": "^4.1.7",
"@sap/eslint-plugin-ui5-jsdocs": "2.0.x",
"@sap/ui5-builder-webide-extension": "1.0.x",
"@sapui5/ts-types": "1.71.x",
"@ui5/cli": "2.2.6",
"bestzip": "2.1.4",
"eslint": "5.16.x",
"express": "^4",
"rimraf": "3.0.2"
"ui5": {
"dependencies": [
"scripts": {
"start": "npx cds run"
"engines": {
"node": "^8.0.0 || ^10.0.0",
"npm": "^6.0.0"
"cds": {
"requires": {
"horasextras": {
"kind": "odata",
"model": "srv/external/horasextras",
"credentials": {
"destination": "HorasHana"
"dependencies": {
"@sap/cds-odata-v2-adapter-proxy": "^1.4.42",
"@sap/xsenv": "^2.2.0",
"@sap/xssec": "^2.2.5",
"@types/jquery": "^3",
"express": "^4",
"passport": "^0.4.1"
"auth": {
"passport": {
"strategy": "JWT"
0 Kudos
Hi Fadel,

I just have a vague idea what happened. Could you check in the log output of npm which npm registry is contacted to download the cds package? If it is still, then this is a general issue, because cds 4 is not there. cds 4 is only available on AFAIK, will not be maintained anymore ...

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