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0 Kudos

Hello All,

I am looking for guidance in doing a Proof of Concept for SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry runtime and environment  application monitoring using SAP Cloud ALM .

I have SAP BTP Sandbox Subaccount and access to SAP Cloud ALM service activated in the landscape.

If you could share any ideas for how to get started with this, it will be greatly helpful.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Amey

There was a webcast-series by the SAP Community YouTube Channel just recently : "SAP Cloud ALM for SAP BTP Operations". The link will guide you to a number of resources, such as related video's and documentation. From what I've observed, the CALM for BTP is relatively new, and there might be some "insights and evolutions" as to what is possible now and what is possible in the near future.

A relevant solution could be "Cloud ALM for Operations" and there is a central "Expert Portal" page for this as a starting point : link.

If you want to proceed hands-on, I would suggest you go through the "SAP Discovery Center Mission - Get Started with SAP Cloud ALM for Operations" or search for other relevant Missions related to "CALM".

Update : I found a Developer-Tutorial to do Monitoring via "CALM" on BTP-ABAP Environment : link

I hope this helps

Nic T.

0 Kudos

Hello Nic,

Thanks for response!
I will listen to this webcast. 

In meantime, I have already started with the mission and came across following link, which exactly addressed my PoC objective. OpenTelemetry for SAP BTP Apps with SAP Cloud ALM.



This documentation link, I am able to follow till the High Level Architecture. Looks pretty similar common web analytics procedure... include certain libraries at UI layer, at Service layer and then it sends telemetry data to a server. 

I am now checking prerequisites and steps to be followed at SAP Cloud ALM side and into my sample BTP App developed using CAP model.

Looking for some guidance from section "Configure Settings with Download Link" onwards, as I am not a developer.

Warm regards,



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