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In this blog, I'll explain Micro Bullet chart's feature and how to use it in List Report using CDS annotations. I have added screen shot from annotation modeler and respective xml code in case you are using one of these approach.

The bullet chart features a single, primary measure. It compares that measure to one or more other measures to enrich its meaning (for example, compared to a target), and displays it in the context of qualitative ranges of performance, such as poor, satisfactory, and good.

Bullet chart is placed horizontally, like a progress bar, and this fits the bill to put is in the list report. Unlike progress bar which tracks current values with respect to fixed maximum, bullet chart tracks current value with a small number of other values.

As with other micro charts, bullet micro chart is fully responsive.

Use Case

In this example, Unrestricted stock for Materials in Plant is tracked against a predefined value called Reorder Point. Reorder point in SAP (without getting into picture-perfect definition) is stock below which Material needs to be replenished. To visually highlight where attention is required semantic colours are used.

With the use of bullet chart Unrestricted Stock is not only tracked against Reorder Point but also relative to the Threshold value which is 1.5 times Reorder point. This threshold value defined is used to highlight that stock is near Reorder point and also allow us to change semantic colour to yellow. In this particular use case, green means stock is more than this threshold value.

Adding Micro Bullet Chart

In CDS view ZI_MaterialReOrder, we have three fields ReOrderPoint, UnresforDisplay and WarningThresHold which we will use.
define view ZI_MaterialReOrder
as select from marc
association [0..1] to ZI_MaterialPlantStock as _MaterialPlantStock
on $projection.Material = _MaterialPlantStock.Material and
$projection.Plant = _MaterialPlantStock.Plant
key marc.werks as Plant,
key marc.matnr as Material,

marc.minbe as ReOrderPoint,
MaterialPlantStock.UnrestricedStock as UnresforDisplay,
cast( marc.minbe as abap.fltp) * 1.5 as WarningThresHold,


Define bullet chart using @UI.chart annotation on the entity, followed by @UI.datapoint annotation at field level of the entity. Also note that in @UI.lineitem field is defined as type #AS_CHART.
@UI.chart: [{ 
chartType: #BULLET ,
measures: ['UnresforDisplay'],
measureAttributes: [{
measure: 'UnresforDisplay' ,
role: #AXIS_1 ,
asDataPoint: true
annotate view ZI_MaterialReOrder with

@UI:{ lineItem: [{ position: 100 ,
type: #AS_CHART,
label: 'Stock Level' }]
@UI.dataPoint: { title: 'Unrestricted Stock' ,
targetValueElement: 'ReOrderPoint' ,
minimumValue: 0 ,
maximumValue: 2500

With above annotations, you would get the bullet chart in the list, but without semantic colours.

Semantic Colour

Here you have two options:

Option 1: Using @UI.dataPoint.criticality

Define a field (lets call it CriticalValue ) with critically value 0,1,2 and 3 based on Unrestricted Stock with respect to Reorder Point and ThresHold and then use this fields as
 @UI.dataPoint: { title: 'Unrestricted Stock' ,
targetValueElement: 'ReOrderPoint' ,
minimumValue: 0 ,
maximumValue: 2500 ,
criticality: ‘CriticalValue’

More on this is covered in blog Fiori elements – Status Icons and Semantic Colors

Option 2: Using Trend-Criticality Calculation

@UI.dataPoint.criticalityCalculation annotation is used to define rules for criticality. This calculation is based on three different scenarios defined by annotation @UI.dataPoint.criticalityCalculation.improvementDirection. (More on this topic in blog Create KPIs with data points and criticality calculation in a SAP Fiori Overview Page ). In this use case, #MAXIMIZE scenario is applicable and relevant values are described in below picture.

with this option @UI.dataPoint annotation will look like
  @UI.dataPoint: { title: 'Unrestricted Stock' ,
targetValueElement: 'ReOrderPoint' ,
minimumValue: 0 ,
maximumValue: 2500 ,
criticalityCalculation: {
improvementDirection: #MAXIMIZE ,
deviationRangeLowValueElement: 'ReOrderPoint' ,
toleranceRangeLowValueElement: 'WarningThresHold'

This should provide you with semantic colours in bullet chart and an indicator showing ThresHold level.


Below is annotation from modeler and its XML code

Annotation Modeler


<Annotations Target="ZMATREORDER_SRV_01.ZI_MaterialReOrderType">
<Annotation Term="UI.LineItem">
<Record Type="UI.DataFieldForAnnotation">
<PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Stock Level"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Target" AnnotationPath="@UI.Chart"/>
<Annotation Term="UI.DataPoint" Qualifier="UnresforDisplay">
<Record Type="UI.DataPointType">
<PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="UnresforDisplay"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Unrestricted Stock"/>
<PropertyValue Property="TargetValue" Path="ReOrderPoint"/>
<PropertyValue Property="MinimumValue" Decimal="0"/>
<PropertyValue Property="MaximumValue" Decimal="2500"/>
<PropertyValue Property="CriticalityCalculation">
<Record Type="UI.CriticalityCalculationType">
<PropertyValue Property="ImprovementDirection" EnumMember="UI.ImprovementDirectionType/Maximize"/>
<PropertyValue Property="DeviationRangeLowValue" Path="ReOrderPoint"/>
<PropertyValue Property="ToleranceRangeLowValue" Path="WarningThresHold"/>
<Annotation Term="UI.Chart">
<Record Type="UI.ChartDefinitionType">
<PropertyValue Property="Title" String="Bullet title"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Description" String="Description"/>
<PropertyValue Property="ChartType" EnumMember="UI.ChartType/Bullet"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Measures">
<PropertyValue Property="MeasureAttributes">
<Record Type="UI.ChartMeasureAttributeType">
<PropertyValue Property="Measure" PropertyPath="UnresforDisplay"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Role" EnumMember="UI.ChartMeasureRoleType/Axis1"/>
<PropertyValue Property="DataPoint" AnnotationPath="@UI.DataPoint#UnresforDisplay"/>



Micro Bullet Chart is very information rich visualisation. You will have to use annotations @UI.lineitems, @UI.datapoint and @UI.chart to display Micro Bullet chart in the list report.
Nice blog Pawan
Active Contributor
Thanks Pawan for the blog. Nice!
Active Contributor

I like it.  Pictures and code examples – and yes I’ve bookmarked this one too.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Nice blog and very clearly explained. Thanks - I've added it to the Fiori elements wiki.
Great stuff...just wish i could locate ZI_MaterialPlantStock 🙂
Active Contributor
Thank you
0 Kudos
Great Blog Pawan.

I just tried the same and got the micro chart (Bullet or Donut) chart in the List report line item. Thanks a lot for this.


But there was an issue when I try to add more than one chart for two different columns, in UI I get an error for multiple element created with same ID. I have used qualifiers for both the charts, but I am not so sure how does this not work. Can you please help me out here.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I think, you can have multiple charts defined in CDS/metadata extension with qualifiers
@UI.chart: [{
qualifier: 'ChartBullet' ,
chartType: #BULLET ,
measures: ['CurrentStock'],

when you use it on field level for example in @UI.lineItem, then you specify which chart definition you are referring to using valueQualifier
@UI.lineItem: [{ position: 40 , type: #AS_CHART , 
valueQualifier: 'ChartBullet' ,
label: 'Current Stock Level' }]
@UI.dataPoint: { title: 'Unrestricted Stock' ,
targetValueElement: 'ReOrderPoint' ,
minimumValue: 0 ,
maximumValue: 2500 }
0 Kudos
Very well explained Pavan. The code snippets and visualization are very good. Thank you . Do you have any example for Stacked bar micro chart rendered in List report line item using CDS annotations ? This would be very helpful.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
nice blog pavan,

I've a question. I did a bullet chart but data in chart is rounded. how I can stop this rounding ?

for example, a value with 1050 is displayed as 1k
0 Kudos
Hi pawan.kesari2  ,

Very well explained ..

We have a similar requirement of adding a radial micro chart in the list report .

I have added the @UI.chart  and @UI.datapoint annotation in my CDS but still this isn't working for me. Although this requirement is we have achieved when annotation is done in UX

PFB code snippet .






Few questions :

  1. I am checking in application preview , should the chart be available in preview ?

  2. Do we explicitly have to do anything in UX for radial chart ?


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