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Former Member

Hi everybody,

after my trip in Cloud 4 Customer, finally I started working with this great product that is MDG.

I started together with my colleague fabrizio.venditti implementing profit centers, profit center groups/hierarchies and the related hierarchy structure for our customer (for now our view is restricted to MDG-F basically).

I want to integrate this great "Bible" Financial Data about MDG-F with real life useful examples and tools that we are using, in order to help you in your implementations as well.

For this purpose, I am creating a series called "MDG 8.0 in real life blog series" and in this first episode, I want to show you an useful tool, made by me, to allow you to play with the MDG system without the need to recover it from a backup in case of messy/broken data/change requests.

As you may know, MDG already offers a standard tool to delete a change request, that is the report (SE38) USMD_DELETE_CREQUEST.

Unfortunately, this report, allows you to delete only the change request (and not the data) in case the contained object were already activated in the data model.

I am sure that if you are performing a lot of custom developments, you want to play a little bit with the system, and create, activate, delete and BREAK data and change request. The problem is... after that, how to clean up the system? Performing a new client copy without data? Yes, this is one option, but the effort is quite big: you need to involve the basis team, you need to perform some customizing step from scratch, and finally how much time you have to wait to have your sistem up and ready to be broken again? :twisted:

At this point I am coming in your help with this tool of the devil, that clears completely the data model: it deletes all the editions and their related data (such as replication status), the change requests and their related data (such as the link between the cr number and the workflow), and finally it clears ALL the data in the data model so that you can start with a completely clean system. Your customizing will remain untouched and you need just 1 second to get your system back and ready to be used from scratch.

As this is a beta version, every suggestion, additions, etc. are well considered! Please add your suggestions in the comments below.

The report has been created using experience that we got from tests, debugging, and analyzing the code of the standard report that give you the table names of the auto-generated data model (in the local repository of SAP user), that is: USMD_DATA_MODEL (thanks to alessandro.spadoni).

You can find the tool code in the attachments (just create a report in SE38 and copy/paste the content of the file, activate it, and run when you are ready :lol: )


See you soon in the next Episode!

Former Member
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Thank you so much Alessandro

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Wow...Thanks for this innovative tool. This is really required. Can you think on edition deletion too? Sometimes we do load wrong data or create wrong edition with data and it becomes very difficult to restart except system copy..:)


0 Kudos

Wow great documentation..... :smile:

Thanks for sharing alessandro.iannacci



Former Member
0 Kudos

Wow this is a great idea! I will work on this. I will make something to delete a cr and an edition.

Former Member
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Thank you mithun.suthar2

0 Kudos
Hi Alessandro,

I could not find any attachment for the tool code. Could you please share..

0 Kudos
Hi Alessandro,

I could not find any attachment to the tool code. Could you please share..


0 Kudos
Hi Alessandro,


I could not find the attachment anywhere. Please help.



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