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As the trend is moving towards Cloud Foundry, it becomes necessary for us to move existing NEO applications into SAP Cloud Foundry (CF) or develop new applications in it. While doing so, we come across many scenarios where we need to fetch the logged-in user details.

In SAP NEO Environment, we can use UserInfo service to get the details of the logged-in user, which is well documented in other blogs. When it comes to SAP CF, we need to use few microservices to get the details.

In this blog post, I will be explaining the step by step process as to how we can fetch logged-in user email into SAPUI5 app using SAP Web IDE in the CF environment.


You should know about:

  • SAP Cloud Foundry Environment - what an Org, Space, Sub Account is.

  • Basic understanding of how Node works

  • Concept of App Router, XSUAA Service.

You need to have:

  • A valid SAP Cloud Platform Account.

  • SAP Web IDE to develop the application

Web Flow for application

The application uses the following sequence to authenticate.

  1. A user accesses the web application using a browser.

  2. The browser connects to the deployed application and verifies if the user is logged-in. If not, then App Router implements the OAuth flow to log in.

  3. The request goes to the OAuth using XSUAA Service. It authenticates the user with their credentials and issues JWT token after successful validation, which holds additional information about the session.

  4. The XSSEC (Passport) library manages the token and executes the authentication flow to receive the JWT and OAuth token when a request has been made. If it is present, it parses the JWT and adds the fields to the incoming request object to facilitate the code consumption of the token.

  5. Node module receives the logged-in user details and redirects to HTML5 module using namespace.


Here we go:

  1. Log in to your SAP Web IDE and create a Multi-Target Application in CF Environment.

  1. In the next screen, Provide your project name, Version and Description. Select the checkbox for the HTML5 Application Repository. Click Finish.

It creates App Router, App Deployer and mta.yaml file in your workspace.

App router – For any application, it's the central entry point to talk to any services available on CF. It's a Node JS library that can either support static content or link to the web app. During runtime, it is responsible for interacting with applications and services.

UI Deployer – It is responsible for uploading HTML5 module content to the HTML5 Application Repository.

Mta.yaml – it is a Development Descriptor file used by Web IDE and MTA Archive Builder tool.

  1. Right-click on your project and select New -> Node.js Module. Give a module name.

  1. Provide a description and name of the Main JS file. Click Finish.

It adds Node module into your project, which is used to authenticate via XSUAA service and receives JWT Token.

We can see that server.js is already added to our node folder, and the reference is given in the package.json file.

  1. Right-click on your project and select New-> HTML5 Module. Select SAPUI5 Application.

  1. Click next. Give Module name and namespace to your UI5 app.

Click next and finish.

I am using UI5 app to display User Email on Web Page.

  1. Go to MTA.yaml file. We can see our HTML5 module and node module is automatically added.

Also, XSUAA service is added in the resource path.


XSUAA service is used for User Account and Authentication. It issues authorization codes and JWT tokens after it successfully authenticates the user.

  1. Go to Package.json of your node module (UserNode) and add below dependency.

"@sap/approuter": "6.8.0",
"@sap/xsenv": "^2.2.0",
"@sap/xssec": "^2.2.5",
"body-parser": "^1.19.0",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"passport": "^0.4.1",
"path": "^0.12.7",
"request": "*"

It will look as below :

  1. Go to Server.js and add below code.

Server.js file in Node module verifies that the XSUAA service request is authenticated. It checks the JWT token in the request using JWTStrategy provided by the @Sap/xssec package.

Express library is used to pass the logged-in user detail into UI5 app using service.
/*eslint no-console: 0*/

"use strict";

const express = require('express');
const passport = require('passport');
const xsenv = require('@sap/xsenv');
const JWTStrategy = require('@sap/xssec').JWTStrategy;
const app = express();
const services = xsenv.getServices({ uaa:'uaa_UserDetail' });

passport.use(new JWTStrategy(services.uaa));

app.use(passport.authenticate('JWT', { session: false }));

app.get('/user', function (req, res, next) {
var user = req.user;

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

app.listen(port, function () {
console.log('app listening on port ' + port);

Here, I am just passing email id to UI5 screen. Similarly, we can pass First Name, Last Name and other details.

Using Express library, I am creating (“/user”) API to call from other applications. Which we will use in UI5 app.

  1. We need to add node dependency in App Router path. Add the following in mta.yaml file.


- name: userdetail-approuter

type: approuter.nodejs

path: userdetail-approuter


disk-quota: 256M

memory: 256M


- name: UserDetail_html5_repo_runtime

- name: uaa_UserDetail

- name: UserNode_api

group: destinations


name: UserNode_api

url: '~{url}'

forwardAuthToken: true

Also, add UAA dependency in node path:
  - name: UserNode

type: nodejs

path: UserNode


- name: UserNode_api


url: '${default-url}'


UAA_SERVICE_NAME: uaa_UserDetail


- name: uaa_UserDetail

  1. As App Router is our main entry page, we need to add routes for the node module.

Go to xs-app.json of App Router folder(userdetail-approuter). Change authentication method to “route” and add routes for node API:

"authenticationMethod": "route",

"routes": [


"source": "^/(.*)$",

"target": "$1",

"destination": "UserNode_api"



  1. So now we should be able to get our Email using “/user” service defined in the node module. Let’s deploy the application and run the code to test.

Right-click on Project Name (UserDetail)->Build->Build with Cloud MTA Build Tool(recommended). It creates mta_archives folder and generates an MTAR file in it.

Right-click on generated MTAR file (UserDetail_0.0.1.mtar) and select Deploy->Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform.

It opens one popup where you need to select your Endpoint, Org and Space. Click on Deploy.

After Successful deployment, you can see a notification on the top right corner of Web IDE as well as in the console.

Now go to SAP Cloud Cockpit and navigate to your CF Sub Account-> Space->Applications. You can see 3 applications there.

Go to App Router (userdetail-approuter) and Click on Application URL.

It will be generated using “<subaccount>-<space>-<approuter>.cfapps.<region>”

Open that URL in a new window. It may ask for your credentials to log in.

But it gives me an error saying cannot GET /

Now, append “/user” after the URL.

Eg. “<subaccount>-<space>-<approuter>.cfapps.<region>” and Voila!! you can see your email id on the webpage if authentication is successful?

So now we need to call our “/user” API in UI5 application.

  1. Let’s see the flow of steps for displaying the email id on UI5 screen.

Go to HTML5 module (user) -> webapp -> View1.view.xml

Add VBox in it.
<mvc:View controllerName="com.user.controller.View1" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m">
<Shell id="shell">
<App id="app">
<Page id="page" title="User Detail">
<VBox id="userVBox"/>

We need to call “user” API in the controller file. Go to View1.controller.
onAfterRendering: function () {

var g=this;


url: "../user"

}).done(function (data, status, jqxhr) {

var user = "Welcome! " + data;

var oText = new sap.m.Text({




}); }

Let us build our application and deploy again.

  1. Test the application:

To load our UI5 app, we need to add namespace after the URL.

Open the App Router URL in another tab and append UI5 namespace after removing all the dots.

Eg.  “<subaccount>-<space>-<approuter>.cfapps.<region><namespace>”


In this application, the namespace is “com.user”. So, it will form the URL like:

And the Output:


With this blog post, we saw how to retrieve the user details using Node module and use it in SAPUI5 application using HTML5 module. I hope you found this blog interesting and useful while moving towards the Cloud Foundry Environment.

Sample Code:

You can git clone this Code directly to your workspace to get logged-in user email.




Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks for sharing! Great blog post!

Another possibility could be to extend the approuter:

This will avoid having a separate nodejs app for just getting the user. Approuter is used anyway for the authentication.
0 Kudos
Hi Wouter,

Thanks for the feedback.

My main idea was to use it in SAP Web IDE so that we can use user details in multiple ways like destination service in UI5 app and based on my understanding, once we create MTA project in Web IDE, it creates app router automatically, which calls approuter.js from node_module and not the custom one.

I will try with reference to your blog and see how it works.

0 Kudos

I am getting an error on url: '~{url}' in mta.yaml file when i try to run the web app. I was able to perform Build successfully though. Do you know how to fix the error below?


Error: VError: environment-destinations/url: Format validation failed (URI must be absolute)


Mario Esteves Jaleco
0 Kudos
Thank you very much and a very good contribution for people like me who are using the platform.
I have a problem when trying to reuse the xsuaa in the other applications, do you have any post or any kind of help to be able to reuse the xsuaa in other applications? Thanks for your time
0 Kudos
Hi Saurabh,

Very nice post, I builted and deployed saccessfuly into the cloud foundry the git application (Logged_in_User_CF-master) and it works fine. I use Business Application Studio.

I am trying to use UserNode module in my application, but it did fail when I deployed to cloud because the uaa service was not found.

I use version 3.2 of the schema for the mta.yaml description file and I have a hard time using the your full mta.yaml file configuration it shows because when I try to build the MTA it says it is invalid.

I think may be the schema 2.1 you shared don't complish to another new version.

Plase can you share another mta.yaml using schema 3.2 please or can you help me to know what is wrong in my mta.yaml file?
_schema-version: "3.2"
ID: aprhorasextras
version: 0.0.16
- name: aprhorasextras-approuter
type: approuter.nodejs
path: aprhorasextras-approuter
disk-quota: 256M
memory: 256M
- name: aprhorasextras_html_repo_runtime
- name: UserNode_api
group: destinations
name: UserNode_api
url: '~{url}'
forwardAuthToken: true
- name: uaa_aprhorasextras
- name: dest_aprhorasextras
- name: conn_aprhorasextras

- name: aprhorasextras_ui_deployer
path: .
- name: aprhorasextras_html_repo_host
content-target: true
build-result: resources
- artifacts:
name: app
target-path: resources/

- name: UserNode
type: nodejs
path: UserNode
- name: UserNode_api
url: "${default-url}"
UAA_SERVICE_NAME: uaa_aprhorasextras
- name: uaa_aprhorasextras

- name: app
type: html5
path: app
builder: custom
- npm run build
supported-platforms: []
- name: aprhorasextras_html_repo_runtime
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
service: html5-apps-repo
service-plan: app-runtime
- name: aprhorasextras_html_repo_host
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
service: html5-apps-repo
service-plan: app-host
- name: uaa_aprhorasextras
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
path: ./xs-security.json
service: xsuaa
service-name: aprhorasextras-xsuaa-service
service-plan: application
- name: conn_aprhorasextras
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
service: connectivity
service-plan: lite
- name: dest_aprhorasextras
type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
service: destination
service-plan: lite
- builder: custom
- npm install


Thanks a lot
Hi ,

It worked after specifying 2.1 schema version for the mta.yaml

Thanks Saurabh for this excelent article it solved my issue.
Active Contributor
Thank You!! Works like a charm.
0 Kudos

'~{url}' given in the requires configuration, references to the properties that are declared in "sacnode" section. so basically, we are taking generated URL of one micro service and pass it dynamically to another.

Are you getting error after providing "${default-url}" in node module? can you please share mta.yaml file code?



0 Kudos

Thanks for the support.

You can reuse xsuaa wherever you want.. All you need to do is go to mta.yaml file and change the "Type" in resources properties of XSUAA to "org.cloudfoundry.existing-service".

Are you getting any error while reusing xsuaa?



0 Kudos
Hi Saurabh,

Thanks for this. Using this i could get the basic details like username, email, and id of the user.

But my goal is still not achieved i want to get other information as well like companyname, phone number and certain other attributes which are present in my application's saml response.
0 Kudos
Hi Sumedh,

You can try passing these details in the IDP configuration and get the details from there.



0 Kudos
ok, can you let me know the actual process/code?
0 Kudos
Getting error while deployed application on cloud foundry

Could not fetch information for UserDetail

    1. Request URL:

    2. Request Method:


    3. Status Code:

      404 Not Found

    4. Referrer Policy:


0 Kudos
Hi All,


Any pointers, in case we are using managed approuter in our application
0 Kudos
Hi Kamalpreet,


You can go through this blog:


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