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Will see how to Create a Catalog and Business Group in Fiori Launchpad Designer


What is Fiori Catalog?

A catalog is a set of Tiles / Applications you want to make available for one role. Depending on the role and the catalogs assigned to the role, users can browse through the catalogs and choose the Tiles / Applications that they want to display on the entry page of the SAP Fiori launchpad.

What is Business Group?

A group is a subset of Applications from one or more catalogs. Which tiles are displayed on a user’s Home page depends on the groups assigned to the user’s role. In addition, the user can personalize the entry Fiori Page by adding or removing Applications to pre-delivered groups or self-defined groups.


Why to Create a Custome Role?

If we use SAP Standard Role End User / Business User will be getting lots of other Application which are not required actually and His / Her Home page will end up messy with lots of business groups and Applications


Please Follow Below Steps to Create a Successful Role instead of using SAP Standard Role for Fiori Role.


Fiori Catalog & Business Group Creation

  1. Enter T.code :- /n/ui2/flpd_cust 

Need to Create Catalog & Business Group 

2. Click on Add / Create button

3. Give Title & Role (its Description)

4. Click Save


5. We can use Standard SAP Catalogs which is will full fill our requirement, once you select catalog its tiles / Applications will be displayed on right side

6. Select the required Tile which you need to add to your catalog and drag once its dragged as shown above 2 options will be enabled Create Reference and delete

Note:- Don't Delete Role By Mistikely also once it deleted its deleted it can't be undo.

7. Once you drop in Create reference popup will be enabled to select under which need to add

8. Select catalog which you created earlier

9. Click on Target Mapping

10. Select the required segment and Action and click on create reference.

11. Select the Catalog under which you need to copy Mapping . like this you can add multiple Applications/tiles and Target Mapping as per the Applications you wanted to Add

with this, we Completed Creation of catalog

Creation of Business Group. 

  1. Now click on Group and click Create

  2. Give Title & ID and click on save

  3. Click on add

  4. Once you click on add will get a list of tiles / Apps which we added in Catalog

  5. Click on Add button which is bottom of the tile

  6. Once its added will get a successful message as shown above.

  7. We can also add other Apps/tiles from other Catalogs by searching in the search bar.

  8. I have selected BOM Catalog and under BOM Catalog selected 3 Apps which are required

  9. Click back button and come to the main page

We can see under the Business Group which we created now we have 4 apps once from catalog which we created and other 3 are from different / SAP  standard Catalogs

With this we completed Creation of Catalog & business group, now need to create Role and assign created Catalog and Business Group “RUTHVIK” to a role.


Creation of Role using Catalog and Business Group

  1. In SAP Open PFCG Transaction.

2. Give the role name and click on the single role

3. Give the description and long text

4. Save


5. Select Menu Tab and select Transaction Drop down to select SAP Fiori Tile Catalog.


6. Once you select Fiori Catalog “Assign Catalog” Popup will be opened in catalog ID select from search and select Catalog which we created

7. Clicks continue.


8. Repeat same to select Business Group

9. Select Business Group we created

10.Click Continue

11. Go to User Tab and assign User ID to whom these new roles need to be assigned.

12. Click Save

We Have successfully Created Catalog, Business Group and created Role and assigned to the User ID,


Let's Test our work


  1. Now login to Fiori launch Pad by using /n/UI2/FLP 

2. Now under “RUTHVIK” Business Group 2 APPs/ Tiles have been added.


With this, you have completed role creation by using Custome Catalog and the Business group.

Follow the same steps when very Users need New Business Group with a mix of Different Apps and Catalogs.


Dear Ruthvik,

excellent blog,  What's the diferente in Fiori Cloud?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Dear Cristian,


Thank you! Fiori Concept Remains Same in Both On-Premises and Cloud Edition,

Same Process Can be used in Cloud as well


very nice.

can you please also share same document type for fiori application type : Factsheet Application'F1732‘)/S8OP


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Hello Juzar,


Thank you Very Much!


You mean Role Creation for Factsheet Apps or like what,

can you be more specific.
0 Kudos


i want to activate fiori fact sheet app :'F1730')/S8OP

Application id : F1730 (Profit Center)

please help me to activate this
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in SICF T.code give in Service Path give ICF Of the App "/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/fin_fs_prftctr"


and Activate it once its Done Go to



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both are activated.

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Then You need to Add that Role to the User ID and check
Active Contributor
Hi routhvik,

Thanks for sharing good document with all steps.
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Thank you Venu
Wow Really Amazing Document ruthvik.chowdary2
Its very in detail and very useful Keep sharing ?
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Hello Lavanya

I'm Glad you liked my Blog ?
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Hi! Ruthvik,

Thanks for excellent blog. Do you happen to know if creation of catalog and group can be done via standard program similar to how we can do mass maintenance of Fiori roles via program provided by SAP "PRGN_CREATE_FIORI_FRONTENDROLE"?



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0 Kudos
Hi pathanaj

Thank you, I'm basically Logistics Consultant not having much idea of Mass creation, I have learned as per project requirements because in real-time we use 4/5 apps per module so those i only used to do ?
0 Kudos
Thanks for taking time to reply. We are too learning hard way.
0 Kudos
Tried it worked !!.Thank you Ruthvik nice info


Best Regards,

Vyomakesh Bharadwaj Racherla
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You are welcome 🙂 racherla.vyomakeshbharadwaj
0 Kudos
Nice document for someone to first have a go!  Pity I do not have access to create a role in my Demo System though.

One question, if you click on a Fiori App and there is no response, then what could be the cause of this problem?
Active Contributor

wnash7658 reason would be App action might not assign during role creation

0 Kudos
Nice Blog. Thanks.

Do you know of a report that shows Catalogs, Groups, Roles, Users?

I'm surprised there's no tcode or report to show all this information.

0 Kudos

Hi Ramin,

As there is no standard report, we have prepared a custom one and made it public:

It is one of the apps helping us with Fiori Launchpad projects - find out more here:



Very nice Greg. Thanks.

I will give it a try...
0 Kudos
Ok Greg... I give up!

I download your package for 1909, the readme file says for installation instructions look on the website. The website says for installation look in the download package!

The only instructions I can find on the site are for 2020.

0 Kudos
You need to get from Catalog report release 2020 FPS01 will work with your 1909 SAP S/4 HANA.
Really amazing blog ruthvik.chowdary2
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Thank you sagarreddysh

Hello Ruthvik,

Nice Document!!, I have a question here we have four tiles configured in a business group, that is one from custom and 3 from standard. Here, now on launchpad we see only 2 tiles one from custom and another from standard. Why, the other two tiles are not showing?


Many Thanks / Himanshu Gupta

Hi Ruthwik,

Nice document , step by step explanation easily understandable for the reader.
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Hi ramesh_kalammanavar

Thank you very much
Hi Ruthvik,

Thank you for this wonderful post!!
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Thank you devanshud
0 Kudos
Thanks , how does the user role maintenance work in cloud version ? is that the same process as above or there is a FIORI app in cloud for user role maintenance
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Same as above to assign role-specific Apps other wise all Apps will get assigned to user
0 Kudos
I have the same question.
0 Kudos


If users who are not assigned to the role for the tile that you made, they can`t see the tile in Fiori??

I have been studying SAP Role Authorization and I want to know how to display or undisplay some tiles by SAP Users.

As I know, that could be possible by using PFCG.



0 Kudos
I have created the role and assigned my customized Catalogue and group to role, and it worked fine in Dev. But when i moved the roles to Prod, fiori screen is blank, it seems catalogue and group is not transported. Can you please help what am i missing.
0 Kudos
Can you pls look into this : Link
0 Kudos
Cannot find Fiori Launchpad Designer in SAP S/4 HANA Cloud. Can you help me with this
0 Kudos
Waiting for your response !
0 Kudos
Also this discussion on user permission is amazing , but you can explain me how i can find the necessary  service i have to activate  in SICF independent of the tile i want to install ?

Also there is a work to do in the user profile ( PFCG ) can you also explain this ?

Thanks !

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