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  • jrolopez54 (SAP Consultant)

  • israel_abraham_vasquez_rumiche_st73 (SAP Consultant)



This post is part of the "SAPRPA2.0_TutorialChallenge2021". We want demostrate how intelligent RPA can help to the staffing personal on Human Resources Area.

Use Case:


The idea of this automation arises from the need to streamline a repetitive task such as terminating employees, this task usually requires a lot of time which can be applied to other functions of greater value to the company, therefore, we decided to work on the automation of this process in order to improve the efficiency of workers in the staffing area of the company.



Windows File:


  • Create a new folder and subfolder called “Completed”



  • Create a new folder in Outlook. In that folder we can save the mails with the specific subject. This mails contains the excel file with terminate information of the employee.


  • Create a rule in Outlook. This rule is for put all the emails with that specific subject in our folder created in the previous step.


  • Send a new email with the subject and the Excel File.


Cloud Factory enviroment:


  • Create the environment.


Excel File:


  • You have to create your own Excel template. For that, you need to copy the picture format and the date formart. If not, the SuccessFactors can't read it correctly.




Excel Screen:


You have to automatize your Excel file. First create the capture, then declare the four cells with the terminate information (userID, Date, Type, Reason). In that case the cells are A7, B7, C7 and D7, but you have to take your cells which you have your information. The element class for the four cases are “Data Item”.


SuccessFactors Screen:


  • SuccessFactors Log in: this screen you have to declare the username field, the password field and the log in button. Here the bot can start your SuccessFactors session.


  • Home: in this screen you have to declare the search bar element. On that bar, the bot can find your userID


  • SuccessFactors People Profile – Capture 1: in this screen you have to capture the Action button. That button is for select the activity to execute on our profile.


  • SuccessFactors People Profile – Capture 2: in this screen you have to capture the Terminate button on the dropdown. That button is for select the terminate activity to execute on our profile.


  • SuccessFactors People Profile – Capture 3: in this screen you have to capture the pop up where the user can introduce their terminate data. Here you have to declare the Date field and the Termination Reason field. (Its normal if your elements doesn’t appear on green)


  • SuccessFactors People Profile – Capture 4: in this screen you have to capture the pop up after introduce the data. Here you have to declare the Save button for process all the information.


  • SuccessFactors People Profile – Capture 5: in this screen you have to capture the final pop up. Here you have to declare the Description field and the Confirm button.




  • First create the project.


  • Add this dependencies.


  • Create the automation.


    • Add the “Open Input Dialog ” activity two times. One is four our SuccessFactors username and the other id for our SuccessFactors password.


  • Open an Outlook instance and search the emails. For search, you have to create some conditions: the email can’t be readed, the subject have to be “SAP RPA2.0 - AUTOMATION OF SAP SUCCESSFACTORS TERMINATION PROCESS” and you have to introduce your outlook folder name (that was explained on the previous-steps)


  • Then create the Forever Loop. Here you have to add the “Is there no Context current Email” activity and then verify the condition. If it’s true, you have to save the attachments, put the mail as read it and get the next email. If is not true, the loop end. Finally we have to release the outlook instance and close it.


  • Now we have to take our file and open it. For that, first you have to get your file collection on your respective folder. Then get the files name inside that folder (you must have only one excel file).


  • Now you have to open an Excel instance, then open the workbook which you have on your folder (you have the name of your workbook inside the previous activity). The insert a “wait” of 5 seconds (5000). We do that because the excel file need time for prepare all their components.


  • Now you have to introduce your first screen, your “Excel screen”. Here you have to introduce four “Get Values (Cells)” activities. One for the userId field, other for the date field, other for the type field and other for the reason field.


  • Then you have to close the workbook and the excel instance. Also add a release excel instance activity


  • Now you have to introduce the SuccessFactors Log in screen. Here you have to add the Start web page activity, then introduce a wait of 3 seconds (3000), then put a click on the username field and set your username. Remember use the result of your first activity for set the username. Then do the same with the password and put a click on the log in button.


  • Now you have to add the Start Web Page activity outside of the screen. Then you have to add your SuccessFactors Home screen. Here you have to add a Wait Element activity on your element. Then use the Keystroke Element activity for add the userId with an Enter keystroke. Then add a wait activity of 5 seconds (5000), finally, add other Keystroke element activity for execute down keystroke and a enter keystroke.


  • Now you have to add the SuccessFactors People Profile Screen. First work with the Capture 1 screen, here add a wait load web page activity of 8 seconds (8000). Then add a Click on the Action button.


  • Now change your capture for use the Capture 2, here you have to add a Click on your Terminate button (on the dropdown after press on the Action button), and add a wait of 4 seconds (4000)


  • Now change your capture for use the Capture 3, here you have to add a Keystroke element activity on your first element (date of termination). In that keystroke add the value which you take it on the excel screen activities (the second element). Then add a mouse click on your next element (termination type), then add a wait activity of 3 seconds (3000) and add other mouse click on the element.


  • Now you can add the value, for that use the keystroke element activity and add the value which you take it on the excel screen activities (the third element). Add a wait activity of 4 seconds (4000) and add other keystroke element activity for use the Down keystroke and the enter keystroke together (like other steps).


  • Change your capture for use the Capture 4, add other wait of 3 seconds (3000) and add a mouse click on your save button.


  • Now add a wait of 6 seconds (6000) and change your capture for use the Capture 5. Here you have to add a keystroke element activity for add the description of your terminate. That value is on your excel screen activity (the fourth element). Finally click on your Confirm button with a mouse click.


  • Finally, add the activity Copy files for copy your file to the Completed folder. Now delete the file which is out of your complete folder.




The experience of participation has been rewarding since we had interaction with several experts in Intelligent RPA 2.0 and we had great learnings. We have learned to use some activities that we did not normally use in previous automations such as "Waits" or "KeyStrokes" that allow us to simulate the keyboard, thus eliminating the barrier of dependency on the interface of the page on which we are working. This automation could be enhanced in order to be able to perform several personnel terminations at the same time, instead of going user by user, by implementing loops where they are executed depending on the number of users for example, thus giving better results and can reduce more the personal time in this task.




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1 Comment
0 Kudos
Hello Maria.

Thank you for sharing with us this knowledge.

Congratulations on the job.

I would like to know if you already try to do something using RPA with Proxy Management or Auto delegation functionalities in the SAP SuccessFactors. Is it possible?

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