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SAP TechEd 2020 with Implico

It’s on: SAP TechEd 2020! The global 48-hour event has started today and lasts till December 10.  It provides a meeting point and platform for tech experts and thought leaders from all industries to come together and talk shop. As CEO of Implico Group, a long-time SAP development partner, I am very enthusiastic to take part in this non-stop virtual conference.

Here are four reasons why I am engaging in SAP TechEd 2020 – and why you should do so, too!

1. A rich agenda filled with hot topics for the SAP community

The agenda of SAP TechEd 2020 is packed with interesting tracks and sessions that I am happy to follow. Be it “Application Development and Integration“, “Database and Data Management“ or ”Digital Transformation with Intelligent ERP“ – there’s all kinds of tracks that are not just interesting for me personally, but also highly relevant for the entire Implico Group. After all, it is these and other forward-looking technologies that we use to help our customers render their processes even more smart, digitized and fit for tomorrow.

2. An innovative concept offering a unique experience

One aspect I find especially exciting about SAP TechEd 2020 is the event’s build-up. From keynotes to workshops to speaker tracks to discussion panels, it offers pretty much all conference formats there are. As the program runs in different channels, it is up to each participant to shape their own experience. You can have an active exchange with other industry professionals; you can sit back and soak in valuable news and information; you can follow a concrete schedule put together in advance; or you can spontaneously tune in to the non-stop 48-hour broadcast and learn about a topic you might otherwise not have bargained for. Personally, I’m doing a bit of each.

3. An important statement in agitated times

Considering how the year proceeded so far, I don’t think that anyone would have been surprised if there had not been an SAP TechEd in 2020 at all. But instead of taking one step back, SAP took three steps forward. They made the 2020 installment of SAP TechEd bigger and broader than ever. They made it digital. And they took it global! To me, this is an important and encouraging statement: When bright minds and smart technology come together, new paths will open – and the journey will go on!

4. My own speaker slot on SAP technology adoption

Apart from following the other offers, I have also participated in the CTO Panel with SAP Partners hosted by SAP’s Jagdish Sahasrabudhe. It was broadcasted today at 11.10 PM CET and will be repeated tomorrow at 12 PM CET. One major topic we discussed: Why did Implico Group opt for the SAP Cloud Platform and how did it help us in realizing our SAP-certified co-innovation apps Connected Truck and Connected Depot?

Well, that’s it on my end. How about you? Are you participating in SAP TechEd 2020, too? If so, what tracks and other offers did you follow so far – and what others are you still excited about?
1 Comment
I fully agree. The concept of SAP TechEd 2020 is fantastic. I'm having the live stream running on my second screen. Looking forward to catch lots of interesting info over the course of the day!
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