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If you have upgraded to Lumira Designer 2.0, please go here


Now that Design Studio 1.6 is available, karol.kalisz and I have taken strides to port over our existing SCN Design Studio SDK Development Community components to the new 1.6 SDK patterns that reiner.hille-doering has mentioned here: What's New in Design Studio 1.6 SDK

I previously mentioned some changes in a blog post here (Sneak Peak - SCN Design Studio 1.6 SDK Components), however I am creating an SCN Document this time so that others can modify this document going forward to keep everything up to date.


Why 3.0?  At certain points along the way, we've had to make the decision to commit future development to a newer version of Design Studio that means no further support for older versions.  With Design Studio 1.6, many new features along with SDK changes to support the new sap.m mode mean that we must make a clean break.  This means that Design Studio 1.6 is a pre-requisite for anything related to our 3.0 components, just like for our 2.0 components, 1.4 was required.  You can still download the older 1.0 and 2.0 components from GitHub.


Download Links


Version Required Design Studio Version
Download Link
1.0 Design Studio 1.2 or higher Download
2.0 Design Studio 1.4 or higher Download
3.0 Design Studio 1.6 (Works mostly in Lumira Designer 2.0) Stable | Preview
[NEW] Lumira Designer 2.0 SP2 READ HERE

Source Code

Source Code can be found on GitHub here:


GitHub - org-scn-design-studio-community/sdkpackage: SDK Package of SCN Design Studio Community


Community Components Blog List/Timeline


From most recent to oldest, here is a collection of all blogs by the SCN Design Studio SDK Community team in reverse-chronological order, with certain milestones called out.  You should note that the further back in time you delve, the more primitive, and in same case, irrelevant, some of the older components may be, hence calling out the dates.  Nevertheless, those wishing to see what is possible, or to get source code examples, need look no further than these blog posts written by the SCN SDK Community.





Component Library & Documentation


We can offer the overview of all components and documentation on functions.

     You can find it here Component List 3.0 - SCN Design Studio Community

Besides the list of components, you can find also "Download" link and instructions how to install. It is better for you to use the ZIP installation (direct links provided above) as this allows you to store the installed ZIP locally. But, github is also having versionized ZIPs - in case your copy is lost.

What Has Changed?

We've made all attempts to not disrupt any existing components or properties so your transition to 3.0 shouldn't be too bumpy.


Simplified Categories


In order to try to save a little space and keep things tidy, we now have only 4 categories:


  • SCN Community BasicsThese are meant for simple interactive/selector-type components.

  • SCN Community VisualizationsThese are meant for components that visualize data, either with a graphic or tabular output.

  • SCN Community PrototypesThis is a catch-all category for either proof-of-concept or ideas that are not fully baked, as well as deprecated components that we aren't ready to discard quite yet.  Basically this is the 'wild west', proceed with more caution here.

  • SCN Community UtilsThis category is for components that at their time, had no need to be on the canvas, however due to SDK limitations technically had to exist there when really their purpose was more for scripting and debug utility.  In today's world with 1.6, these ideally would become 'Technical Components' but in short-term, we've preserved them where they are today, perhaps some day we can remove this category and refactor them to true 'Technical Components' and free up even more space.


M Mode Support


With 1.6, SAP has offered up a more official support for UI5 sap.m components.  As a result, existing SCN Community components that are based on sap.m will be supported first in 'M' mode, and for a time being in 'Classic' mode.  As we see M mode mature hopefully in future versions, people will make the switch to 'M' mode for their apps.  You will also see new SCN Community components that we not possible in 'Classic' mode before (without ugly hacks) become available now only in 'M' mode (such as Switch and Slider and more.)


Streamlined Additional Properties Sheet (APS)

Nearly all components, no matter what category or original author, now support an easy to use APS that generates itself.  This means consistent UI for designers, and less time spent by developers in the community to implement, as the APS generation code really takes care of it all for you.  A separate technical document for community developers (old and new) will be posted with the details.

Component Quality


We have made many important internal code re-factorings using the RequireJS module pattern which has been an opportunity for us to make a few bug fixes along the way, as well as streamline some old code.  There may be some initial bumps in the road early on with 3.0, but a goal is to re-visit existing components and FIX either bugs or incomplete features in order to make this a more reliable and appealing package for the community.




In the past, SCN comments have provided one channel to report bugs or ask for features or provides general feedback and ask questions.  For general feedback and questions, please provide them here on SCN as always, but we'd encourage you to post actual feature requests and bugs on GitHub as an issue so that they can be tracked and not lost in the sea of comments.  This helps you and the SCN developer community.  The place to do this is here:


Issues · org-scn-design-studio-community/sdkpackage · GitHub


Going forward look for additional new components and more reliable existing components!

Former Member
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Hi All,

One of my colleagues faced the same issue as Pheno has mentioned few weeks back, while he was trying to install the platform extensions after downloading them from the same link. DS Version: 4.1. He got the same error message as Pheno has shared.


However, when I had downloaded the .zip file last March 2016 and installed on my local system/BI Platform (DS Version: 4.1) it worked just fine. I had the downloaded zip file on my local computer and I shared it with my colleague, and he was able to configure this time with no issues.


So, I suspect that there is something wrong with the file that has been uploaded to the github site, can one of the moderators/admins pelase take a look?




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Hi Taniya,


It is possible that the offline install file was corrupt at some point in time. I donwloaded today the most recent files and tested from scratch. The installation works fine.


Another thing I would like to suggest for future reference is to clean up the Design Studio client. Sometimes after lots of install/uninstall actions and/or client restarts jar files can be left over. To rule out that problem you can delete your Analysis-Config folder which will reset your client.


Kind regards


0 Kudos

Hey guys,


I was wondering if there is a possibility to install only selected components.

For a specific application I would only need the rapid prototyping component and the color picker 2.0 if we decide to use them. So it would be nice if there was a way to avoid installing all the other components delivered along with the SDK component package.

Is there a way to accomplish that?

Thanks for your help and BR



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Hi Agnetha,


This is not possible out of the box. You would need to clone our GitHub repository and alter the build logic to only incorporate what you need. We are sharing code throughout the components. That is why you can only install complete packages instead of individual components. We value the code sharing over the packaging.


Kind regards


0 Kudos

Hi Martin,


thanks for your fast reply.

Then I think I will stick with installing the complete packages - it's the fastest and easiest way after all.




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Just out of curiosity, what is it exactly that disturbs you so much to have the other components too? Could you elaborate a little on that?


Kind regards


0 Kudos

Sure: Imagine the scenario that I want to insert one of your components in an application after having installed the complete packages.

I perform a right-click on the layout folder, choose "create" and I can see three new folders: SCN Community Basics, Utils and Visualizations.


The problem arising is that I don't know in which folder the component is located. So I start browsing the folders. The first one feels like it contains 40 components, the second one about 10 components and the last one like 20 components. Of course these numbers are probably a bit exaggerated, but it's just the initial feeling I get when I open the folders.


Fortunately the components in the folders are sorted alphabetically. So if I remember the component's name correctly, I have not sooo much trouble finding it. If I do not remember the name, I have to start browsing... Of course, as you know, users are always impatient.


Still, this variety of components just strikes me down whenever I open the folders and it feels like I have installed about 90% of components that I actually don't really need. So my mind starts wondering what all the components that I never used are for (of course only if their names are not obvious like "color picker" ) etc. and suddenly I feel the strong need to tidy up.


But this is just my impression. That's why I asked if there is a possibility to install only the components I plan on using..





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Thanks Agnetha for being so detailed about my question. When it comes to finding components maybe check the filter input box above the folders? That works pretty neat. the same goes for finding components on the outline tree for messy dashboards.


I do get your feeling to tidy up though.


Thanks for sharing.


Kind regards


0 Kudos



I'm confused on how to install the scn community visualizations as well as scn community utils.


Any pointers appreciated ..I'm on Release 1.6 (Version 16.0.5)



0 Kudos

Hi Sachin,

open the link Component List 3.0 - SCN Design Studio Community, press teh button "Free Download 3.0" and choose "Offline" - then you will get the ZIP and short step-by-step for installation.


0 Kudos

Hi all,


can you please check if the Fiori Slider (part of the Community Basics) is broken?

I did a simple setup where the current value of the slider was supposed to be passed on to a text.


However only the inital value is forwarded. The current value will never be displayed.
The coding I used on the Slider for the 'onChange' Event:




Best regards,

0 Kudos

Thanks Karol for your prompt reply.


But help me in installing the new components. I'm stuck.



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Can you please explain how exactly are you stuck ?

Upon downloading the archive, you should start DS, go to Tools > Install Extensions (and not CVOM), choose "From Archive", select the downloaded zip file, check the components, and press next/accept until the end. Restart DS, should be ok.

Active Contributor
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Hi Sebastian,


Thanks for reaching out to us. I adjusted the code on our preview release branch. You can update your components using the zip from here:


Going forward we would like you to open issues on GitHub for any component problems for better tracking on our end.


Kind regards


0 Kudos

Hi Martin,


thanks for your quick solution. I will have a look at the preview package.

Next time it will be an issue on GitHub.


Best regards,



Edit: Tested the new package and can confirm the issue has been resolved. Thanks a lot Martin!

Former Member
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Hello All,

I am using Design Studio 1.5 version. I am unable to open one report which gives error to first install Design Studio SDK Extension Sample KPI Tile on my local system.

This extension is already available on Platform. However I am unable to install the same on my local machine.

Would you please help me with the solution to install this extension.

Former Member
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Hi All,

I have now also found zip file for KPI tile, however when I try to install it on Design studio local machine, it gives below error.

How can i install KPI tile on my machine.

Active Contributor
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Hi Priyanka,

This is not the right place to ask that question since your problem is not related to our repository content. Please open a new question for that.

Regarding your error, the message is telling you that Design Studio could not find a SDK extension on your zip file. The person who deployed on BIP must be able to provide you the correct zip file.

In addition to that you could read section 3.3 of the design studio developer guide on how to create an installable design studio extension. That way you will be able to create a valid zip from the standard SAP kpitile example.

Kind regards
0 Kudos
Hi Guys,

Did you see that with the new SCN many links are broken ?
For instance (SAP UI5 Table) or (Client  Information Component)

Kind Regards

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

Many links are broken when migrated to new SCN.

can some one help me with the Calendar Component.
Design Studio SDK: Calendar Selector Component


0 Kudos

I'm testing the DATERANGESCROLLER and I have a question about it:

I have an application that changes the viewType of the DATERANGESCROLLER using a DROPDOWN BOX. The change of the viewType works fine. But with the change of the viewType I want to immediately change the filter on a datasource, too. This does not work. I have to click the DATERANGESCROLLER first.

1.) ViewType MONTH, DATERANGESCROLLER shows "January 2017", data source is filtered on 01/01/2017 - 01/31/2017

2.) Now I change viewType to "Week", DATERANGESCROLLER shows "January 2 - 8, 2017" immediatly but data source still filtered on 01/01/2017 - 01/31/2017

3.) Click DATERANGESCROLLER and apply filter to data source.

So filtering a datasource with DATERANGESCROLLER.getStartDate() and DATERANGESCROLLER.getEndDate() only works after clicking the DATERANGESCROLLER once.

Is there a way to automatically change a data source filter when the viewType is changed?

Thank you for your comments,
Alexander Oertel
Active Participant
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Some can confirm if components (release 3.0) work fine on 1.6 SP4 ?


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I used karol.kalisz Simple Date object extension during building my Deign studio application(DS 1.6)

but after finishing my application I could not add this extension to BI platform.

any suggestions please?
Former Member
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Hi martin.pankraz

How are you doing...

I need small help, we are using SDK component in BO 4.1 SP7, now we are planing to upgrading system to BO 4.2 SP4, Please let me know SDK compatible with new version of BO server.




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They appear to work fine in my experience.
Active Contributor
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They do.
0 Kudos
Hi all.

I installed the components on my Design Studio Client 1.6 SP5 Patch 2 and used KPI Tile component, when execute the application in local mode all work fine but when try my application in sap netweaver portal show me two messages, one alert message "item de web KPITILE_1 not found in web application and one warning message ""ORG_SCN_COMMUNITY_BASICS_KPITILE" couldn´t be generate. Basis team consult TroubleshootingSDK document find a posible solution but continue the problem.


Any idea. Thaks


0 Kudos

Hello, Mike,

your bring your own data source component is best! I use it throughout to merge and  manipulate data for charts or other things. I`ve recently updated to Lumira Designer SP2, and even though SAP said that custom sdk components will be compatible and work without issues. It woulds seems that it is not the case for BYO. Then i try to use the addRow() method it throws script errors ReferenceError: “balanceDimension” is not defined. () . Has anyone had any luck with making this component run on Lumira designer ? And are there any plans to port these community sdk to Lumira designer ?

Thank you



i poked around in the source code for the component that was throwing the error

in the contributions.ztl i`ve changed var dims = balanceDimension(dimensions).split(",");

to var dims = this.balanceDimension(dimensions).split(",");

and while(dims.length<kfIndex){ to while(dims.length<this.kfIndex){

recompiled the package installed it as Lumira designer 2 sp2 extension, reports started to work, installed on platform bpi lumira addon 2.0 sp2 and they started to work on the BI launchpad as well.

Though i have no idea why that worked or if its even a valid solution 🙂

There also seems to be this kind of an issue with data iterator component in getRows() method.

String balanceDimension(/*Dimensions*/String dimensions){*
 var dims = dimensions.split(",");
 for(var i=0;i<dims.length;i++){
 if(dims[i]=="") dims[i]=="#";
 return dims.join(",");
void addRow(/*Dimensions*/ String dimensions, /*Measures*/ String measures, /*Overwrite*/ optional boolean overwrite){*
 if(overwrite) deleteRow(dimensions);
 var dims = balanceDimension(dimensions).split(",");
 var kfs = measures.split(",");
 var rows ="\n");
 var columnCount = 0;
 var newRow = dims.join(",") + "," + kfs.join(",");
 var newRows = rows.join("\n"); = newRows;
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Thanks for this detailed feedback.  While most of what I tested in the 2.0 beta was working with these components, I did not have the time to test all script APIs.  I will create a fix and update the community package.  Thank you so much for digging into it.
0 Kudos
I've posted this in the Issues on GitHub, but after reading the Questions/Comments/Feedback section above, I think maybe I should have put it here.  Sorry for the double post.

I'm trying to internationalize a dashboard we've built in DS 1.6 SP4 Patch 2. We're using the 3.0 SCN SDK components.

I am returning dates from a Datastore. The date format coming back is determined by the locale I set for myself on the BI Platform. If it's English, the date comes back e.g. 06/01/17 for Jun 1, 2017. If I change my BIP locale to Portuguese (Brazil), the date comes back as 01/06/17.

I wrote the dashboard to take the returned date and use the substring method to parse out the day, month, and year, which I then pass into the initialize method to get a REALDATE object. This method obviously won't work when the parts of the date string are in different places. I cannot find a way around this. Even using the getDay, getMonth, and getYear methods that are part of the REALDATE internals return the wrong values. Is there any way to use REALDATE to overcome this? Or any other method? Most of what I see from a Google search have to do with converting the current date, which isn't my situation.

I guess I'm just wondering if there's a method in REALDATE, or some other component, somewhere that I'm missing, that deals with the different date formats.
Former Member
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Hi Everyone,

Thank you for your efforts to keep the post updated.

I downloaded the code for version 3.0 from the link from the post . While unzipping, I get the below error. If I press enter, similar error pops up for another file. If I keep pressing enter till the end and add the projects in eclipse, some of the .js files (eg. PropertyPage.js) are missing from the projects (last pic below). Due to this the components are not rendering.

Have you seen these errors before? Could you help to resolve this?






0 Kudos

Hi, I’m working on SDK design studio. I want to build a dynamic data table with the feature of changing columns header dynamically. I checked advance datatable I have to create the exact same table. I want to set the titles of the columns from the component menu. I need a guidance how I can add this facility in your Advance datatable component.

can you clear me one thing is it possible to design this table in the HTML file and manipulate with this table in the component.js file? if is there any other approach that is best for this kindly elaborate it.

0 Kudos


I am working on a dashboard that’s utilizing some components from Custom SDK 3.0 stable.   Everything works fine in local mode but the dashboard doesn’t display anything on BIP.    Custom SDK components are installed to BIP as well.   I am on BI 4.1SP.  Developed the dashboard in local mode utilizing Design Studio 1.6SP4.  But on BIP, I am using Design Studio 1.6SP5 to make modifications.   BIP has Design Studio 1.6SP2 though.

I created a new dashboard to replicate the issue, while doing that, it turns out KPI Tile2.0 that I am using doesn’t display the radial micro chart.  All other components are displaying fine.    Also worth noting is that the graph within the KPI Tile works fine.  It is the radial micro chart that’s not displaying.    I believe the micro radial chart was developed by karol.kalisz  so you may have some in sight into this?

Any help into this will be appreciated.

Radial Micro Chart

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I have been trying to get following things working with SAP Design Studio 1.6 SP05:

  • UI5 Table

  • MultiComboBox

Background: We need to have conditional formatting and sorting by columns (individual). Standard crosstab doesn't provide this functionality. Our data source is Universe.

So, I downloaded the SDK 3.0 and successfully tried my design and workflow that I require in original app. It worked for a while and then starting giving following issue:

Everything goes white or in stealth mode (rendering issue I believe) and I can't view or edit components directly. Although I can view this components when running the app. Just wondering if anyone seen this issue before:

// I can't see custom components even though they are set to visible

// When app runs locally then I can see them

// When I run it on BI Platform then I can see them

Any suggestions would be really appreciated.



0 Kudos
Hi Michael,

Just following through your post regarding a situation that I'm stuck with, getting the below error messages while opening an Analysis Application in Production Environment:

The Application "JumpCompanyDashboard" contains components from the following unavailable Design Studio Extensions:

-, Required Version: 3.0, Installed Version: <none>

-, Required Version: 3.0, Installed Version: <none>

To open this application, you first need to install or update the listed extensions.

Application Name - Jump Company Dashboard

And Sometimes, while opening this application, it shows the below error message:

"The Application "JumpCompanyDashboard" has been created with a newer version of the design tool. To open this application you need to install the latest version of the design tool."

No Support from SAP, as I can understand that Design Studio has been upgraded to SAP Lumira, and DS has already reached its EOL. But we need to refresh this application anyhow and save it back to the repository.

Because it seems that the data connection used in it, is not working fine now, and to fix it, we at least need it to open in DS-Client Tool, refresh it there and save it to the BO repository.

Would request you to please help/guide me to fix the issue, you would be a life savior.

Environment Details:

SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.2 SP02

SAP Design Studio - 16.7.0


Thanks and Regards,

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