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Last time I was at a customer and he ask me to translate the static tiles of the launchpad in different languages. After a search on SCN I found that this topic wasn't covered yet, so I decide to share my knowledge.

This document will bring you step by step to the translation.


Before we can start with the translation, we first must know the tile we want to translate. For this we will go to the Fiori LaunchPad Designer and search for the catalog of our tile.

In this example we will translate the text of the Google Search tile to Dutch. Important for the translation is the id of the catalog with is located in the left upper corner. In our example this is 'ID : X-SAP-UI2-CATALOGPAGE:/NL4B/AppLauncherStaticUrlExample'

We need this catalog id later to find the right object to translate.


Most of the translations within the ABAP stack can be done in transaction SE63. This is also the starting point for our translation. In the top menu we choose Translation -> ABAP Objects -> Short Text or shortly press CTRL-F2. This will open a screen where we can select the type of object we want to translate.

In our case, we need the object type TABL Tables (Meta) which can be found below 00 Meta Object in NetWeaver stack 7.40 or higher. Before NetWeaver 7.40, you will find this object below A6 Table Entries.

After we select the object type we will get a selection screen, we need to fill in. All the static text of out Fiori Launchpad Tiles can be found in object 'WDY_CONF_USERT2'.  This is the object name we need to fill in and we have to specify our source and target language. In our example we will translate from US English, shortly enUS to Dutch shortly nlNL.

After clicking the Edit button, we will again get a selection popup. In this case we need to select the object we need to translate and in our case this is the Fiori LaunchPad Catalog. The Fiori LaunchPad Catalog objects are located as User Scope 'A' , Configuration Type '07' and a Configuration ID.

To find the Configuration ID, we can use the search help of this field. We can do this by selecting the Configuration ID and clicking the match code button or F4. Now you will get a list of all configurations.

You can find the right Fiori Launchpad Catalog in this list by clicking the button on the top. This will open the restriction screen. Now we need the catalog id of the preparation step. This id we fill in the description field.


The description field in the restrictions is restricted so properly you cannot copy the complete catalog id. In this case replace ‘ID : X-SAP-UI2-CATALOGPAGE:’ by a ‘*’. E.g. ‘ID : X-SAP-UI2-CATALOGPAGE:/NL4B/AppLauncherStaticUrlExample’ becomes ‘*/NL4B/AppLauncherStaticUrlExample’

Now you can select right Configuration ID and execute.

Now you can translate the Launch Pad Catalog text.

After the translation you need to press the save button, The translation is completed.


As a final step we now need to check the result. This can be done in the Fiori Launchpad or the Fiori Launchpad Designer by setting the url query parameter sap-language.

Fiori LaunchPad
Fiori LaunchPad Designer
Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear r.eijpe,

  it is a wonderful document. thanks , keep sharing.

can you tell me what is the object name for the NW 702. i am not finding 00 and A6.


Tauhid Shaikh

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Thank you for sharing a real example. It helps other projects which need to implement Fiori in multiple languages.

0 Kudos

Hi Robert,

trying your approach, I can only translate those Catalog pages, which have been created via transaction LPD_CUST, not those, which I created via /UI2/FLPD_CONF (or /UI2/FLPD_CUST).

Could you please check at your customer, and either confirm or disapprove?

Thanks, Stephan

0 Kudos

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your nice blog.

I completed all the steps you mentioned.

However, while refreshing Fiori launchpad and launchpad designer with new sap-language=ZF, the translated tile doesn't work...

I wondered whether my last step is correct or not...

Thanks a lot indeed.Chloe

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you a lot for this article. But I can't find my entries within Se63.

With the selection, user:*; UserScrop:A; ConfigurationType:07 - I have just 7 entries and no of them are my own tiles. How can I translate my tiles which I created via /UI2/FLPD_CONF (or /UI2/FLPD_CUST)?

Thank you!


Hi Simon,

I was facing the same issue, and I found the solution.

Technically, Fiori tile catalogs are Web Dynpro configurations.

The first step is to obtain the WD configuration ID of your tile catalog, e.g. using transaction /UI2/FLP_CONTCHECK, there is a column for it.

The second step is to start your translation environrment (SE63), translation -> abap objects -> short texts. Select Lockable Logical Objects (TLGS). Enter Objectname WDCC<catalog's WD id>* and press F4. Either you can then provide the transport package or not. There will be a selection list of at least 2 entries. The entry suffixed with 4 should contain the translatable identifier of your Fiori tile catalog.

Have fun translating.

Regards, Stephan

0 Kudos

Hi Simon,

thank you very much for this guide. Helped a lot! However - I have the impression that after changing the original catalog name (type) the translated name is removed.

Do you or anyone else observe something similar?



0 Kudos
Hi Simon,

An excellent blog  describing the process to translate Fiori Launchpad texts *ON CUSTOMIZING LAYER*.

For the sake of completeness, customers should be aware that texts for content on CONF layer ( FLP scope=CONF), e.g. SAP delivered texts of content are delivered in WDY_CONFIG_COMPT  ( a client independent table).

See the separate documentations for translating in the CONFIGURATION LAYER and CUSTOMIZING LAYER.


People interested in the gory details may study the lower sections of of



Just FYI if someone else seen this. After every translation, you need to invalidate the global cache inorder for the translation to take effect.


  1. tCode SE38


  3. Execute

  4. Then check the result

0 Kudos
Hi Gerd, hi Simon,

thank fou for this description. With this I was able to translate almost all texts in our Fiori Launchpad tiles.

The only text I could not translate was the unit in a dynamic tile. Where can I find this?

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Thanks Ali, this was the extra step we needed to make it working!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi r.eijpe

Great blog!! thanks for sharing, nevertheless, I wonder how can I transport the translations I made?. thanks in advance!

0 Kudos
Greate blog, thanks a lot!!!
0 Kudos

step 5

5. Log off - Log on


0 Kudos
Hi Eliu,

I have the same question. Could you please let me know in case if you already figured out ?



We had the problem that the configuration ID wasn't found in 'WDY_CONF_USERT2'.

We initially created the fiori app using transaction /UI2/FLPD_CONF (cross-client)  and not with /UI2/FLDP_CUST (client-spec.).
Therefore the entries weren't present in table 'WDY_CONF_USERT2', but in table WDY_CONFIG_DATT and WDY_CONFIG_COMPT.

The solution provided from SAP support was:
You could open the tiles and catalog with CUST mode.
Now do some character changes in every field of tile and catalog and save it. This will create entries in those customizing tables, now revert those changes so that you have correct names.
0 Kudos
Hello Eliu,

with transaction SLXT selecting Object Type = WDCC.


Kind regards,

Former Member
0 Kudos
How do we transport?
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