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Table of Contents

SAP Mobile Platform (SMP 3.0)
SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services
Additional Required Software
Accessing the SAP OData Gateway Demo
Configuring a Kapsel App in the SAP Mobile Platform Cockpit
Configuring a Kapsel App in SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services Cockpit
Accessing the Application using the REST API
Installing Apache Cordova with Node.js
Creating an Apache Cordova Project
Running an Apache Cordova Project
Kapsel Plugins
Barcode Scanner
Offline OData
SAP Fiori Client
Appendix A: OData
Appendix B: Debugging
Appendix C: Crosswalk
Appendix 😧 Using SAML with Kapsel
Appendix E: Non Kapsel Plugins
Appendix F: Using OAuth with Kapsel
Appendix H: Tips
Appendix I: SAP Cloud Connector
Appendix J: Document Service


Note, this version of the guide covers the SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) 3.0 Kapsel Software Development Kit (SDK) version 13 and higher. The UI screens of the Logon plugin and the ability to customize the screens have changed in SP13. As well in SP11 of the SMP server, a new UI was introduced for the management cockpit. If you are using an older version of the SDK, please see Getting Started with Kapsel in SP09+.

One type of mobile app that can be written using the SMP 3.0 SDK is an HTML5 hybrid app. Apache Cordova is an open source project that provides a container with a browser that renders the UI of an application and a set of API's that can be called from JavaScript to access native device functionality such as the device's calendar and contacts list. The benefit of this is that the same UI code (HTML/CSS) and business logic code (JavaScript) can be deployed on multiple platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows 10 without code modifications. For additional details on how hybrid apps compare to native and other types of apps see SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services Development Options.

Apache Cordova itself can be extended to provide additional native device functionality. For additional details on writing a Cordova plugin see Plugin Development Guide.

Kapsel is a set of plugins that enhance Apache Cordova with functionality such as a stream-lined logon to an SMP 3.0 server, offline access for OData calls, the ability to update deployed applications, encrypted storage and push notifications. For more information see Mobile Application Development Platform - Overview, the Kapsel specific enablement page at SMP 3.0 for Developers - Hybrid Apps, the blog posts by by John Wargo, or michael.jess the SMP SDK product manager, the roadmap for SMP at and the SAP Web IDE and Fiori Mobile Service for Web-IDE. For a complete list of Kapsel supported device versions see SAP Mobile SDK Supported Devices Operating Systems and Product Availability Matrix or specifically Product Availability Matrix for the SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0. For SMP server specific blog posts see blogs by martingrasshoff such as Release of SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 SP 11.

Questions on the entire SDK can be viewed using the search Questions tagged with SAP Mobile Platform SDK.

Blogs on the entire SDK can be viewed using the search Blogs tagged with SAP Mobile Platform SDK.

Finally, there are a set of tutorials available at Mobile Interactive Tutorials that contain complete projects with guided step by step instructions demonstrating some of the key plugins of the Kapsel SDK including Logon, Offline, and Push.


Kapsel apps can be developed on Windows or Mac machines. Kapsel apps can target Android, iOS and Windows 10.
Development for an iOS device must occur on a Mac machine.
Development for Windows must occur on a Windows machine.
Android development can occur on a Windows or a Mac machine.
The Fiori Mobile service offers a service to remotely build an application.
See also Creating an Application on Windows.
Note, if using SAPUI5 or OpenUI5 on Windows 8.1 or Windows Phone 8.1, please see JavaScript Dynamic Content Shim. This shim is not needed if targeting Windows 10. Note, the examples in this blog series have not been tested with Windows 8.1.

SAP Mobile Platform (SMP 3.0)

The SAP Mobile Platform and the SAP Mobile Platform SDK can be downloaded from the SAP Software Download Center.
Alternatively a trial version of the SDK can be downloaded from SAP Mobile Platform SDK trial and the trial version of the SAP Cloud Platform can be used instead of the on-premise SMP server.
Two files need to be downloaded to install the SAP Mobile Platform 3.0. The 3.0 SP16 SDK and the 3.0 SP12 on-premise server.
Only the latest available patch level or PL needs to be applied. If PL05 is available then it can be applied directly to PL0.
Note that the PL patch for server contains two zip files. The file is only needed if you have installed the MBO runtime in addition to the SMP 3.0 server.
Note, that the server and SDK are on different release schedules.

Click on the Software Downloads tile.

Select Support Packages & Patches, By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) > M > SAP Mobile Platform SDK > SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0 > Downloads > 3.0 SP16

Select Support Packages & Patches, By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) > M > SAP Mobile Platform > SAP Mobile Platform Runtime 3.0 > Windows on x64 64bit > Download 3.0 SP13.

When running the SAP Mobile Platform Runtime 3.0 install, the MBO toolkit does not need to be installed.
The server can be started and stopped via the following shortcuts after the install completes.

The management cockpit can be accessed at https://localhost:8083/Admin.
To double check what version of the SDK installed, edit a plugin's plugin.xml file located at C:\SAP\MobileSDK3\KapselSDK\plugins\plugin_name\plugin.xml. It should contain a version field such as the one shown below.
<plugin xmlns=""

The SMP server has multiple places where it indicates a version. Examine C:\SAP\MobilePlatform3\smp_product_info.xml. It should contain a version field as the one shown below.
<product name="SMPServer" version="" compatibilityVersions="3.0.*">

One other place is in about dialog in the management cockpit.

SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services

A version of the SAP Mobile Platform server is available in the cloud as a trial. It was previously abbreviated as HCPms. You can choose either the cloud offering or the on-premise SMP server. To register for the trial account, click on the link below.
SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit Trial
Once registered, choose the Neo Trial.

Under Services, search for Development & Operations and enable the service.

Click on the Development & Operations.
Click on Go to Service to open the service.

Additional Required Software

If your computer uses a proxy create the following system environment variables. Note, on a Windows machine, environment variables are added via Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables.
On a Mac, edit the following file and prefix the variables with export (ie export no_proxy=localhost). Note you may need to enable the viewing of hidden files.


On Windows, optionally download and install Git and add it to your path. This is required if you wish to install a plugin directly from git such as shown below.
cordova plugin add


Install the latest available Java 8 JDK and add the bin folder to the path. The following system environment variables should be set or modified.
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_65

The following command should succeed from a command prompt.
javac -version

Environment variables can be examined in a command prompt as shown below.
echo %JAVA_HOME%
echo %PATH%

Install Gradle and add it to the path.

Note, this is required in newer versions of the Android platform as mentioned Cordova Android 6.2.1 Released!

Download and install Android Studio.
Once downloaded attempt to create a project and run it.
This will likely result in requests to download additional components such as Android SDK Platform 26 and Build Tools 26.0.x.
If your computer uses a proxy, set the proxy under File, Settings, Appearance & Behavior, System Settings, HTTP Proxy.

If you are using an Android emulator, be sure to run install Intel HAXM under the extras folder of the Android SDK folder.

Create a system environment variable named ANDROID_HOME.

Add the path to emulator, tools and platform-tools to your path.

If one does not exist, create a KAPSEL_HOME environment variable.

If your computer uses a proxy and you are developing for Android, create a folder (if one does not exist) named .gradle in your home directory and a file within it named

The contents of the file might be as follows.


Download Xcode.

Windows 10

Download a version of Visual Studio 2015 such as Visual Studio Community.
Note, Visual Studio 2017 is not currently supported with SP15 or later.
The following options should be selected.
Programming Languages > Visual C++ > Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015
Windows and Web Development > Microsoft Web Developer Tools
Windows and Web Development > Universal Windows App Development Tools
Windows and Web Development > Universal Windows App Development Tools > Tools
Windows and Web Development > Universal Windows App Development Tools Windows 10 SDK (select if you need to support a different SDK than the one included with the Tools)

Windows and Web Development > Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 Tools

Accessing the SAP OData Gateway Demo

Kapsel apps communicate with backend enterprise systems primarily by using OData. For additional information on OData see Appendix A: OData. SAP provides a publicly available OData endpoint at Create an account on the Gateway Demo system. Some of the samples in this guide will utilize this. Follow the instructions on the previously provided link to receive a user name and password necessary for accessing the OData source used throughout this guide. Note the password can be reset at the SAP Gateway - Demo Consumption Service page.

Ensure that the OData endpoint can be accessed by opening it in a browser.

Enter the provided user name and password.

CarrierCollection is the collection that will be used.

CarrierCollection returns a list of airlines.

Note that the option ?sap-ds-debug=true can be used with SAP Netweaver Gateway OData sources. This causes HTML to be returned to the browser enabling the content to be displayed in an easier to read format and the links become clickable.

Notice that https is used.
Right-click on the lock icon to the left of the URL and choose Details > View Certificate.

Notice that the certificate used by was issued by the CA Go Daddy. In order for the SMP server to successfully connect over HTTPS to this site, the SMP server needs to trust this CA. The list of trusted CA's can be viewed in the management cockpit under Settings > Certificates.

If this CA was not present it could be added by following the below steps which will export a certificate from Chrome and import it into the SMP server. Again these steps are not required and are included for demonstration purposes only as the GO Daddy CA is already installed in the SMP server.

  • Click on the Certificate Path tab

  • Select Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2

  • View Certificate

  • In the Details tab, Copy To File...

  • Export the certificate as Base-64

Import the certificate into the SMP 3.0 server's keystore using the import button.
Note the SMP server needs to be restarted after making this change.

The SMP server has 2 different keystores. The smp_keystore.jks contains trusted CA certificates for validation purposes and technical user certificates (with private keys) for accessing backend systems. The local_smp_keystore.jks holds only server certificates for HTTPS listeners.

Configuring a Kapsel App in the SAP Mobile Platform Cockpit

The on-premise and cloud cockpits have different user interfaces. Be sure to follow the correct set of instructions depending on if you are using the on-premise SAP Mobile Platform Server or the SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services.

The SMP 3.0 server provides authentication, logging and the ability to rewrite the URLs of an OData endpoint. The SMP authentication providers enable the use of an existing authentication system to authenticate users accessing mobile applications. Rewriting URL's can hide from the end user the host name of the OData endpoint. For additional details see SAP Mobile Platform Server as an OData Proxy.

The following steps will demonstrate how to configure a new hybrid or Kapsel app in the SMP 3.0 management cockpit.

Create a new application in the management cockpit. The management cockpit can be accessed at

The default user is smpAdmin and password is whatever was specified during the install.

Click on Applications and then on the Create Application button highlighted below.

The ID is


The OData endpoint URL is

Under SSO Mechanisms, click on Add > Basic.

If the host requires a proxy to be set that the SMP server is running on, this can be set under Settings > System.

Note, changing these values requires restarting the server as indicated by pressing the ? beside the property names.

It is also recommended to set http.nonProxyHosts setting when using the http.proxyHosts setting if using the httpAuthentication provider against a server within your corporate network.

Add Security Profile

  • Under the Authentication tab, select Create New from the Security Profile Name drop down.

  • Provide a name such as SAPES5AuthProfile.

  • Add a new Authentication Provider of type HTTP/HTTPS Authentication.

  • Provide the same URL that was used for the endpoint.

  • If the Save button is disabled, switch to the ADVANCED tab, and delete the Token Expiration Interval value.

During the registration process, the SMP server will validate the provided user name and password against this URL.

Ping the endpoint to confirm that it is correctly configured.

The application is now configured in the SMP 3.0 server and ready to be used by a client application.

Configuring a Kapsel App in SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services Cockpit

The on-premise and cloud cockpits have different user interfaces. Be sure to follow the correct set of instructions depending on if you are using the on-premise SAP Mobile Platform Server or the SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services.

SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services provides authentication and the ability to rewrite the URLs of an OData endpoint. The authentication providers enable the use of an existing authentication system to authenticate users accessing mobile applications. Rewriting URL's can hide from the end user the host name of the OData endpoint.

The following steps will demonstrate how to configure a new hybrid or Kapsel app in the SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services cockpit. For additional details see Defining Applications.

  • Under Settings > Security ensure that Mobile Service SCIM is selected with a URL of the following format.

  • Create a new Hybrid application with an id of

  • Edit the Connectivity feature to specify the OData source the application will use.
    Click on the create icon to create a new destination and accept the defaults except for the following values.
    The URL is

    The SCIM Path is

    Set the SSO Mechanism to Basic Authentication.
    The resultant destination will appear.

  • Edit the security feature.
    Set the Security Configuration to be Basic, check Overwrite Global Configuration and choose from the Destination Name dropdown.

Accessing the Application using the REST API

REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is an architectural style that is stateless. It uses the HTTP protocol and makes use of the verbs GET, PUT, DELETE. The SMP REST API or SAP Cloud Platform REST API Application Development Overview
enables standard HTTP client applications running in any platform to register with the SMP server and make use of some of its features such as push notifications.

Some of the Kapsel plugins which are covered later make use of these API's. The Logon plugin performs registration tasks, the Settings plugin is used to get and change an applications settings, the Logger and Usage plugin can send a log or usage data to the SMP server.

Postman is an application that can be used to invoke and examine the returned responses to REST API's. Once installed, Postman can be opened by entering the below URL which will list the installed apps in Chrome.

Try it out.
"variables": [],
"info": {
"name": "SMP 3.0 Server REST API",
"_postman_id": "b4ae1539-925c-78d3-cb47-01624c08f684",
"description": "",
"schema": ""
"item": [
"name": "1 Logon Demo Service MetaData",
"request": {
"url": "$metadata",
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": []
"description": ""
"response": []
"name": "2 Register with SMP 3.0 Server",
"request": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/xml",
"description": ""
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> \r\n<entry xmlns=\"\" xmlns:m=\"\" \r\nxmlns:d=\"\"> \r\n<content type=\"application/xml\"> \r\n<m:properties> \r\n<d:DeviceType>Windows</d:DeviceType> \r\n</m:properties> \r\n</content> </entry> "
"description": "Create"
"response": []
"name": "3 Proxied OData Request",
"request": {
"url": "",
"method": "GET",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": []
"description": ""
"response": []
"name": "4 Check the DevicePhoneNumber Setting",
"request": {
"url": "'PLACE APPCID HERE')/DevicePhoneNumber",
"method": "GET",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/xml",
"description": ""
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> \r\n<entry xmlns=\"\" xmlns:m=\"\" \r\nxmlns:d=\"\"> \r\n<content type=\"application/xml\"> \r\n<m:properties> \r\n<d:DeviceType>Windows</d:DeviceType> \r\n</m:properties> \r\n</content> </entry> "
"description": ""
"response": []
"name": "5 Update the DevicePhoneNumber Setting",
"request": {
"url": "'PLACE APPCID HERE')",
"method": "PUT",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json",
"description": ""
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\"DevicePhoneNumber\": \"123 456 7899\"}"
"description": ""
"response": []
"name": "6 UnRegister with SMP 3.0 Server",
"request": {
"url": "'PLACE APPCID HERE')",
"method": "DELETE",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/xml",
"description": ""
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": ""
"description": ""
"response": []
"name": "7 Send a Push Notification",
"request": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"header": [
"key": "Content-Type",
"value": "application/json",
"description": ""
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
"raw": "{\"alert\":\"New Vacation Approval Request\", \"data\":\"For (i826565) request (7)\" }"
"description": ""
"response": []

  • Save the above content to a file named SMP_REST_API_Postman_Collection.json

  • Edit the SMP_REST_API_Postman_Collection.json file and update all the url entries to point to the URL of your SMP server. Specifically replace with the IP address of your SMP server. Then import the modified file into Postman.
    Note, if you are using SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services, use https and the port is 443.

  • Click on 1 Logon Demo Service MetaData.
    Click on the Authorization section and enter your credentials for the app.
    Press Send to try it out.

Press the Save button so Postman does not open the next request in a separate tab.

Click on 2 Register with SMP 3.0 Server.
Choose Basic Auth from the Authorization Type drop down.
Press Send.
Press Save.
After completing this step, copy and paste the returned ApplicationConnectionId into notepad. This ID identifies a specific user's registration to an application. This value will can also be seen in the Management Cockpit under the name Registration ID.
Future requests from a browser or a Hybrid app will include this ID in all requests.

As well various reports can be seen under the reports section. A few are shown below.

Click on 3 Proxied ODATA Request.
Press the Save button.
Notice that the backend server information is shown in the response. IE, the following can be found in the response.

The properties are described further at Application Connection Properties.
In the management cockpit, change the Rewrite Mode to be Rewrite URL on SMP.

Press the send button again and notice that the SAPES5 no longer appears in the response. This is useful so that client applications do not see what backend they are using making it easier to change the backend without needing to make client changes.

4, 5, and 6 require that the APPCID or ApplicationConnectionId be placed in the URL where the text PLACE APPCID HERE is.
Remember to press the Save button after each request to prevent future requests from opening in a new tab.
After executing 5 to send a PUT request to update the device's phone number, the change can be seen by re-executing 4.

7 will be used in a later section of this guide that covers the Push plugin.
In the management cockpit, click on Reporting. Notice that by choosing different Usage options such as Response Time different statistics can be shown about the users of the SMP server.

Installing Apache Cordova with Node.js

Note, execute the following commands using the Windows command prompt or the OS X terminal.

If necessary, download and install Node.js from
Install the recommended version (LTS Long Term Support).
Node.js and its package manager npm can be used to install Apache Cordova. The version installed can be seen by the following node command
node -v

The install should have added the following entries to your path.

To see what packages are already globally installed use the following command.
npm ls -g

Cordova 6.1.1 should be used if using SMP 3.0 SP13 SDK.
Cordova 6.3.1 should be used if using SMP 3.0 SP14 SDK (Windows requires cordova platform add windows@4.3.1 in SP 14).
Cordova 6.5.0 should be used if using SMP 3.0 SP15 SDK (Windows requires cordova platform add windows@5.0.0, Android requires cordova platform add android@6.2.3, and iOS requires ios@4.4.0)
Cordova 7.0.1 should be used if using SMP 3.0 SP16 SDK (Windows requires cordova platform add windows@5.0.0, Android requires cordova platform add android@6.2.3, and iOS requires ios@4.5.1)
Cordova 8.0 should be used if using SMP 3.1 SDK (Windows requires cordova platform add windows@5.0.0, Android requires cordova platform add android@7.0.0, and iOS requires ios@4.5.4)
Cordova 9.0 should be used if using SMP 3.2 SDK. This information is also available in the file in the SDK directory.
Note, if you use a proxy server you will need to configure npm as shown below.
npm config set proxy http://proxy:8080
npm config set https-proxy http://proxy:8080

The following are for illustration purposes and demonstrate how to list the current proxy settings and remove the proxy settings.
npm config list
npm config get proxy
npm config get https-proxy
npm config delete proxy
npm config delete https-proxy

npm install -g cordova@9.0.0
npm ls -g cordova
cordova -v

Note, the -g indicates that Apache Cordova should be installed globally. It will be placed at the location indicated by
npm root -g

Note if you are on a Mac, use
sudo npm install -g cordova@9.0.0

A specific version of Apache Cordova can be installed by specifying a version number or if the version number is not supplied then the latest version is installed.
The available versions can be seen with the info command.
npm info cordova

Uninstalling Apache Cordova

Note, this section is for illustration purposes only. Cordova should not be uninstalled to continue with this guide.

Cordova can be uninstalled by
npm uninstall -g cordova
npm cache clean

After performing the uninstall, if the following folder exists, you may wish to delete it.

or on a Mac

Creating an Apache Cordova Project

The command-line interface or CLI is used to create Cordova projects. For additional details see Command-line Interface.

Create a folder to hold the Kapsel projects such as C:\Kapsel_Projects or ~/Documents/Kapsel_Projects
A new project can now be created using
cordova -d create C:\Kapsel_Projects\KapselGSDemo KapselGSDemo

or on a Mac
cordova -d create ~/Documents/Kapsel_Projects/KapselGSDemo KapselGSDemo

The first parameter following create is the directory to create the project, followed by a reverse-domain-style identifier, followed by the project name.
Note, this may take a few minutes to complete as an initial download of the template project that will be used has to be downloaded.
Note, the -d flag indicates debug output and is optional but can be useful the first time this is run in case something goes wrong.

Note, on a Mac, if the above command fails due to a permission problem, it may be necessary to provide execute rights to the folder where Cordova was installed.
cd /usr/local
sudo chmod +r+x bin

To add a platform run the following command. Note each SP of Kapsel was tested with a specific platform version. Please check above for the correct version if you are not using SP16.
cd C:\Kapsel_Projects\KapselGSDemo
cd ~/Documents/Kapsel_Projects/KapselGSDemo

cordova -d platform add android@8.0.0

cordova -d platform add ios@5.0.0

cordova platform add windows@6.0.1

At this point, the root www folder contains the HTML, JavaScript and CSS used by the project.

A duplicate set (also known as platform specific set) of the files are included in each of the below directories. These files should not be modified as they are replaced with the set from the folder shown in the previous screenshot when the commands cordova prepare or cordova run are executed.

Plugins can be added with the following commands.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-battery-status
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-device
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-vibration
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs

Note it is possible to specify a specific version of a plugin or to specify that the plugin comes from a GIT repository.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console@0.2.12
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console@latest
cordova plugin add
cordova plugin add

Some of the base plugins are listed here.
Additional Cordova plugins can be found at Cordova Plugins.

Type cordova help plugin and examine the add command for additional details.

After the project has been created, remove the default app by deleting the contents in the following folder.

Create a new index.html file in the www folder whose contents follow.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
<!--<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">-->
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
<meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no">
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width">
<title>Cordova Hello World</title>
var batteryStatus;

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onInit, false);

//After this event fires, the Cordova Plugins are ready to be called
function onInit() {
console.log("In onInit");
window.addEventListener("batterystatus", onBatteryStatus, false); //Note this event listener can only be added after the deviceready event fires.

if (navigator.notification) { // Override default HTML alert with native dialog. alert is not supported on windows
window.alert = navigator.notification.alert;

function onBatteryStatus(status) {
console.log("MOB161 Battery Status Changed");
batteryStatus = status;

function showBatteryInfo() {
if (batteryStatus && batteryStatus.level) {
alert("Battery Level is " + batteryStatus.level + " percent charged and isPlugged = " + batteryStatus.isPlugged);
else if (device.platform == "windows") {
alert("Battery info is not supported on Windows");
else {
alert("Unable to get the battery status. Check if the cordova-plugin-battery-status plugin is installed?");

function showDeviceInfo() {
var str = "Cordova Version: " + device.cordova;
str = str + "\nModel: " + device.model;
str = str + "\nPlatform: " + device.platform;
str = str + "\nDevice Version: " + device.version;
str = str + "\nDevice Manufacturer: " + device.manufacturer;

function doVibrate() {
navigator.vibrate([500,110,500,110,450,110,200,110,170,40,450,110,200,110,170,40,500]); //Star Wars Imperial March
<h1>Cordova Plugin's Sample</h1>
<button id="batteryBtn" onclick="showBatteryInfo()">Get Battery Info</button> <button id="deviceBtn" onclick="showDeviceInfo()">Get Device Info</button> <button id="vibrateBtn" onclick="doVibrate()">Vibrate</button>

Edit the config.xml file and specify the below settings which set the min Android SDK to target as well as changing the target to be a Windows 10 universal app as documented here.
<platform name="android">
<preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="21" />
<preference name="windows-target-version" value="10.0" />

The prepare command copies the files in the project/www folder to the platform specific www folders.
cordova -d prepare

Running an Apache Cordova Project

At this point the project can be opened in a development environment such as Xcode, Android Studio or Visual Studio. Alternatively, the cordova command line can also be used to build and deploy the project.
The following are a few examples using the Cordova CLI for each platform and what the application should look like once deployed and the Battery Status button is clicked on.


cordova compile android (creates an apk file that can then be installed)
emulator -list-avds or android list avd (lists the emulators that are currently available)
emulator -avd Android6 (starts an existing Android emulator named Android6)
adb install platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/CordovaApp-debug.apk (installs the app on a running device or emulator)
cordova run android (performs a cordova prepare, then builds the apk and installs the app and runs it)

If the android emulator does not start due to HAXM not being installed, download and install HAXM from the Android SDK Manager and run the installer under %ANDROID_HOME%\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager\intelhaxm-android.exe.
If it fails to install, try turning off the following setting in Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features on or off > Uncheck Hyper-V.

To open the project in Android Studio choose Import Project and navigate to C:\Kapsel_Projects\KapselGSDemo\platforms\android.
The project can be run by choosing Run > Run 'android'
Note, if you are unable to build the project in Android Studio, try running the following commands and then opening it.
cordova platform remove android
cordova platform add android --searchpath %KAPSEL_HOME%/plugins
cordova build android


For iOS the following additional components need to be installed.
sudo npm install -g ios-sim
sudo npm install -g ios-deploy

Then the below command can also be used to prepare, build and install an iOS app.
cordova run ios --list //if needed to determine a target
cordova run ios --emulator --target iPhone-7
cordova run ios --device

To open the project in Xcode, double click on the file


For Windows the following commands can be run.
Note if you are deploying to a phone, the phone must first be unlocked using the Windows Phone Developer Registration tool.

Note if you are deploying to a laptop or desktop enable Developer mode by clicking on the settings for developers link in the below dialog.

cordova run windows -- --archs=x64 

cordova run windows --list
cordova run windows --emulator --target
cordova run windows --device -- --archs=arm --phone

If you double click on the following file, it will open in Visual Studio and a project for each platform can be seen.

By default the bolded one or default project is initially Windows Phone 8.1. Right-click on the Universal Windows project and choose Set as Startup Project (Skip this step if you are deploying to Windows 8.1 Phone).
An architecture such as x64 or ARM can be selected. These then affect the available list of available target devices.
Note that it is required to select an architecture to work with some of the Kapsel plugins. They do not support the option AnyCPU.

Note, if you attempt to install three application on a Windows phone you may encounter the following error message.
 Error: Unable to install application. The maximum number of developer applications on this phone has been reached. Please uninstall a developer application and try again.

See also, Register as an app developer.
Note, if you receive the Error, Package could not be registered, a possible workaround is to remove the sharedUserCertificates cabability in the appxmanifest file. This capability is added by the Kapsel Logon plugin. In general, the Capability entries should appear first and the DeviceCapabilities should appear second.

Kapsel Plugins

The following sections provide step by step instructions demonstrating each Kapsel plugin and a set of appendices on topics related to Kapsel app development. Note some of the plugins mentioned below such as the Barcode Scanner, Calendar, and Print plugins are based on third party plugins. They are included in the Kapsel SDK for your convenience.

Barcode Scanner
Offline OData
SAP Fiori Client
Appendix A: OData
Appendix B: Debugging
Appendix C: Crosswalk
Appendix 😧 SAML
Appendix E: Non Kapsel Plugins
Appendix F: Using OAuth with Kapsel
Appendix H: Tips
Appendix I: SAP Cloud Connector
Appendix J: Document Service

Note that comments are not easily searchable in SCN. If you have a question that is not specific to the above content it would be best to create a new discussion on SCN.
To include a reference to this document, Right Click on the title and select 'Copy Shortcut'. Paste it into the new Discussion so people will know the relevance. If you want to bring it to the attention of the author, repeat the same process with the Author's name.
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello Daniel,
is it possible to display a bubble containing the number of specific items on the home Screen Icon, as users are used to from several other iOS apps like e-mails, Messages, ...?
Thanks & regards
Wolfgang Mayer 
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
On iOS the Push plugin I believe has a badge concept that gets updated when push notifications arrive.

In general you might be able to find a plugin that does something similar.
Here is one that I found.

Try searching for badge at this link.


Dan van Leeuwen

0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,

we have a project live and there is an annoying "bug" in our app.

Whenever you leave our iOS Cordova app open for quite a while and then execute some request (we are not sure if its a request using the offline plugin or a request which is just routed through the SMP but used as an "online only" request, we sporadically get a http login popup saying "Login to SAML SAPSSO2 at". The SMP is using SAML to authenticate against the global IDP and we are using MySAPSSO2 to authenticate against Gateway and R3.

Before refreshing or flushing we always do some kind of a soft authentication, which means refreshing the SAML cookies. We dont use SAPLogon actively. SAP AuthProxy is necessarily in but we have set this preferencce in the config.xml:
<preference name="SAPKapselHandleHttpRequests" value="false" />

Actually we dont know where this popup comes from and I am asking around if somebody has an idea.

Can you imagine why this is happening?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I would suggest that you post this as a question separate from this blog post so others may more easily find it and it does not appear to be a question or comment of this specific blog post.

One suggestion would be to identify the request.  Fiddler can be used to proxy all connections from a device.  There are some details on how to do this in the post below.

I assume you have already set the below setting?

Modify the context in the init method and add the following configuration value which indicates that the SAML session should not be refreshed automatically when the app is restarted or unlocked.
"refreshSAMLSessionOnResume": "skip",


Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos

I am trying to follow this guide to build my first Mobile App, but unfortunately I am stuck at this step"Click on 2 Register with SMP 3.0 Server", when "Accessing the Application using the REST API":

For me this step returns status "403 Forbidden":
<title>Error report</title>
<h1>HTTP Status 403 - </h1>

Also a strange thing is that when editing the application in "Mobile Service for Development and Operations", the flag "Override Global SCIM Configuration" does not remain checked.
I check it, hit save, I get a success message, but when I come back, the checkbox is not checked any more.

I am using HCPms in the cloud on an trial account.

Could you please provide me some hint of what I am doing wrong?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I tried to reproduce the behavior you are encountering but was unable to.
One other option you could perhaps try since this is a sample app would be to use a technical user.

To do so,

on the Account Security page, set the SCIM type to be Default Identity Provider.

On on the Information page, set the security configuration to be Basic

On the Back End page set the SCIM Path to be empty

Under SSO Mechanism, add a Basic Authentication and include your user name and password to access the OData service

Under SCIM Configuration, leave the Override Global SCIM Configuration unchecked.

When you register against the HCPms server you will provide your user name and password that you use to logon to HCPms with.  It will then send the OData credentials provided in the SSO Basic Auth when required.

Hope that gets you further,

Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos


I managed to get this working.
It turns out I got that 403 error, because I was already registered. After I have unregistered it works.
I am now able to execute all requests from the guide.

I did however run into trouble again using the Kapsel Logon plugin.
I am not able to logon using the Kapsel Logon plugin, I get this error:

I am using following context data:

var context = {
“serverHost”: “”,
“https”: “true”,
“serverPort”: “80”,
“user”: “SXXXXXXXX”,
“password”: “*******”,
“passcode”: “password”,
“unlockPasscode”: “password”,
“passcode_CONFIRM”: “password”,
“oldPasscode”: “password”,
“custom”: {
“hiddenFields”: [“farmId”, “resourcePath”, “securityConfig”, “serverPort”, “https”]

I have tried also with https set to false, it does not work wither, I am getting the same error.

Any idea what could be causing this?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Use port 443 instead of 80

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Good point.  I updated the serverContext.js file to mention the differences between SMP and HCPms.


Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos

Now it works.

0 Kudos

Thank you for this guide!
I am using it and i have noticed that in the SMP_REST_API_Postman_Collection.json file there are only steps 1-4.
The next steps 5-7 are missing.
Can you please add the missing steps?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thanks for the feedback. I hope the issue is now fixed.


Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Dan,


I am facing a strange issue while using Custom Fiori Client,

Technical Environment: KapselSP13PL06, Cordova Version: 6.1.1, SMP : True, SMP Server Version: 3.0, Passcode is Enabled and set by user.


Issue: We have attachment upload functionality in Fiori Application, when we upload the attachment using Android device -> It navigates to Passcode screen. -> After entering the passcode, upload is happening & its a repetitive process whenever I upload new attachment.



Shivesh Ranjan.

0 Kudos

We're using SP12 SMP server.  I'm trying to determine which SDK version I should be using.  In the Overview section you stated that SP13 of the SDK uses SP11 of the server, and then later under the install instructions you mentioned that the two installs needed were SDK SP14 and server SP11.  Can you tell me which SDK version we should be using with SP12 SMP server?  And is there a definitive list posted somewhere that cross references server version to SDK version?

Thanks for your helpful blog post,

Tim Sheppard

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Sorry for any confusion.  I was trying to make the point that the UI of the management cockpit changed in SP11 of the server.

I would recommend the latest available version of the SMP server (3.0 SP12 PL05) and the latest available version of the SDK(3.0 SP14 PL11).

I do not know of any version incompatibilities.



Dan van Leeuwen

0 Kudos
Hi Dan,

I wondering if Visual Studio 2017 is currently supported since VS2015 isn't available anymore.

Thank you!


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
I believe Visual Studio 2015 is still the recommended version to use.  The following URL may help.


Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos

Great blog thanks very much.  Can you tell me if there's a Kapsel or Cordova plugin available that will permit me to add file attachments to my iOS app?  I'm wanting to do something similar to the way iOS Mail permits you to add attachments from storage providers (such as iCloud Drive, Google Drive, OneDrive).

I've done quite a bit of searching but have found nothing so far.

Thanks ver much

Tim Sheppard
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I have not myself done something similar but perhaps this plugin might help with Google Drive.


The file plugin does mention iCloud


In case it helps, there is a section in this blog series on the Document Service provided by the SAP Cloud Platform at


It will be interesting to hear how you implemented the solution.



Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hello Daniel,
Two years ago, we developed an Android app (with Kapsel for logon, offline, etc.) but when we tried to integrate it with ADFS (our IDP to SSO) we coudn't make it because it just have iOS support at that time.
Now a day we just start developing a new mobile app for Win10. Could you please tell me if SMP will work with Win10 and ADFS to make a SSO? In this case, do you have any blog or instructive about how to do this possible?
Thanks you!
0 Kudos


After I use Kapsel's Logon plugin to connect to SMP, I get another logon prompt in my mobile app as soon as I try to call a web service on my backend IIS web server.  The logon prompt is titled "Authentication Required  The server 'servername' requires a user name and password".  The username/password fields on the prompt default to the same credentials I used to connect to SMP.

In SMP on the Backend tab SSO Mechanism I'm using Basic, and on the Authentication tab Security Profile I'm using LDAP/AD.  My web administrator assures me that Basic authentication is enabled on the IIS server that contains the web services.  Have you seen that logon prompt before?

Thanks and great blog!
0 Kudos

This is the logon prompt

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
You might try using Fiddler to record the network communication that leaves the device. There is some details on this at

Could it be that the request that is prompting for credentials is using a different host or port than the registration request?


Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,

Can you guide for Kapsel -> Change password option.

Technical Environment: KapselSP13PL06, Cordova Version: 6.1.1, SMP : True, SMP Server Version: 3.0, Authentication : ECC system(Backend) via SMP.

When I change password, it shows that password is changed. But actually it does not happen.



Shivesh Ranjan.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
When you call the changePassword API as described at

it is changing the stored password that will be sent the next time the application receives a basic authentication challenge.  It does not change the password on the backend ... it just changes the stored value for the password that the app has saved in the datavault.

Hope that helps,

Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,


I have an issue pertaining to attachment:


Scenario: Created a build with index.html-BSP(HTML Application) from where we call a Launchpad(Opens in New Tab in desktop, in Kapsel also it gets open) ->Tile -> Application : In that attachment using File Upload or Upload Collection not working(Event not getting trigger).

Technical Environment : Gateway System Version : 1.28.25, SMP: False, Kapsel Version: SP13 / SP15 tried in both version, Tested on Android device: Lollipop and Marshmallow.


Please help.



Shivesh Ranjan.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I would however recommend having a look at the inappbrowser plugin and how it is used to open URL's in another window.

Perhaps try opening the URL in the main webview (_self) rather than in an inappbrowser window to see if that corrects the problem.

Hope that helps,

Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Dan,


Created a cordova project included Kapsel plugins but it didnt work.



Shivesh Ranjan.

0 Kudos
am new to SMP platform, Please help me to set up SMP plat form 3.0 sps 16 and start development .


0 Kudos

Hi Daniel,


Have you used this Plugin: dff-cordova-plugin-m3-sm10 for this Device

As, I am getting an error while creating android build.



Shivesh Ranjan.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I have not myself used that plugin.  If it is using an older Android version such as 4.3, you may wish to try adding the crosswalk plugin if you are encountering a JavaScript error.  There is some more info at

Hope that helps,

Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,


Is there a way to capture native event back to Fiori Application( Volume up and down event of phone and at same time do increment or decrement in Fiori Application ). via Kapsel.



Shivesh Ranjan.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I have not myself tried that but there appear to be plugins listed here that sound promising.


Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,
I used to develop locally (not Web IDE) for SMP. We are considering now to move us to SCP mobile services. Should we consider an specific version of Kapsel SDK to do this? (I found them all refering to SMP and not SCPms).

Thanks in advance,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
I would recommend the latest available version which I believe at the moment is either Kapsel SDK 3.1 SP01 or the previous release 3.0 SP16 PL13.

In the 3.1 SDK, I believe it is possible to just download the Kapsel SDK which makes the download much smaller.

Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,

Please help:

Technical Environment: KapselSP15PL04, Cordova Version: 6.5.0. When building Android build: Cordova build android. Giving below Error:


Error: /Users/XXXXXX/APKandAsset/Projects/MoC/Incident_Creation_PRD_RP5_INDEX_DBGSP15PL04_02052018/apps/fiori_client/App/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:

Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

/Users/XXXXXX/APKandAsset/Projects/MoC/Incident_Creation_PRD_RP5_INDEX_DBGSP15PL04_02052018/apps/fiori_client/App/platforms/android/build/intermediates/manifests/full/armv7/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:44: AAPT: No resource identifier found for attribute 'appComponentFactory' in package 'android'


/Users/XXXXXX/APKandAsset/Projects/MoC/Incident_Creation_PRD_RP5_INDEX_DBGSP15PL04_02052018/apps/fiori_client/App/platforms/android/build/intermediates/manifests/full/armv7/debug/AndroidManifest.xml:44: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'appComponentFactory' in package 'android'

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

Execution failed for task ':processArmv7DebugResources'.

> Failed to execute aapt

* Try:

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Previously it was working fine.



Shivesh Ranjan.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
If it is an option for you, I would recommend rebuilding your project using version 3.1 of the SDK.  I imagine the issue is some sort of an incompatibility with versions.

If you need to stay on SP15, perhaps make a copy of your project first and try adding the following which was a workaround for another issue that appeared recently in SP16.

cordova plugin add cordova-android-support-gradle-release --variable ANDROID_SUPPORT_VERSION=26.1.0

Dan van Leeuwen
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel,


I check with SP16 also, initially there was an error of

Error: spawn EACCES

Then, I did

sudo chmod 755 /Kapsel/apps/fiori_client/App/platforms/android/gradlew or

sudo chmod 755 /Applications/Android\

Then same issue, which I have mention earlier. But, will try again.



Shivesh Ranjan.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Note that the current version of the software is in the 3.1 version of the SDK.  That would be the version I would recommend.  The version number in the plugin.xml file will report a version of 4.0.x.  For example C:\SAP\MobileSDK3\KapselSDK\plugins\authproxy\plugin.xml
0 Kudos

Hi Daniel,


APK is not getting created. Technical Environment: KapselSP16, Cordova Version: 7.0.1, SMP : True, OS: macOS High Sierra, Gradle : 4.8(Globally).

Following Steps to build:

cd /Volumes/SHI/AppProject/KapselSDK-SP16/apps/fiori_client -> npm install ->

node create_fiori_client.js -> cd App(Cordova Project) ->

cordova plugin add cordova-android-support-gradle-release –variable ANDROID_SUPPORT_VERSION=26.1.0 -> This error comes :

Error: Not found : com.poc.maps  (This is my App ID) -> I ignore and do this :

cordova prepare ios android -> cordova build android -> This error comes :


Total time: 19.885 secs

Error: /Volumes/SHI/AppProject/KapselSDK-SP16/apps/fiori_client/App/platforms/android/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

A problem occurred configuring root project ‘android’.

> Could not find common.jar (android.arch.core:common:1.1.0).

  Searched in the following locations:

-> I have changed in build.gradle : maven { url ‘’ }.


But still Cordova build is not successful.


Please help.




Shivesh Ranjan.

0 Kudos
Hallo Daniel,

We build the Custom Fiori Client with a custom x509 certificate provider and it works fine. We just noticed that in case of inactivity, either in background and foreground, we receive a 403 from the oData services: the request reaches the mobile services, but the odata request returns an error.

In case of refresh or app restart (kill and reopen) all works fine again.

Do you know if there are some configuration to force a request retry? We would like to avoid showing an error message to the user if it's just a matter of inactivity or session expiration.


Thank you a lot


Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Daniel!

Currently I have a hybrid application with Kapsel and Cordova, in which after logging in with the login plugin Cordova renders my UI5 application. The problem I have is that the loading of the odata services metadata fails because the request does not carry the AppID.

How could it be done so that Kapsel assigns the cookies to the WebView and these can be used by the odata requests?

Thanks in advance for your response.

Best Regards.

0 Kudos

Hi Manuel,

I had the same issue some time ago.
Check your code in the file sap-mobile-hybrid.js. When you define the serviceRoot property, make sure its length is less than 63 characters.

"serviceRoot": (fiori_client_appConfig.appID + "_" + mobile_appRoutes[0].destination).substr(0, 63) + mobile_appRoutes[0].fullPath,

You also need to check this section of the function packUrl file:

packUrl: function (url, route) {
var result;
if (route.manual) { // routes requires a manually created Mobile Destination with Rewrite on Backend and via CP App set
result = route.path; // keep the original path
} else { // OData routes that can be proxied through the automatically created CP Destination
var connection = (fiori_client_appConfig.appID + "_" + route.destination).substr(0, 63); // max length cap by SCPms DB
result = "/" + connection;
var path = url.substring(route.path.endsWith("/") ? route.path.length - 1 : route.path.length); // the remaining URL path
result += (route.entryPath ? route.entryPath : "") + path;
return result;

Espero que te sirva!

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Edwar!

Thank you for your response.

We will check if this can give us a clue to fix the error we are currently having.

