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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
We are happy to announce that we released the “Documents” application as part of SAP Cloud ALM for implementation! Our goal is to provide functionality to easily create, manage, track, and re-use documentation within SAP Cloud ALM as your central source of truth for all your solutions.


So, let’s discover what this application offers.

New Document element

SAP Cloud ALM offers already many capabilities to manage the complete application lifecycle of your solutions. However, capabilities to manage the related documentation were limited. It was already possible to capture Notes attached to Solution Processes or document information as part of Requirements, Tasks, Features etc. But what was missing so far was a holistic approach for your documentation, during the project, as well as once the project is completed.

This will now change with the central “Document” element. Incrementally, the relations to existing SAP Cloud ALM elements will be made available. Starting with the relation to the Solution Process, followed by the possibility to relate Documentation to Requirements, User Stories, Tasks, Test Cases, and Features.

Thus, you can attach Documentation wherever needed, but still have the option to manage all Documents centrally in the new “Documents” application.

Documents application

The Documents application lists all your documentation in one central place. You can filter and group them by owner, status, change date, editing status, etc. and use the known functionality to create your own views on filtered documents lists, share these views with other project members or create a tile on your launchpad for easy access.

The filtered list of documents can also be exported to a spreadsheet from here.

Create Documents

To create a new Document, you can start directly in the Documents app by clicking on “Create” and the new editor window will open.

Give your document a title and use the rich text editor to start documenting. You have the option to copy content from other sources, use lists, tables and links. The option to insert graphics will follow soon.

Under ‘Additional Information’ you can find the context information of the document, e.g., the Project it is created in.

You can select the document Status from the following values:

  • ‘In Progress’ (Default Value) – You are still working on the document.

  • ‘In Review’ – The document is ready, but not yet released.

  • ‘Released’ – The document is completed.

By default, the name of the creator is taken over as the ‘Owner’ of the document.

Further administrative data is captured automatically like ‘Created By/On’ as well as ‘Changed By/On’.


The general idea is that for cloud solutions documentation should be created directly in SAP Cloud ALM to prevent the storing of external documents. Therefore, we will release more and more functionality over time, to make this very convenient and easy to manage and extract. However, we understand that the management of external documents (like MS word Docs, PPTs, PDFs) is also required. For those external content, we provide the capability to link them into Documents objects using the ‘References’ option.

Here you can maintain the URL where the external document is located and name the reference. You can create, maintain, and delete references, plus download the reference list.

Soon, we will provide more capabilities to manage external documents – so stay tuned!


As mentioned above, the ‘Document’ element can be related to Solution Processes. This can be maintained under ‘Relations’, selecting one or more Solution Processes the Document belongs to. This becomes even more important when you want to track documentation completeness. As a planned capability soon, you will then be able to see the related documents in the Solution Process Traceability app.

Draft Handling

When creating documentation online, it is crucial that we prevent any data loss. To ensure this, we use a draft versioning concept from SAP Fiori Elements.

The main purpose of drafts is to prevent data loss and to enforce an exclusive lock for draft owners. This is ensured in the following ways:

  • When an editing activity is interrupted, or when the app closes unexpectedly, unsaved changes are kept, so editing can be resumed later, and on a different device.

  • A draft works as a locking mechanism to prevent multiple users from editing the same document simultaneously. Therefore, changes can only be made sequentially.

  • The locking mechanism expires if the draft owner has been inactive for some time. This ensures that other users aren’t locked out indefinitely. When they start editing the document, they are made aware of the fact that there are unsaved changes by another user, so the changes aren’t lost accidentally.

Drafts are continually saved in the background, regardless of whether all required fields have been filled. However, auto-saved drafts are not the same as actively saved documents. If you want to release an object as an active document, you must still save it explicitly so all users can see your changes. Only then an ID is given to the Document element.

In the future we also want to offer more versioning functionalities for Documents in SAP Cloud ALM.

Notes vs. Documents

The Notes functionality was introduced in the early beginnings of SAP Cloud ALM. By providing the new Documents capabilities, we will migrate the Notes into the Documents app. This will be done incrementally:

  1. The new Documents app is available – Notes are still available.

  2. Notes will be migrated to Documents at one point in time – more information will follow.

  3. The Notes application will be sunset.

Outlook & Roadmap

As you know already, we deliver new functionality to our customers frequently. And we have great plans for the Documents app to be extended. So, what to expect for this year and beyond?

First, as mentioned before, we will make documents available in the Solution Process traceability analytics application. Then, we plan to offer the assignment of Documents to the Process Hierarchy. Next to Solution Processes, we want to offer the relation to Requirements, Tasks, and Test Cases.

We are working on Document Types to distinguish between the various document purposes.

And we would like to offer the integration to SAP BTP Document Management Service to manage external documents following the SAP Harmonised Documentation Approach.

Also, APIs and export-import mechanism are on our list.

So please stay tuned and have a look into our roadmap.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
A very much needed functionality in the SAP Cloud ALM s.seidler! Waiting for many more to come as we see increasing adoption of Cloud ALM towards the move to Cloud transformations.

Active Participant
Hallo Sinje,

also from my side thanks for this post - I hope the functionality reaches soon the depth of soldoc.
For example, how will you manage to document the customizing settings (similar to the libraries).

I would be very interested in that. Best regards Thomas
Thanks s.seidler for sharing this information.

This is good start.

Cloud ALM being successor of SolMan, and since many SolMan customers are using SolDoc extensively, we would definitely wait till it gets similar capability as of SolDoc.






Thank you for this informative blogpost on managing project documentation with SAP Cloud ALM. The clear presentation of the functions and application areas of SAP Cloud ALM gives a good insight into the potential on the core of a "Business Transforamtion Suite".

The ability to manage all project documentation in one place, access it quickly and continue working on it (instead of starting documentation from scratch each time) is a significant benefit. By reducing the time spent on flexible organization (keyword: process hierarchy) and searching for documents, one can focus on more important aspects of project execution. Now, if we add stronger integration of references to external repositories (e.g. SharePoint, BTP DMS), the solution becomes even stronger...a "Single Source of Truth 2.0" so to speak. Not necessarily that this physically stores all documents, but at least knows where these documents are stored and referenced. 

Thank you s.seidler for sharing this information.


This is a good start for Cloud ALM to have the option to document the solution.

However, I feel that there will be more eyes looking for close integration with external repositories (e.g. SharePoint, AWS work Docs). So they can have a lean tenant with their quota available for other functionalities.
Happy to see the improvements over the legacy app for notes, even with initial delivery. That helps a lot. Can't wait for more to come. Here a small wish list:


1. Add tagging to Documents and the integration into the new enhanced search for tags

2. Enable relations to objects in the system landscape. This will enable technical documentation of the system landscape or system related topics!

3. For the bigger picture of landscape documentation it would be awesome to have a visualization of the systems in the system landscape and how they are connected. If you could add this via a relation to the document(ation) that would so helpful for more complex scenarios. I am thinking in the direction of enterprise architecture management. Combined with the already existing process documentation this would provide end-to-end visibility from different perspectives!


PS. Keep up the good work. It's a pleasure to work with CALM and see the gaps getting smaller in a two weeks rythme. Who would have imagined that in the SAP community 3-5 years ago?
Great news!

This new feature will for sure enable and support projects to be in control and keep track of documents, while minimizing the need to use other tools and repositories outside of CALM. That's a win-win!

Understanding that this is a new feature, here are some wishes for future enhancements:

  • Option to create specific documents from templates, i.e. meeting minutes, change requests, q-gates and sign-offs.

  • Option to assign to a Scope.

  • Functionality to manage access to documents (or specific content within a document) when access must be restricted to specific teams or people.

Thanks, and keep up the good work enhancing an already great tool 🙂

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Sharath,

absolutely .. I agree. Stay tuned for more capabilities to come 😉


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Stefan,


this is our goal - however with the cloud principles in mind. we don't want to copy the Knowledge Warehouse, but want to offer something more light weight and cloud oriented.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Mark,

regarding your "wishlist" 🙂 see my comments below

1. we are working on the tags! Totally agree we need them. Once we have them available, we can also migrate the "Notes" to "Documents. Search via tags is currently already being implemented within SAP Cloud ALM.

2. we plan the relation to other elements like requirement, tasks, feature, test case... but I like the idea to also have relationship to system landscape. I will investigate into this. thanks for the hint!

3. regarding the system landscape visualisation --> i will forward your request. really like it!


Thanks for the "flowers". And let us know what else you require and small gaps we don't have on the roadmap. Also happy to get feedback from users!



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Krister,

thanks for the wishes! question to your second wish:

  • Option to assign to a Scope --> if the document is assigned to a solution process it would inherit the scope of the process. is this enough or do you mean you want to maintain the scope of the document itself?

the other requirements are on our list!



0 Kudos
Hi Sinje

I see it as beneficial to have the option to assign documents to Scopes in addition to Solution processes (SP), especially for large Scopes with multiple SP's and when a document is not related to/relevant for a specific SP.


0 Kudos

Hi Silje

We are testing the documents upload functionality. In the excel sheet, what should be the header? and how should the data be in excel for process hierarchy. So our document, when we upload it, already knows which process hierarchy it belongs to ?



0 Kudos

Hi Silje

I assume you can only access excel sheets and pdf from the URL link right?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Kim-Allan,

sorry for the late response.

the excel template is in the excel upload wizard - once you click on it the spreadsheet is downloaded.


here is the link:

I hope this solves it. send me an eMail in case of further questions.




0 Kudos

Hi Sinje

Thanks for your reply. I am able to download the excel templete. In the excel, there are different colums, like Title, Status, Priority, Type, Owner, References, and content. 

I would like to know, how to find out the headlines in the excel, if I should add more colums. So if I create a new documents by uploading from excel. Then I would like the document to belongs to a specific process hierchy. I should create severel 1000 documents. So it would be a lot of work, if I should assign each document to a process hierachy afterwards. So I would like to have process hierchy in the excel sheet. But I am not sure, how to find out which headline I should use for that in the excel template, and also how the data format should be for process hierachy. 

How do I find out more headlines colums, which I can add into the excel ? Specially process hierchy.

Best Regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Kim-Allan,

currently the excel import only supports the fields of the template. we are working on the option to import the relations to hierarchy & processes.

But the API already supports the import of documents including the hierarchy & processes relations. would this be an option? please contact us in case you want to use the API.

best regards


0 Kudos

Hi Sinje

If I have some batchs jobs, which are failing, and I want to document, what the operation team, should if a job is failing. I assume, I can do that in documents app?

I can see, I can assign the document I create, to a requesrement, defect, process hierarchy and more. But if I should link the document, to a batch job. Can you help me out here. What is the best way, to document operation procudures for batch jobs ?

0 Kudos

HI Sinje,

Nicely articulated. 

One question: 

Can we position Cloud ALM as the right choice of solution for a client to manage their business process documentation replacing Sharepoint starting from its operational phase? I am not sure if we could leverage Cloud ALM starting from the operational phase for a client who is on ECC and currently managing all the documentation in the likes of Functional Specs, Requirement docs, BPD, Test Cases, BPML etc. in SharePoint.

So, we have already utilized Cloud ALM for our other clients for the Implementation phase wherein the project documentation is housed in Cloud ALM from the beginning of the project itself. Another question is that should these clients continue to use CLoud ALM as a documentation repository even after the project implementation phase is over?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@Kim-Allan_Jense: we will get libraries in SAP Cloud ALM soon, and then the ability to link documents to these library elements. so please be patient. But you can already document them in SAP Cloud ALM (may-be using good naming conventions or tags) and relate them later to the jobs which you can maintain as development objects in the library.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

@ManojDhir: currently we can only manage documentation in the richt text editor (internal documentation in SAP Cloud ALM) or links to external documents. so if a customer is going towards cloud and want to use future benefits linke GenAI or document generation out of SAP Cloud ALM they should really consider maintaining their documentation within SAP Cloud ALM - especially for documentation which is long-lasting for their solution. However, for external documents we will have the SAP BTP DMS, an offering which customer need to pay for. this could potentially exchange sharepoint if the capabilities are sufficient since it provides many great feature for managing, searching, versioning etc. 

An integration of sharepoint as the document repository behind SAP Cloud ALM is currently not possible. Once microsoft supports the CSIM standard, it could be possible to use sharepoint as the repository for the documents and via SAP BTP DMS handle the documents from SAP Cloud ALM side.