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New version of Tricentis Test Automation for SAP Solution Manager 7.2 has been released.

Update December 15th, 2022: Pleased to announce that a new version of TTA is now available. This is version 15.2

All details can be found on the wiki.

The download still take places from here:


In July 2020, SAP and Tricentis announced an exciting new partnership in software testing and test automation.

One of the aspects of this partnership is to provide the automation capabilities of Tricentis (restricted to testing SAP products) with SAP Solution Manager 7.2 to SAP Enterprise Support customers.

This new offering is called Tricentis Test Automation for SAP (acronym: TTA).

I am really thrilled to let you know that Tricentis Test Automation for SAP is now available for SAP Enterprise Support customers to download!
To proceed directly to the download area please visit this page:

TTA will enable customers to benefit from the following test automation capabilities of Tricentis:

  • Automated testing of all SAP products without restrictions on UI technologies (SAPUI5, Fiori, SAP GUI, SuccessFactors, Ariba, …)

  • API-based automated testing of SAP products (RFC, Rest, oData, …)

  • Test Data Services:

    • Manage your test data centrally in the TTA Server

    • Let your automated test cases dynamically retrieve data from the TTA Server and also update data into the TTA Server at execution time

With this offering, SAP and Tricentis are bringing one of the world leading automation engines (as ranked by recognized analyst firms) to all SAP Enterprise Support customers with no additional cost.

TTA is meant to be used with SAP Solution Manager 7.2. SAP Solution Manager will be the leading system for application lifecycle management activities:

  • Requirement

  • Build

  • Test

  • Deploy

All the test management activities are managed in SAP Solution Manager:

  • Test case preparation

  • Test planning

  • Test execution

  • Reporting

Tricentis Test Automation is:

  • The environment for automated test case authoring

  • The automation engine for automated test execution

The integration between SAP Solution Manager and TTA uses the existing interface for test automation tools (subject of a certification from SAP: SM-TSTR).

Please be aware that Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager leverages all the automation capabilities of SAP Solution Manager, hence all the benefits of Tricentis Test Automation for SAP also apply to Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager.

This picture shows where TTA fits into the SAP Solution Manager (and Focused Build) Test Suite:

Here is a high-level picture of the TTA infrastructure:

SAP Solution Manager and TTA Overview

For more details about Tricentis Test Automation for SAP Solution Manager (overview presentations, Partnership details) and also to access the download area for the software please visit this page:

More technical details on TTA (system requirements, documentation overview, training information…) can be found here: TTA Wiki on SCN.

Please note that advanced functionalities from Tricentis Tosca are not part of TTA, but of the pricelist product SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis (acronym ECT).
For example, the following advanced features are NOT part of TTA but only ECT:

  • Automation capabilities for non-SAP

  • Orchestrated System Virtualization

  • Test Case Portfolio Optimization (aka Test Case Design)

  • Distributed Execution Engine

  • CICD Integration

  • Tosca Server APIs

If you are interested in finding out more about SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis, please visit this page:


Thanks to all at SAP and Tricentis who made this offering a reality! 



Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments or remarks on this blog. Or just "Like" it.

You can also submit questions here.

In conclusion, Tricentis Test Automation for SAP Solution Manager 7.2 is now available for download. 

Download it and try it.

Please also make sure to visit the TTA Wiki for the technical details and training information.


Happy Test Automation
0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas

First thing, thanks for the blog.

Couple of Questions .

  1. Likewise is there any integration between TTA and SAP CALM

  2. How about the other 2 tools Tricentis Flood (For Load Testing) and Tricentis Livecompare for (Impact analysis) - Are these part of TTA or ECT?

Many Thanks

Responding to Q2:

  • Tricentis Flood is available as an SAP Solution Extension. It is known as SAP Load Testing by Tricentis. It is not included with TTA or ECT.

  • Tricentis LiveCompare is available as an SAP Solution Extension. It is known as SAP Change Impact Analysis by Tricentis. It is not included with TTA or ECT. It does integrate with ECT.

HTH. Feel free to DM me if I can help further.




0 Kudos
Hi Basanth,


SAP Solution Manager integrates with the on-premise products from Tricentis ECT (known as Tosca) and TTA.

SAP Cloud ALM will integrate with the Cloud product from Tricentis which is currently under development. This is why the integration between SAP Cloud ALM and Tricentis is planned to be available in Q4 2021.


Concerning the product portfolio, my dear friend Chris has already provided some answers.

Here are some more details on the whole offering:

Complete positioning slide deck.

I hope that it answers your questions. I will also encourage you to visit the FAQ mentioned in the TTA Wiki on SCN.

Best regards

0 Kudos
Thanks you Chris and Nicolas.
0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas


That's a really nice article that gives insights for TTA with SAP. Also need to understand if TTA helps in executing the batch commands, jar files or selenium scripts, etc)? And how different is it from the actual Tricentis Tosca?



0 Kudos
Hi Ashwin,

TTA is actually a subset of Tosca. It is overall the same user interface, but restricted to the SAP testing (only the SAP automation engines are shipped with TTA). And functionalities such as Issues, requirements and Test Case Design are deactivated from TTA.


Just for your complete understanding "SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis" (Acronym ECT) is indeed Tricentis Tosca. And this one is now on the SAP price list and comprises all the functionalities for automation.

I hope that it clarifies the situation.

Best regards

0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas


Thank you for your instant reply. The Issues, requirements, and Test Case Design are deactivated from TTA? So that means we can only use only the Modules, Test Cases, and Execution list? Test data will not be possible?


And the execution of the batch commands, jar files or selenium scripts, etc can be possible in TTA as that of Tricentis Tosca? Am I right in my understanding?



Ashwin Mor.
0 Kudos
Hello Ashwin,


Yes you are right. Requirements, Issues and TestCaseDesign are effectively deactivated in TTA. Same thing for Reporting and TestPlanning.

In TTA you have access to those sections:

  • Modules

  • TestCases

  • Execution

  • Configurations

However, you can use the Test Data Service (TDS) functionality offered with TTA in order to manage your test data. TDS is included in the Tosca Server, which is a separate software that can be dowloaded from SAP. Tosca Server is a web application running on IIS. Interactions between TTA and TDS are provided through a set of dedicated Modules in TTA (part of the standard.tsu subset). You can easily create data, read data, update data etc within your TTA Test Cases.

Do not hesitate to contact me directly in case of further questions.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos
Hi Christian


Thank you for the elaborated information. It's really helpful. Thank you.

Any idea about the execution of the batch commands, jar files or selenium scripts, etc. Is this possible with TTA?



0 Kudos
Hi Ashwin,

No. TTA is not able to perform these tasks.

Only the full version (ECT) is able to handle that.


0 Kudos
Hi Christian

Oh, so we cant execute Selenium scripts, Batch commands, or jar file. Okay understood. Any document where iI could have a look at the features and limitations with TTA?

Thanks for the help.


Ashwin Mor.
0 Kudos

Please have a look at our recent TTA Wiki:

<personal information removed by moderator>


0 Kudos
Thanks for your help, Christian.


0 Kudos
Hi Christian,

thanks for a detailed explanation. I tried to download TTA Tosca, but the file is not available.

I used this link: that was published in the Test Automation for Partners. Could you please provide a link where I can download Tricentis Test Automation for SAP?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Mateusz,

what do you mean by the file is not available?

Could you please provide some details ?


feel also free to contact me directly via email.


0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas,
once I am redirected to Software Downloads page in SAP Launchpad - there are no results for TTATOSCA. I sent you an e-mail with screenshots.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

for everybody interested to learn more about Tricentis Test Automation for SAP:

We have scheduled two webcasts on April 14 and 15, where Nicolas Alech will share a lot of detailed information about Tricentis Test Automation for SAP, about the integration into SAP Solution Manager, the value, the benefits and much more. There will be also room for questions!

Feel free to join us on April 14, 8:30am CET or April 15, 5pm CET to learn more about this exciting topic!

Please check this SAP Support Portal page for downloadable calendar invites.

Best regards,

0 Kudos


"Automated testing of all SAP products without restrictions" - Does this also cover standalone SAP softwares such as Crystal Reports and BEx? I'm assuming this is only possible through SAP ECT or Tosca with UIA or VisionAI engines.


0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas!

What about CBTA? Will be discontinued?

My companies worked creating a lot of test scripts using CBTA integrated with Soldoc.


Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hello Warlei,


CBTA is absolutely NOT discontinued. It is part of all the official roll-out material: CBTA will be supported as long as SAP Solution Manager is supported.

All your investments in CBTA are safe.

For full details, please take a look at this slide deck:

Especially slide/page #6

Best regards
0 Kudos
Thank you Nicolas.
0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas,

Good Evening !!

We are currently trying this new implementation of TTA and integrating along with the existing Solution Manager . After the installation and whilst configurations, I am seeing some issues and  unable to find the SAP Support Component within the SAP Market place relevant to TTA - Could you please guide us on this regards.


Thanks in advance.



Sreeram Arvikar Mohan
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Sreeram Arvikar,

For customer incidents regarding Tricentis Test Automation (TTA), could you please start with component XX-PART-TRI.

Kind regards, John Krakowski
0 Kudos
When does SAP plan to release an updated version of TTA? I see the ECT product version 14.2 patch 2 is available here, while it seems TTA is still at version 13.4; I am sure other customers are using both TTA and ECT and would like to keep Tosca client, server and TTA client all in sync.
Dear Theresa,


I am working on it. I hope to have it done at the end of this week, worst case scenario end of next.

Of course this is my current planning, this is a non-binding statement and there might be last minute changes, but I am trying my best.



0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas,

Do we have to install TTA server ? Can we SAP use cloud based offering ?

Thanks & BR,


Hi Vinod,


the TTA offering that we have today and which is meant to be used with SAP Solution Manager is indeed an on premise solution. So the TTA server indeed needs to be installed and maintained.


Next year we will get a new flavor of the SAP and Tricentis offering which will be really cloud oriented. We expect to offer a TTA cloud version which will integrate with SAP Cloud ALM*.



*This is our planning, it can be changed by SAP at any time, the statements in this message cannot be considered as legally binding.
0 Kudos
hi Theresa,


the new version is available, could you please try to download it and let me know if you can see the new software components?


Thanks and regards

0 Kudos
Thank you Nicolas!

Yes I am able to download; I see patch level 2 for TTA client 14.2 but patch 0 for TTA recorder and server. Is that correct?
0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas,


We are planning to Implement the TTA server on Windows 2019 server is this supported?

As per the below link the I am not seeing the windows version mentioned.




0 Kudos

Hello Nicolas,

We are using TTA with Solution Manager. I understood from earlier conversations that TTA doesn't support Reporting part. we have observed that even Dokusnapper is not supported (No word document generated). What is the possible way of getting an execution report using TTA at test case level or test set level. We are looking for PDF or Word execution report for each test case executed using execution list. Currently we don't see any way of achieving this in TTA? Can you please throw some light on this in-case if we are missing something.



0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas,

Any restrictions to the number of users who can access TTA or access TTA concurrently?



0 Kudos
Hi Rick,


there are no restrictions on the number of users using TTA.



0 Kudos
Many Thanks!
0 Kudos
Do you know if with SAP Solution Manager 7.2, SP14 Focus Build 9 if SAP TTA version 15.0 is likely to be issued? Any schedule date etc?
0 Kudos
HI Nicolas,


Great blog. Appreciate if you can answer the following questions.

  • In Tosca Commander, we do see couple of options for building the test cases. one is 'Scan' option and the other option is 'recording the test case' . What are the considerations to determine when to use scan and when to use recording method ? Please share if you have any insight on this from a best practice perspective.

  • Please provide us if there are any reference documentation available on setting up the multi-user workspace for the test Automation in TTA

  • We noticed that the 'Baseline comparison' feature is greyed out for use in TTA. Please confirm if this is available as part of TTA Free licensing or otherwise. If Base line comparison is not an offering with in TTA Free licensing, is there any other comparison tools available under Free License?

  • We understand that the test case tracking, notifications and other aspects of test management are to be handled with the help of Solution Manager. Please point us to any documentation on the test case management aspects with TTA/solution manager.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards

Sriram Rekapalli
0 Kudos
Hi Rajesh,

SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis 15.0 is going through the premium qualification at this time. It should be available in a couple of weeks.

Once ECT is available, then TTA 15.0 will be made available a few days/weeks later. In short you can expect TTA 15.0 before the end of May (This is a non binding statement and can be changed by SAP, this is just an estimation).

Best regards

0 Kudos
Hi Sriram,

usually the recorder is for beginners and the scanning is for advanced users. After a while using Tosca commander, the users more naturally use the scanning approach.

The multi user workspace has to be setup using a database, all the information can be found in the online help:

The baseline comparison is indeed not part of TTA, I am sorry but I don't know of any other tool doing that "for free"

The SAP Solution Manager configuration is documented here:


Best regards

0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas,

Will there be a minimum Solution Manager Service Pack level requirement for TTA 15.0 when released?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear ALM Community,

Subscribe today to receive the brand-new monthly newsletter for Application Lifecycle Management to conveniently stay informed about the latest news, achievements and opportunities related to SAP’s ALM offerings such as TTA for SAP!

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Your ALM Team
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi nicolas.alech ,

SAP external support mentioned that TTA 15 was release last month, however that is not available for download in the download section you shared. Nor can i find by searching the download section.


Can you please share when can we download the TTA 15 version?

As per the support expert TTA 15 server doesnt require IIS anymore, so this will greatly benefit our green field implementation with low maintenance overhead.



0 Kudos
Hi Nanda,

I am not sure what you mean by SAP external support, but this information is not accurate.

We always release both SAP Enterprise Continuous Testing by Tricentis and TTA together as TTA is a subset of ECT.

ECT 15.0 is currently under validation, as soon as the validation is over we will release ECT 15.0 and then a few weeks later (2-3 weeks max) we will release TTA based on ECT 15.0.

My expectations are that you will be able to download TTA 15.0 in July (but this is not a binding statement, this is just an estimation).

Best regards

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks nicolas.alech

Is there a space we can watch out for new release announcement? Please share.



0 Kudos
Hello Nicolas,


This is great info. We currently use CBTA. Any good reason we should use TTA instead that is included in SolMan license just like CBTA is? I read above that reporting is not included in TTA....Is that referring to testing execution metrics?

What is it that TTA offers and CBTA does not and vice versa. Thank you in advance.
0 Kudos
Hi Sadhna,


I am also the owner of CBTA at SAP, and it has great automation capabilities. Nevertheless the difference is mainly about product coverage. TTA covers much more SAP products and technologies than CBTA.

CBTA, TTA and ECT Product Coverage


You also need to keep in mind that CBTA will not be available with SAP Cloud ALM. There is also (at the moment) no migration planned for the CBTA scripts but there will be for TTA.


I hope that this clarifies the situation.



0 Kudos

Thanks Nicolas for your response and information. One more question I have is, what happens to the existing CBTA scripts if/when we switch to TTA? Can those be converted to TTA scripts? Can both the tools be used simultaneously?

Is CBTA not compatible with Ariba, Concur, sucessfactors?

Thank you!!

0 Kudos
The existing CBTA scripts will have to be turned into scripts of another automation provider. Tricentis or others, there will not be anything automatic provided by SAP for this.


CBTA does not fully support the solutions that you mention. Just look at this blog post in one of the previous comments I added the coverage summary slide.

Best regards


0 Kudos
Hi Nicolas,

as I just recognized, presently the download file ist not available under the provided link, and SAP note 886535 is also not, as it is being updated at the moment. Is there another source to download TTA or do you know, when it will be availyble again? Can you say something about the backgraound?

Best regards

Ferenc Tabori
0 Kudos
Everything is working for me. Could you please let me know exactly which link is not working for you?



0 Kudos
Thank you for your answer! When I click on the link

I am redirected to

I reach the SAP Software Downloads with "TTATOSCA" as search term, but with no matches. When I try to read note

I just get the notification

"SAP Note/KBA 886535 is being updated."

I would be happy if you could provide me with the link to the TTA-download, so I can try to integrate Tosca and SolMan.

Best regards
