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  To best follow this post and try things out yourself, you should:

    1. Have some basic knowledge of the Python programming language (PySpark)


    1. Have a Data Lake instance provisioned and configured. configure the HANA Data Lake File Container.


    1. Have the Instance ID for your Data Lake Instance.


    1. Have access to a Jupyter notebook (io).



Data Lake Files includes a driver which enables access to the file system directly from Spark.   It implements the Hadoop FileSystem interface to allow platforms and applications in the Hadoop ecosystem to work with data lake Files for data storage. In this blog, we will get to see how we can easily configure and establish a connection with HDLFS and see how to write, read and delete a file from within the Files store.


Step 1:  Download the Data Lake Files Spark Driver from:


Step 2: Set up the Connection From Jupyter to HANA Cloud, data lake Files

As part of configuring access to Data Lake Files, you will create a client certificate and key. To communicate with data lake Files from your Jupyter notebook, the client.crt and client.key must be provided in a keystore package, and this package needs to be uploaded onto your Jupyter notebook instance.


Here is an example of how you can generate a Create a. pkcs12 package from your client certificate and key using Openssl:

openssl pkcs12 \

-export \

-inkey </path/to/client-key-file> \

-in </path/to/client-certificate-file> \

-out </path/to/client-keystore.p12> \

-password pass:<password-p12-file> \


This is how it will look in the Command prompt:


Once this is done, the. pkcs12 file will be created in the given path. It will look something like below.  Keep a note of the keystore password, as you will need it later.

Now, we upload the. pkcs12 file and the Spark Driver from HDLFS directory to the Jupyter notebook instance.


Click on the upload arrow, and then upload the 2 files. This will get uploaded to the workbook home.




Step 3: Understand the Code to configure and setup a connection with the HANA Data Lake Files Store

The entire code will be at the "bottom of the post". You can paste it into code blocks in your notebook to execute it.


The below code block shows how to configure and setup a connection with the HANA Data Lake Files Store.


In the following code block, it is explained how to setup the SSL configuration, the Operations config, Driver's configuration and format of the URI.

Note: To reference a particular parameter property, we call the sc.jsc.hadoopConfiguartion().set() to set Sparks Global Hadoop Configuration. “_jsc” is the Java Spark Context which is a proxy into the SparkContext in that JVM.


# ----- ssl configuration ---- it will define the location of the client keystore, the password of the client keystore and the type of the truststore file.


sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.ssl.keystore.location", keystoreLocation)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.ssl.keystore.password", keystorePwd)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.ssl.keystore.type", "PKCS12")


# ----- operations configuration ---- it is going to configure the operations parameters where the CREATE Mode is set to be DEFAULT which will read, write and delete files


sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.operation.create.mode", "DEFAULT")


# ----- driver configuration ---- An implementation of org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem targeting SAP HANA Data Lake Files. To allow Spark to load the driver, specify the configuration parameters to make the system aware of the new hdlfs:// scheme for referring to files in data lake Files.


sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.AbstractFileSystem.hdlfs.impl", "")

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.impl", "")



#--- uri is in format hdlfs://<filecontainer>.<endpointSuffix>/path/to/file ---- Once the driver is known to Spark, files can be referred to by their URI as hdlfs://<files-rest-api-endpoint>/path/to/file.


sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", "hdlfs://" + hdlfsEndpoint)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.filecontainer", filecontainer)


Documentation link for Data Lake Files Driver Configurations for Apache Spark: Data Lake Files Driver Configurations for Apache Spark




The below code block will show us how it uses the hadoop configuration that we setup before to connect and read files (if any) from HDLFS.

See Screenshot:



The additional code block will show how one can Write, Read, and Delete any given file from the Directory.


Step 3: How to Read, Write and Delete a file to the Data Lake File Container

Let’s look at the code block which will show us how to Read a file with PySpark which is present inside the Directory path that we mentioned.


Read a File:

We can read all CSV files from a directory into DataFrame just by-passing directory as a path to the csv () method. delimiter option is used to specify the column delimiter of the CSV file. By default, it is comma (,) character, but can be set to any character like pipe (|)tab (\t)space using this option.


See Screenshot:



Write/Create a file:

The below code block which will show us how to “Write” a file with PySpark inside the Directory path that we mentioned.


See screenshot:



To view the file if it was created in the File Container, one can switch over to DBX and see if the file was created or not. Refer below screenshot.



Delete a File:

In order to delete a file/directory from HDFS we follow similar steps as read and write operation.
For deleting a file, we use - fs.delete(path, true), true will indicate that the file in the path is deleted successfully and false indicates files are not deleted recursively,


Before using the delete function, the Ordersdata.csv is present in the File Container can be viewed in the DBX


After the using the Delete function, the Ordersdata.csv gets deleted from the file container.



The entire code:


import os

#include hdlfs spark driver in pyspark shell

os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] =  '--jars /home/jovyan/work/sap-hdlfs-1.1.9.jar pyspark-shell'

import pyspark 

from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession

from pyspark import SparkContext

sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()

spark = SparkSession(sc)

keystoreLocation = "/home/jovyan/work/mycert.p12";  # ----- the location of the keystore p.12 file in the home directory

keystorePwd = "Password1"; 		         # ----- the password that you entered while creating the keystore file

hdlfsEndpoint = "<your HANA Data Lake Files endpoint>"; # ----- the Rest API Endpoint of the Data Lake instance

filecontainer = "<your HANA Data Lake Files instance ID>"; # ----- This is the Instance ID

# ----- ssl configuration ---

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.ssl.keystore.location", keystoreLocation)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.ssl.keystore.password", keystorePwd)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.ssl.keystore.type", "PKCS12")

# ----- operations configuration ----

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.operation.create.mode", "DEFAULT")

# ----- driver configuration ----

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.AbstractFileSystem.hdlfs.impl", "")

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.impl", "")


# uri is in format hdlfs://<filecontainer>.<endpointSuffix>/path/to/file

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.defaultFS", "hdlfs://" + hdlfsEndpoint)

sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set("fs.hdlfs.filecontainer", filecontainer)


# -- Read the files from the File Container

hadoop =

fs = hadoop.fs.FileSystem

conf = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()

path = hadoop.fs.Path('/')

[str(f.getPath()) for f in fs.get(conf).listStatus(path)]



# -- Read a File

df ='|').csv("/Ordersdata.csv")

# -- Write a File


# -- Delete a File

path = hadoop.fs.Path('/File.csv')

fs.get(conf).delete(path, True)



That’s how one can easily use a Jupyter notebook and Pyspark to easily configure and establish a connection with HDLFS and see how to write, read and delete a file from within the Files store.

Thanks for reading!

Would love to read any suggestions or feedbacks on the blog post. Please do give a like if you found the information useful also feel free to follow me to get information on similar content.


Request everyone reading the blog to also go through the following links for any further assistance. 

SAP HANA Cloud, data lake — post and answer questions here,

and read other posts on the topic you wish to discover here

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hello Ronit, thanks a lot for your interesting blog.
In my case, I'm trying to do the same from Jupyter Lab application in DAP Data Intelligence.
From the Jupyter notebook, I would like to be able to use the HDL file connection I have defined in SAP DI. Would you have example of python code to do that ?
0 Kudos
Looks like you can reference other DI connections using "/external/<connection_id>" in the path.

You can refer the below link
0 Kudos
Hello Ronit,


Do we have any example in Scala-spark or in java for the same? Please let me know.


