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Analysis Office 1.4 Scheduling Addin for BI Platform - Unix version?

0 Kudos

Hi everyone,

We wanted to try the scheduling addin for Analysis Office on the BI Platform and I was looking to download the required addin as mentioned here:

However, it seems that download is only for a BI Platform Server von Windows, I also looked around in the Service Marketplace, but do not seem to be able to find a version for BI Platform Servers on Unix, more specifically Linux, as we are using a Linux server here.

Did I simply miss something or are the versions of the addin for other operating systems not done yet? Anybody an idea when we can expect them?

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Former Member
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Hi Boman,

No you did not miss something currently you need at least one windows node for scheduling.

Maybe someone from SAP can give an ETA on AIX and Linux

Active Contributor
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Yes - Michael is right

Please see Ingo Hilgefort's blog on scheduling  - scroll down to the bottom for the restrictions

0 Kudos

Thanks guys, I hope a Linux version is in development and will be released quickly, we would really like to test this out, as we badly want to this functionality to work.

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