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BTP Launchpad managed approuter to service with self signed certificate



we are currently struggling with the requirement to call an external service secured via Basic Authentication that uses a self signed HTTPS certificate.

As that should happen from the browser, we created a destination like this:

and after the user enters his/her credentials on the UI, we send such an ajax request from our UI5 application:

url: serverPrefix+ "/<some-path>",
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
crossDomain: true,
headers: {
"Authorization": "Basic " + window.btoa(sUsername + ":" + sPassword)

We know that "TrustAll=true" should not be used but we tried to upload a truststore (.jks as well as .p12) but could not even upload such a file:

But the ajax request fails even with TrustAll=true, and if we look into the Error log of the managed approuter, we see that the approuter fails:

GET request to /e0aad355-cce8-43fc-b695-000000000000.some.thing/~051022125238+0000~/service/<some-path>?activeonly=true 
completed with status 502 error while forwarding request to https://<server>/api/<some-path>?activeonly=true:
self signed certificate in certificate chain

So our questions are:

  1. do we miss something regarding the destination? Does somebody have an example of a destination using a custom truststore?
  2. Do we have to configure the managed approuter in some way to use a truststore? Can this even be achieved?
  3. Can we access more logs from the managed approuter apart from the csv download via the Launchpad Service UI -> Settings -> Error Log?
  4. Can we even pass an "Authorization" header via an ajax request over the managed approuter to the destination and do we have to configure the managed approuter for that?

Thanks in advance,

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