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connect to a hyperscaler postgresql-db in a different org


Hi experts,

we created an instance of the “postgresql-db” (“PostgreSQL, hyperscaler option”, plan "standard") service in a subaccount/org, lets call it “A”, on the Cloud Foundry BTP Platform. I can connect to the database running a node.js application in the same org/space or using a ssh tunnel on my local machine just fine.

But am I able to connect to the database from an application running in a space of a different org “B”? I created a “Service Key”, in org “A”, and imported this key in a space of org “B” via “Instances -> Create -> User-Provided Service Instance”.

My node.js application can read the properties of this key, but fails to connect to the database. Also it fails if I try to connect via

psql -h <hostname> -p <port> “dbname=<dbname> user=<username> sslrootcert=<> sslmode=verify-ca

on my local machine, like described in the help portal, with the parameters of the “Service Key”:

Can you guide me in the right direction? Is it even possible to connect to a postgres database instance when the client is not part of the org the postgres instance is running in.

Here is a quick drawing:

Error in node.js module "pg":

Error: connect ETIMEDOUT at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1137:16) {
  errno: 'ETIMEDOUT',
  code: 'ETIMEDOUT',
  syscall: 'connect',
  address: '',
  port: 2407

Best regards

Hi, postgresql-db instance can be accessed only by the application running in the same cf-org/subaccount. There are org/space scoped security rules which allow service instance accessibility only from the same org.

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Hi nishtha.srivastava,

Thank you very much for this helpful information! That takes me a great step further …

Have a nice day ….

Best regards

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